Lately, the buzz in my inbox has been nonstop about the Trump/RFK Jr. alliance. Some folks are even tossing around the idea that Kennedy could head up the CDC, the FDA, or even become the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
First off, let me be clear: I have many RFK supporters in my audience, and I'm not here to tell you who to vote for. My goal is to pursue the truth, particularly for those of you in favor of this potential alliance. It's crucial to ask the hard questions—just like I am.
Remember: when I question the candidates, I’m not “going after” anyone — I’m going after the TRUTH!
I listened to RFK Jr’s presentation when he said he was “suspending his campaign” in battleground states so that any votes for him would not harm Trump.
In my recent video here I read from the transcript of Kennedy’s speech and I share my concerns with his statements.
RFK JR he mentions his father and his uncle (former president JFK) several times, as if to elevate his own position by association with these well-known Democrat politicians. RFK Jr is clearly proud of his family's legacy. But if you're not entirely sure what that legacy stands for, it might be time to dig a little deeper. The Kennedy family is historically associated with big government—something I fundamentally oppose. I believe in small government and individual liberties. In my view, the government is often the cause of many of our problems, not the solution.
Many of you have seen my previous videos where I showed a compilation of Kennedy's own statements on vaccines. He’s said many times that he is "fiercely pro-vaccine." Some of you claimed I took his words out of context, but these are his exact words, and I've provided links to the full interviews.
So, if he says he's fiercely pro-vaccine, why are you doubting him? Is he lying or trying to deceive you? It's up to you, as his supporter, to figure out where he truly stands.
The video below is a must-see, as it is a lesson in critical thinking. In other words, you’ll see how I analyze Kennedy’s words and dig deeper to ask clarifying questions. If YOU are a Kennedy supporter (or even if you’re not) you’ll want to have these questions answered, just as I do.
My Questions for Kennedy
Let me state from the outset that RFK Jr has definitely raised awareness about vaccine injuries. Parents who might never have known about the link between vaccines and damage to the nervous system, life-long side effects like autism, immune disorders, allergies, learning disabilities and so much more are waking up to these horrors. So Kennedy’s work in raising awareness of vaccine injuries definitely gets a round of applause, wouldn’t you say?
But I believe he doesn’t go far enough. Here are the questions I would ask him:
Why the Focus on Vaccine Safety?
Kennedy talks a lot about "vaccine safety." But why not focus on the harms, dangers, and side effects? Some say this is how he gets around censorship, but I’d like to hear him explain that himself.Where's the Push to Repeal Heinous Laws?
Kennedy's website gives little attention to repealing the 1986 law that removed liability for pharmaceutical companies. This law created a vaccine court with a mere $250,000 cap for damages—an amount that's woefully inadequate for families affected by vaccine injuries. Why isn’t he fighting to repeal this?Why Advocate for More Vaccine Testing?
Kennedy has called for expanded safety testing for childhood vaccines. But what does that really mean? Who are the guinea pigs (*cough* children? *cough*), and how reliable are the results from these pharmaceutical companies?What do you mean by “Restore Confidence in Regulatory Agencies?”
Kennedy talks about "restoring confidence" in agencies like the CDC and FDA. But did we ever have confidence in them to begin with? I never did. And why doesn’t he ever mention that his uncle, JFK, was the one who got the ball rolling with the childhood pin-cushion programs through his initiation of federal government assistance for vaccine programs in public schools?How Do You Define Democracy, and Why Don’t You Refer to it Correctly as a Constitutional Republic?
Kennedy frequently mentions "democracy" but rarely talks about our constitutional republic. Does he understand the difference? A pure democracy lacks the guardrails that a constitutional republic provides, and those guardrails are crucial to protecting our freedoms. I’ve heard you refer to it as a constitutional democracy, or something similar, but you didn’t refer to it as a constitutional republic—I know that for sure. So, why? Why are you so reluctant to use that phrase? Now, I’m not going to assume you’re using the word “democracy” like a socialist, because socialists love to use that word—it’s kind of a step toward socialism. So, I’m asking you directly: Why do you keep using the word “democracy,” and why don’t you talk about restoring our freedom, our constitutional republic, or our Constitution?Another question I have for Kennedy is about funding. Which pharmaceutical companies have donated to his campaign or the Children’s Health Defense? In 2022, the Children’s Health Defense received $22.5 million in contributions. How much of that came from pharmaceutical companies? And how can we trust the information coming from an organization funded by the very companies it claims to oppose?
