Today's hot topic is whether we should be tapping our feet impatiently or sitting on our hands while "Bob" (RFK Jr.) settles into his role as HHS Secretary.
I've titled this video & substack "Let the Man Work" – not because that's my stance, but because it's the rallying cry from several corners of the health freedom movement.
In my video linked above, I dived into several examples of this mentality, including a Substack from Dr. Elizabeth Vliet entitled "Time to be patient…Give our new Administration time to work!" Dr. Vliet suggests we pump the brakes on our concerns – even as parents follow Bob's health guidance for their children to become human pin-cushions.
I also dived into comments from Charlene and Ty Bollinger – whom I've met personally and found quite amiable. Let me be clear: It’s likely these are well-intentioned people. They’ve apparently spent years battling pharmaceutical harms, and their hearts seem to be in the right place, but good intentions and good analysis don't always go hand in hand – and that's where my perspective differs on "letting Bob work."
Several viewers forwarded me the Bollinger’s Twitter thread "Unpacking the Lies You've Been Fed" – apparently defending Bob's inaction.
But what about Bob's own words?
His Senate confirmation hearings where he plainly stated, "I support an uptake in vaccines," and "I recommend parents and children follow the CDC vaccine schedule." Words that stand in stark contrast to what many expected from his appointment.
In fact, here’s some suggested reading before continuing with this substack:
Meanwhile, the CDC website still prominently declares that vaccination remains "the best way to protect against measles" – unchanged since Bob took office.
And it also says these cocktails are safe — AND effective!! Well, apparently not for those people the CDC lists here:
But no need to worry (other than all those people listed) it’s totally safe! And effective! It MAY work!
Huh?! But Bob said they weren’t safe yet? At least not until they do all their totally trustworthy sAfEtY tEsTiNg!! But wait… didn’t Bob actually say he recommends children follow the current CDC schedule?
Yep. Sure did! Here’s the clip:
RFK Jr Senate Hearings
Stay tuned for a future video where I'll show how I would have answered those questions asked during his confirmation hearings. Because right now, I'm forced to conclude Bob meant exactly what he said: "I support an uptake in vaccines. I want to protect vaccines."
Which is why I sarcastically note he'll do a "great JAB" as HHS Secretary.
I’ve got a previous substack about how many doses there are from age 0-18 and it’s over 100. Bob supports this! So my question for Dr. Vliet, Ty, Charlene and all y’all is how can you justify that? Do you agree with that?
So anyway… is patience a virtue or an excuse?
My burning question remains: How many more children will be harmed or killed by listening to Bob? I find it very, very irresponsible. He's either lying or... well, both options are reprehensible.
Let me be crystal clear: No justification from Ty and Charlene or Dr. Elizabeth will persuade me to go along with putting children at risk.
And people say, "He had to say that or he wouldn't be confirmed."
Well, that's pretty amazing fortune-telling! We don't actually know if he had answered differently whether he would have been confirmed or not. There are different ways of answering those questions – which I'll cover in another video.
What we've established is that, in his own words, Bob supports the current schedule and specifically recommends parents get their children the MMR vaccine for measles.
Why CAN’T He Work Faster?
Some people who are trying to justify Bob’s contradictions, hypocrisies and deception say, “just give him time!” Charlene and Ty wrote:
Let’s give him the time, support, and patience he needs to dismantle the corruption in our public health system. This battle isn’t won in a single skirmish—it takes strategy, patience, and resilience
But, but but… what about Ellen Musk? Doge obliterated the USAID in one fell swoop, no questions asked.
Don’t believe me? Take a look at the USAID website as of today:
’ll just let this live here: notification of administrative leave
A one-page website.
So the USAID has been completely gutted — yet the CDC website is still saying that the best way to prevent measles is to get vaccincated?
I'm pointing this out for those of you that say “Let the man work! He needs to go slowly. He needs to be very delicate” (referring to RFK Jr).
Well why was the USAID just obliterated? Why couldn't that have happened with HHS?
Why does Musk get to make immediate, sweeping changes while Bob needs "time"?
Friends, even the most well-intentioned voices can sometimes find themselves at odds with consistency. That’s why I am pointing out these inconsistencies in my recent video where I go through common justifications word-by-word.
To be crystal clear—I harbor no ill will toward Dr. Elizabeth Vliet, Ty, or Charlene. In fact, these individuals appear to have shared valuable information for years, and by all accounts are likely sincere and well-meaning.
What raises eyebrows, however, is their perspective and particularly their dismissal of Bob's problematic statements. I am not going after anyone; I am going after the truth—which I assume is why you're reading this substack in the first place.
