I’m still celebrating! This video (below) was filmed just about 24 hours out from some seriously exciting news—Andrew Do, the Public Serpent and Public Enemy Number One of Orange County, has finally pled guilty to felony bribery and corruption charges. Can we talk about how long overdue this is? Sure, it’s a slap on the wrist for now, but I’m about to dig into what this guy is really guilty of. And, with my reputation for relentless truth-telling and my role as the honorary whistleblower in this case, I’m marching this all the way to Heaven. Let justice be served—let’s talk life in prison, where he truly belongs!
I’m including some gems from videos I did back in 2020 — yes, TWENTY/TWENTY! Because I’ve been sounding the alarm since the beginning! Feeling so vindicated right now, and I couldn't be more grateful for all of you who’ve been with me in this fight.
Note: I’ll include the full transcript of my testimony below for you to read in its entirety.
Here’s the backstory on this video, which serves as clear evidence of my testimony that I put this board on notice all the way back in 2020. The footage you're about to see is from September 29th, 2020, and as I recorded this video update, it’s October 23rd, 2024—nearly five years of what I call hogwash. Notice the two empty seats in the video? These board members literally got up and walked out while we—the people—were waiting to testify.
Fast forward to today: Andrew Do has resigned in disgrace, and those two individuals are no longer on the board. And, just to note, all three—Andrew Do, Lisa Bartlett, and Michelle Steel—are of Asian descent. Bartlett and Steel are Korean, and Do is Vietnamese. While I love when immigrants come to this country for freedom, I can’t stand if they try to usurp our way of life. Michelle Steel is now serving in Congress, while Andrew Do is, well, going down just as he should.
Now, you have the right to go in front of your elected representatives, air your grievances, and give opinions or statements on different agenda items. They are supposed to represent us, so if we’re all asking for fried chicken, why are they bringing us burritos? It doesn’t make sense—they're supposed to do the will of we the people.
Hundreds—sometimes thousands—of us would show up to these meetings. I had to edit this testimony for my YouTube channel so it wouldn’t get a strike, because, let’s face it, some of the truths I was dropping were too hot for this platform to handle. But the core message remains intact. Four years ago, this is what I was saying:
“There are five people on the Board of Supervisors, and one has their chair turned away from me, one chair is empty, and the others have their heads down. I'm just stating that for the record. The rest of the people in that body have their heads down—they're looking at a computer, their cell phones, or something else. It's very disrespectful to those who have come here.
When I came here, I had one enduring question: why do you persist in breaking the law? You know there's no emergency. Dr. Chow knows there's no emergency. The governor himself said there's no emergency, which is why he issued this California Playbook, which is called Reopening in Emergency Management. There's a pre-emergency situation where you prepare, then there's the actual emergency—like an earthquake, a hurricane, a fire, or a flood. Then there's the recovery. We're in the recovery stage by the governor's own edict. He issued the emergency order, and I spoke with your, uh, County Counsel about this on more than one occasion.
There was an executive order that came out on May 7th which superseded the state of emergency. We are not in a state of emergency, and there is no local health emergency. I've been an educator for 30 years. I'm the former Director of Teacher Education at UC Irvine, so I always go back to education.
My supervisor Bartlett, I called your office twice. Twice they told me, 'We're not really up on the law.' Well, I'm going to get you up on the law. You are violating these laws. Federal law 18 Code 1038—False Information and Hoaxes. Providing false information, like Dr. Chow is, and misleading information, like you all are, related to biological hazards—that is a felony. When somebody dies, like they have in these nursing homes, it carries a life sentence in prison. I don't need to remind you that the Sheriff of Los Angeles is behind bars. I have a list of a dozen public officials in the last year alone in California who are behind bars. You guys are not above the law.
There is another federal code, 1040—Fraud in Connection with Major Disaster or Emergency Benefits. There is no local emergency. You’re doing this to take the emergency funds. You know it, I know it, and we, the people, know it. I said it in 2020—you’re doing this to take the emergency funds. I know it, you know it, and we, the people, know it."
I said it in 2020! And now the FBI knows it, the Department of Justice knows it, and, guess what? Andrew “Dodo Bird” knows it too, because he pled guilty to funneling money to his cronies—the frauds, fakes, and phonies who’ve been running these shell game companies to launder cash. I was onto it from day one. I’ve made many, many, many appearances on this issue, and that particular testimony is just one I wanted to share with you.
This clip is from the same Board of Supervisors meeting, but this time, it’s right after I gave my testimony. I’m outside, still fired up, and giving a quick rundown on the laws these guys are blatantly breaking. It’s just a few minutes long, but I wanted to share it and the transcript for you so you can get a clear summary of the nonsense that’s been going on.
Here’s the transcript of my exact words in 2020 (edited for brevity):
“Did you know that there is a federal law, and it is 18 U.S.C. § 1038, and it is about false information and hoaxes? Yes, there actually is a federal law where you go to prison if you provide false information or misleading information relating to biological hazards. Isn't that incredible how specific that is — related to biological hazards and conducting hoaxes? And do you know who enforces this law? The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. And the penalty is life in prison.
