Orange County Corruption Goes Even Deeper
A deeper dive into another troubling contract in OC, scrutinizing the lack of information in Do's daughter's "non-profit" and a message of hope amidst corruption
I followed up on my previous coverage of Andrew Do’s corruption and it turns out that this corruption in Orange County goes even deeper. It’s like the grift that keeps on grifting.
In the video above, I show another troubling contract that funneled hundreds of thousands of taxpayer money to an unqualified group. This revelation goes beyond the recent controversies surrounding Do's allocation of millions in Covid funds to the non-profit "Viet America Society," co-founded by Do's 22-year-old daughter and Peter Pham. In fact, this exposes the relationship between Andrew Do and Peter Pham traces back to 2015 — predating the questionable dealings with Pham’s Viet America Society.
Going back to Do's tenure as Chief of Staff to another Vietnamese Supervisor, funds were allocated to a unqualified group that Pham was involved in for the construction of statues in Little Saigon.
As the Voice of OC reported they “pushed through a contract with an entity that had no idea what’s in the contract, had no idea what they’re supposed to do under the contract, had no experience doing what the contract wanted them to do, had no experience handling that kind of money, and conveniently is not subject to any kind of check and balance by the taxpayers.”
Warner Wellness: A Million Dollar Question Mark
By the way, I also looked into Do’s daughter’s “non-profit” Warner Wellness…
Let me know if you think what they are doing is worth $6+ million dollars. Their mission and impact is unclear. There are no details about any programs or projects, the website just says “whats new? coming soon.” There are no financial statements, annual reports or any sort of breakdown about how the funds are used. There is zero information on their board of directors or leadership team. The “about us” page is very vague with references to their “leaders within the Vietnamese and Asian/Pacific Islander (API) communities.” Who are those leaders? Who is part of the team? What experience do they have? I also don’t see a privacy policy or any terms and conditions on the website anywhere.

If you want the deep dive on the latest scandal with Andrew Do, read my previous article linked below.
With all the unending corruption, I want to end on a positive note. I received a message from a Healthy American in Florida which serves as a reminder that vigilant citizens can stand against corruption and foster godly governance.
Precious Peggy~
You are a bright light in your area (and now the world), shining truth and bringing the hope of justice to more than you can possibly imagine.
We live in the North Central Florida city of Ocala, county seat of Marion County. I want to encourage you that it is possible to have a city and county filled with Godly public SERVANTS. We are blessed to be the the largest conservative county in Florida, and as you know, that comes with the price of constant prayer and vigilance. We stood down, 3 years ago, an attempt by the National Board Chairman of CAIR, Manal Fakhoury, to become our mayor. That was our wakeup call!
However, the conservatives in our area came together in prayer and action and Manal was soundly defeated; much to the surprise of the global muslem (spelling intentional) and far left agenda supporting and financing her. We have, through the years, prayed for and rallied a very strong Christian conservative city council, county commission, sheriff and police chief. We STAY vigilant through constantly monitoring their various meetings AND, probably most importantly, establishing respectful and trustworthy relationships with the city and county administrators and their STAFFS. My husband says that the major problem in government is STAFF INFECTION.
I wanted to encourage you. Our city and county are not perfect, but they are prosperous and every newcomer wants to be "the last one across the city/county line." It is a full time job guarding it, but Godly governance is possible. Our deepest prayer for our area is that God brings all evil to light so that it can be exposed and brought to justice. We are not deceived or stupid; MUCH lurks beneath the surface or any area.
You and your team are doing that. God will produce and bless the fruit of your labors, dear Warrior. Amen.
Ever in Awe of Him, Deb
Great work, Peggy; we need to keep sharing this and expose the corruption.
So forwarding this to OC Sherriff's office, OC Prosecutor, FBI, or something won't have him, his daughter and everyone else in jail by the end of the week? And one can assume the "no" votes from Wagner & Chaffee suggests they may be involved in "innapropriate" dealings.