Some of you were sending me links to a recent video by RFK Jr. It was published on YouTube and probably other platforms. Let me know if you've seen it. I’ll cut to the chase because I don’t have time for fluff, and I know you don’t either.
If you've been following along, you might've seen RFK's latest video. Yes, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—the guy who wants to usher in a new era of medicine and somehow “fix” the system by expanding and funding it more. Spoiler alert: he’s not.
Here’s the punchline right off the bat: He said, "I'm not going to take away anybody's vaccine who wants a vaccine, I'm just going to make them safer for everyone."
What do you think about them apples?
CLIP: RFK JR says, "I'm Going to Make Vaccines Safer for Everyone!" (10:48)
He also began by saying, "Since I decided to run as an independent candidate for the presidency, one of the issues people seem most confused about is my position on vaccines. So today, I'm going to set the record straight." Okay, that's awesome—he's using the title of my video, which is called RFK Jr. Sets the Record Straight. I have a compilation of a few interviews, maybe half a dozen, where he says very clearly and emphatically, "I am pro-vaccine. I have always been fiercely pro-vaccine. People think I’m anti-vaccine, but I'm not."
Some of you said I "misconstrued" it, but it’s clear as day! RFK Jr. proclaiming himself as pro-vax right here:
The Healthy Americans are making positive waves of change, pushing back against this confusion or misdirection. Some of you have said, "Oh, he’s changed his position." Well, in my video here, I share the transcript with you and read from his words verbatim — and now I am going to set the record straight with my commentary on his troubling double speak and narratives.
Vaccines Have Side Effects (No Kidding!)
RFK Jr begins, "So let’s begin with my first point, which is probably the most controversial: vaccines have side effects, just like every other drug. This should not be controversial, but it is. When I’m asked about this on television, it usually sounds something like this: ‘You said that no vaccine is safe and effective’ or ‘there’s no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective. Do you still believe that?’"
Let’s make our first stop here—he’s putting those words together again: safe and effective. I’ve done previous videos about the CDC and FDA using those words over and over. It’s a brainwashing technique by these government agencies and the mainstream media. It’s a narrative they’re pushing so people put those words together subconsciously.
I take issue with sandwiching those two words together. Some things can’t be made safe. Poison is one of them.
Next, he says, "I think some of the live virus vaccines are probably averting more problems than they’re causing." All right, so he’s in favor of some of the live virus vaccines. Those are HIS words.
In a nutshell he basically believes just because some people get harmed, doesn’t mean vaccines aren’t good.” Wait. WHAT? So, as long as the collateral damage isn’t too high, we’re good? No, Bobby. People get hurt, period.
CLIP: RFK Jr. Mandating Vaccines (10:18)
He goes on to say "There’s no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective. What I’ve been saying for 20 years is that there is no such thing as a vaccine that is safe and effective for everyone.”
Okay, friends, I know I’m an English teacher—that’s called a qualifier. If he had ended his phrase with "there's no such thing as a vaccine that is safe and effective," I probably would have agreed with him. But he didn’t, and it leaves us with a lottery ticket of "Hey, I’ll just play Russian roulette and see if maybe it will be safe and effective for me."
Restoring Confidence in Corruption? No Thanks!
Then he says, "Just like every drug on the market, vaccines have side effects that severely injure and kill some people." That’s another qualifier. But get ready for this: he starts applauding Deborah Birx. Yes, the same Dr. Birx who was part of the COVID task force.
He says, "Even she is joining this call for action." Why? Because they need people to come forward who have had reactions.
This is very important. I’ve been telling you about this—one of his narratives is to restore confidence in the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and all of these government agencies. I’ve done videos and Substacks where I dive deep into this troubling issue because, number one, how do you restore confidence when you never had it? Number two, using the phrase "restoring confidence" plants a seed in your mind to think, "Yeah, I should have confidence in these agencies." And if we’re restoring it, that means probably my granddaddy believed in them, and I’m the one who doesn’t. So, let's restore the confidence! I reject this entire narrative.
In his interview debate with Alan Dershowitz, RFK Jr. said his number one priority is to restore confidence in these federal agencies like the CDC, FDA and NIH. Well, my number one priority is to shrink these agencies. Right? A snake is a snake is a snake, my friends. Leopards don’t change their spots. Do you suddenly think these agencies are not going to be corrupt? I just did a video showing that the guy who was head of FDA compliance for 20 years went on to the board at AstraZeneca. It’s a revolving door. Let’s get real here, friends. No one is going to clean up these agencies so we definitely don’t need expanded government.
His point is that the agencies aren’t doing a good job. Do you think that’s true? Do you think they can be cleaned up? Do you think a leopard changes its spots? He says, "We got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem with the shots because they were afraid it would cause people not to get the shots. For years, we’ve been told that vaccines have been studied extensively, but Dr. Birx knows this is not true."
All right, here’s his other narrative. He’s got the narrative that 1. only some people are injured by these, so they’re only harmful to some people, and we should research to see who is harmed. His other narrative is that 2. we need to increase confidence in the CDC so that the next time they tell you to get a jab, you’ll trust them.
I know you’re smart enough to connect the dots here. I can see right through it—it’s like a billboard with flashing lights. I don’t fall for any of these narratives.
Why the Obsession with Trying to Make Poison “Safer”??
His next narrative is that we need more vaccine studies. No, we don’t need more studies. We need no more studies, and we need no more shots. That’s where I stand. Why is the government involved in it? It doesn’t even make sense. Well, I guess the government is involved in so many things you can’t even get a haircut without the government licensing the barber. It’s ridiculous how involved the government is in our business.
Think about it clearly, friends — More testing means:
👉 More vaccinations administered
👉 More children, animals and adults harmed in the meantime
👉 More money (many millions in fact) going to Big Pharma, Granny Gates and others who BENEFIT from vaccine testing
But here’s RFK again, pushing for more testing, which means more shots, which means more harm. More testing also means millions, if not billions, of dollars lining the pockets of AstraZeneca and others who are getting your money. Yes, your money—yours from your tax dollars that are stolen out of your paycheck and your Social Security every month. They’re getting your money to continue and expand—which is what RFK Jr. is saying. I don’t want to expand anything. I want to shrink the whole thing! What about you?
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