And there are plenty of public officials that are, in fact — I’ve got a whole list of like 12 just here in California. These are public officials in California that are guilty and behind bars. You know, the former Sheriff of Los Angeles — he's behind bars. No one is above the law. Okay? And the penalty is life in prison.
Then, did you know there is another federal law? It's 18 U.S.C. § 1040 and that is fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency benefits. And that's what's happening here. They're declaring an emergency in order to get money. So, that's fraudulent, and the penalty here is 30 years in prison.
I'm up on the law, and I just showed them all the laws. I'm going to email my comments in writing, and I’m going to do a video so that you, friends, can copy the information and share it with your Board of Supervisors or County Commissioners or whatever you call them in your area because these federal laws apply to everyone. And it would be horrible to be in prison. I just think that would be — what a waste of your life.
So, let's see — life in prison plus 30 years, and they're going to be there a long time. Now, there are other laws here. In California, Government Code 8630, calling for a local emergency when there isn’t one — that’s actually against the law. When you proclaim an emergency and there isn't one, that’s against the law. They violated that as well. I schooled them on that. And also the Health and Safety Code in California, 101080 — this body right here that I was speaking to, the Board of Supervisors, is required by law to proclaim the termination of the local emergency at the earliest possible date. Okay? We're like eight or nine months in, and this whole thing is ridiculous. The thing is, where they're wrong is that they think they're above the law. They think that they are going to have immunity because of this fake emergency. But they're not, because there is no emergency. If there's no emergency, then the emergency law doesn’t apply.
Also, in California, there’s a law for fraud — Penal Code 504. So, public officers, when they fraudulently use any public property or funds — and they are using these funds fraudulently — they should also be charged in the state of California for this violation of the law. They are using these funds to put up billboards to tell you to stay six feet apart. Oh my gosh, the list of laws that they’re breaking is unbelievable. Oh, here it is again — California Penal Code 148.3. It’s the California statute that makes it a crime for a person to make a false report of an emergency. And the funny thing is, when I called — and I have many more, but those are some of the highlights — when I called my Board of Supervisor, Supervisor Bartlett — Lisa Bartlett — more than once, when I called her office and I talked to the Chief of Staff and the Assistant Chief of Staff, they told me — they literally said these words: 'You know, we're not really up on the law.' You’re not up on the law!? Oh, even though you’re a lawmaking body, you’re not up on the law! So guess what? I’m up on the law.
What a waste. You knew that today they have the chance right now to vote to terminate this health emergency. That’s why they’ve met. So, the health officer presents the information — or lack of information, really, there's no information. Um, there's no data, there's no evidence that this is an emergency. So, they are bound by law.
Okay, here are a couple of other laws. And then also, under Article 8630 of the California Emergency Services Act, the governing body shall proclaim the termination of the local health emergency. Now, we’ve been on to them for several months. They persist in breaking the law. And they persist in breaking the law because they’re either ignorant, incompetent, or intentionally duplicitous — which means they are intentionally doing this for their own gain. Maybe they think that they’re going to get political favors or what have you, but what they’re actually going to get is a jumpsuit and a prison cell. So, you know, God created us to have consequences for our actions. And, um, there are going to be some consequences here.”
It would be downright terrible to end up in prison, and that’s the choice Andrew Do made. He knowingly and repeatedly defrauded the public, and ideally, he’s headed for the slammer. What a waste of a life!
But let me take a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come. Can you believe it’s been over four years? It’s truly incredible that I’ve persisted this long, and I owe it all to you, my Healthy Americans! Your prayers, support, and encouragement have fueled me every step of the way.
As we wrap up, I want to share a couple of your comments. Thank you for standing with me as I’ve marched this journey all the way to Heaven. I plan to release a few more videos as new information comes to light, so stay tuned!
I love Larry’s comment — And it’s true! I’m even fighting for the felons, the frauds, the fakes, and the phonies. I’m standing up for our rights and freedoms, defending them for everyone, including those public serpents who’ve been brought in to fight against me—those attorneys. I genuinely want to reach out to them, but since this is still an active lawsuit, I’ll just say this: what I’m saying now is exactly what I outlined in my lawsuit.

This is exactly what the FBI declared and I am so grateful that perhaps I was the honorary whistleblower! They still dismissed my case as moot, but I'm grateful that at the very least I was able to get the ball rolling. Now this Do-do is out of custody and I wouldn't be surprised if he is on a boat back to Vietnam where he came from, but I hope he gets locked up!
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Oh Peggy, I am so proud of you that I can hardly stand it! "Vengence is Mine" says the Lord; and when He lives in us, WE get to participate! Bless you, mighty warrior. This is only the beginning. Nationwide. Worldwide. Amen.
Bartlett and Steele must be shaking and quaking as the walls close in.
They are in quicksand... Criminals are being outed as they should and must be.
We know Who is the governor of Discernment!