Clip: Children's Health Defense, New COO Andrew Pek, Former Consultant/Pfizer Exec Global Innovation

In his recent speech announcing his alliance with Trump, Kennedy mentioned democracy over a dozen times but only mentioned freedom a few times. He spoke about the war on children and the war in Ukraine, but didn’t touch on the situation in Israel. Why the selective outrage? Is there a reason he’s avoiding certain topics?
Another glaring omission in Kennedy’s speech: He didn’t even mention vaccines—only chronic illness generally. This raises a critical question. Why did he choose to leave this out of the discussion? Is this a deliberate attempt to shift focus, or is there another reason behind his silence on such a pivotal issue?
Who’s Responsible for our Health? My concern is: Why are you placing so much emphasis on the government’s intrusion and giving them the responsibility to do something about children and their health? You talk about antidepressants, mental health diagnoses, and ultra-processed sugar, and trust me, I agree that children are unhealthier than ever and are probably being prescribed medications excessively. But I don’t agree that this is the government’s issue. I don’t agree with expanding government. I don’t agree with more of our tax dollars going to the government. I don’t agree with testing on children or innocent animals.
Saving Children—But What About the Unborn?
You said you couldn’t look yourself in the mirror if you refused the opportunity to join Trump, knowing that you could have saved the lives of countless children and reversed this country’s chronic disease epidemic. That’s a pretty tall order—I love optimism. But then you said, “Even if there’s a small chance of saving these kids, ultimately, the only thing that will save our country and our children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other.” And that’s why you launched your campaign to unify America.
You mentioned saving children at least seven times, democracy about 12 times, your uncle and father half a dozen times, but zero times did you mention vaccines, the right to medical choices, or the right to refuse medical interventions. And here's the big one: You never mentioned abortion.
You talk about saving children as the number one priority, saying that the only thing that will save our country and children is if we choose to love our kids more than we hate each other. So, Bobby, why are you in favor of abortion? Why don’t you speak out vehemently and vigorously against the worst actions of all—taking the lives of these innocent children? I’d like to know because you yourself said the number one thing that will save our country and children is if we choose to love our kids more than anything else.
These are many of the questions I’m asking, and I encourage you to ask them too.
Read Next:
My questions for Kennedy
Why do you censor my comments on your CHD platform?
Why do you prohibit debate on the disproven germ hypothesis?
Why do you feature fear porn (e.g., lab leak, gain of function)?
Why did you throw Roger Waters under the bus?
Was it fun supporting Hillary instead of Bernie the first time? Second time?
Did you make a deal with Hillary and the DNC?
Peggy, as someone who has been a full-throated Kennedy supporter, I have the same questions you do. I have assumed, for the purpose of maintaining my focus, that he could not discuss his "real" positions on Vaccines and on what goes on in Gaza, for fear that he would trigger the pushback that taking such positions would entail, scuttling his opportunity to make real change once he is in office.
My evidence for the Vaccine argument is his book The Real Anthony Fauci, which makes clear that vaccines were largely introduced AFTER the diseases they purport to treat were on the wane. He has written forwards for books by Brian Hooker, and Judy Mikovitz that make clear his suspicion of the entire vaccine enterprise.
Regarding Gaza, his grandfather joe and his uncle Jack were not at all pro Israel, and there is some evidence that disputes with Israel over their work on getting an A Bomb in the early 60's put his uncle in direct opposition to the Israeli government, that could have inspired them to assist in his assassination (motive). Meyer Lansky, the mafia boss at the time, a big Israeli supporter and Jacob Rubenstein , AKA Jack Ruby, were peole who could supply the "muscle" for such an operation (means). See Laurent Guyenot's Kennedy and the Unspeakable Truth. RFK, Jr. is most certainly aware of this information, but he is not likely to want to talk openly about it. First, it smacks of "Conspiracy Theory" still an effective smear in this country. Second, it could be genuinely bad for his health.
With regard to the constitution, he has been a full-throated supporter of our constitutional liberties during this campaign, and throughout COVID.
In summary, your questions are all great, and I share them. RFK, Jr. has done more to bring health and freedom issues to the political discourse than anyone else. I feel I have no choice but to do what I can to help him rise to political power and see if my faith in him is well placed. I recognize that there is a leap of faith there. Time will tell.