He knows the truth. For about a minute he spoke the truth. I talked to him in person several years ago and I know he understood. Then he became thoroughly corrupted by first, the people close to him, including his wife, his advisors like Bigtree, and then Big Pharma itself. He became so frightened of being called an ANTIVAXXER he hardly knew what to do with himself. The vaccine zealots scared the crap out of him and he ran away from the facts as fast as he could. Pushing to test poison on babies, children, teenagers, adults, and animals? And asserting these people must risk their lives to prove a poison is safe? A third grader can see the fallacy of this ridiculous stance. He founded Children's Health Defense that fights tooth and nail to keep pesticides, food additives, and toxic poisons out of our environment and water to protect babies and children. Meanwhile, maintaining that the massive amount of toxic chemicals that are ingredients in vaccines can be made perfectly safe by harming/killing test subjects is so incredibly idiotic I run out of words to express my disgust and revulsion. When someone is ignorant of the facts and proclaims their belief in vaccines that is one thing. When someone who most certainly is aware of the uselessness and danger of vaccines and defends them and wants to foist them on millions of people, that is pure evil with a whole lot of cowardice thrown in.

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Vaccines are a soft kill. A way to make us sick and not directly linking the sick to the jabs. Separate us from our wealth before doing us in with poor medical care. Auto immune diseases were rare before mass vaccines. Now look at what they have done to God's children. Autism, auto immune diseases, cancers (SV40), take your pick. I turned off the TV 9 years ago and God woke me 4 years ago. This is all principalities and Satan. There are only two sides, us and them and they are not on our side. Pray for the ones you love and pray for the truth tellers!

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Aren't there suits now based on the manufactuers misleading (lying) about their product. I want Kennedy to come out and say the CDC will be disbanned along with all the others agencies guilty distributing these poisons. Many need to go to jail.

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Yes red lights!

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He’s a fraud. Or, maybe you prefer con artist. Seriously. I’m censored on his platform. He’s just an actor.

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You have been spot-on from the beginning, Peggy! I recently watched an interview by Tucker Carlson with RFK jr and he wants to restore trust in vaccines and CDC, etc. NO, NO, NO, I pray he is not allowed to “run” anything in health as I feel it will be worse than now. That being said, I believe he has done some good in researching negative effects of vaccines in children, but I’ve come to the conclusion we should each have freedom to choose yea or nay on shots and medical treatment without coercion and without having to provide exemption. Keep bringing truth to light, Peggy! I appreciate your questioning, your research, your freedom pursuing, and what you think about all that is happening.

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Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Michelle!

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Only because of a deep interest in health coupled with advanced science education, did I figure out over 30 years ago the truth about the Vaxs. Long before the mRNA Quaxs were conceived or released. RFK has outed himself... We may be watching theatre but this evidence is compelling.

All of them are extremely harmful, anyone thinking otherwise is a fool.

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Thanks Peggy - brilliant and illuminating not just on RFK's position, but on the whole pharma/medical/vaccine/vivisection/depopulation tyranny that has its claws deep in the flesh of the American people....

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Smoking gun evidence. None are safe, none are effective, all are harmful.

He is advocating the "fix it from within" approach. There is no evidence that this could possibly work but in any case is not remotely efficient.

Make America Healthy Again, yeah right, as if it ever were...

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Very well stated, thank you!

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Sure he is… not,

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I think you are completely right. RFK uses double-speak, like a politician.

I will not take any vaccination now I know how dangerous they are.

BUT the next one they are planning -for monkeypox - will be engineered for transmission to those of us who have chosen NOT to get it! Pretty soon they will be dropping them from chemtrails - if they aren't already.

So I think that the suggestion of RFK being our health guru will make me very alert to new techniques of government illicit persuasion. Thanks for the heads-up!

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Absolutely. The CDC/FDA/NIH/et al. should not only be shrunk, but shrunk right out of existence.

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defunded in the stroke of a pen

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Sorry to say but no one has proven to me yet that any vaccine anyone has ever taken has been safe!!

Phoney baloney - ( I'm trying to be nice ) - all vaccines are, to be polite, horse manure!!

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