Perhaps this accepted complacency is precisely because these advocates are so well-meaning that they struggle to reconcile Bob's comments and actions with what they wish those comments and actions actually were.
People don't like to see their heroes questioned.
And let's be clear—I don't believe Bob "sold out" at all.
Kennedy is exactly who he says he is: pro-vaccination, as he has always been. He has clearly stated that Americans should be forcibly vaccinated if the vaccines are deemed "more helpful than harmful." I've covered this extensively in previous videos. This wasn't a sudden outcry—I’ve been highlighting this for a long time.
I encourage you to watch my complete video on this topic linked for you below where I do a deep dive into these glaring contradictions, double standards and mind blowing cognitive dissonance of those who are bamboozled by Bobby the Bamboozler. My video provides additional context, direct quotes, and analysis that this article summarized.
The "Just Give Him Time" Fallacy
For those saying "give the man time to work," "we don't know his strategies," "he's far more intelligent than we are," or "we need to trust him"—I've systematically refuted each of these arguments over the last several years. I've reviewed the CDC schedule with its well over 100 jabs, and the situation is, quite frankly, astonishing.
For those who are new, have forgotten, or are twisting themselves into human pretzels because they can't face being bamboozled and betrayed by Bob, I have some simple questions:
Do you believe vaccines have saved millions of lives, as Bob claims?
Do you believe parents should have their children get the 100+ jabs on the CDC schedule?
Do you believe Operation Warp Speed was "an amazing success"?
Do you believe children should get the measles vaccine?
These aren't trick questions—they're direct quotes from Bob himself.
The way I see it, the vitamin A recommendations and other such tidbits are merely crumbs being tossed our way while he's busy baking the poisonous cake.
Questions I Would Have Asked
If I had been on that Senate stand, my questions would have been rather different:
Are you in favor of ALL these jabs, or is it just the cooties one you don't like?
Do you believe these jabs need more testing on innocent children and animals?
Do you trust those testing results?
Are you aware how much money pharmaceutical companies make from these testing protocols—using our tax dollars?
Do you realize that "safety testing" actually benefits Big Pharma?
I know these truths are difficult to swallow—that's why well-meaning folks like Dr. Elizabeth, Ty, and Charlene are twisting themselves into pretzels saying "let the man work." But you want me to "let the man work" while children are being harmed? I don't think so! Have you connected the dots that what Bob is advocating actually benefits Big Pharma while harming children?
I'm going to continue speaking out about this, just as I spoke out against the "Suffocation Devices" (that wasn't popular either, but I did it anyway). I spoke out against the "nasal schwab assault." I helped thousands upon thousands of people with my free educational videos to stand up, keep their jobs without submitting to jabs, and resist government oppression and tyranny.
So I ask you (all y’all) directly: Do you agree with this man who said "unwilling Americans should be forced to take these products if they help more than harm"? Do you agree with that, Ty? Charlene? Dr. Elizabeth? I would be shocked if you did.
Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps you do believe there are "safe" products out there, and it's just the cooties one that was rushed to market. Are you not concerned with Bob saying he’s in favor of policies that promote full pincushion status for all Americans?
What we're seeing is a classic bait-and-switch.
The final question people often ask me is: "Peggy, who are we supposed to trust? You're exposing Bob, Ellen Musk, the Vatican, Netanyahu... who's left?"
My counter-question: Who said you're supposed to trust anyone? Why this desperate need to place faith in public figures? It's deeply troubling that people are so eager to trust these "public serpents."
I stand for truth. Truth doesn't have a political party. Truth doesn't belong exclusively to conservatives or to MAGA or MAHA. Truth is eternal and objective—no political party owns it.
Does anyone remember General Michael Flynn? How about Roger Stone? And then of course there was "The Kraken" aka, Sidney Powell. Rudy Giuliani, anyone?
I was actually befriended by all four of them on Twitter - now known as "X" for Nimrod. I unwittingly helped to promote their lies.
And who could forget Lin Wood or Mike Lindell - "The Pillow Guy!"
Not only am I poking fun at myself for buying all their hogwash (nice way of saying bs), but do you understand how 4-6 years later, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS CHANGED!?!?
Just a different cast of charlatans who are ALL LIARS, playing a role in this Kabuki Theater. They are not tasked with doing anything other than the appearance of making it look like they care and are doing SOMETHING.
They are nothing but talk, hot air, smoke and mirrors. Stop buying what they sell.
Bob is like Pam (Bondi). They act like they’re really gonna drain the swamp, protect the children and fully expose the scam known as allopathic medicine (AKA, the medical industrial complex). They only wanna transfer wealth and collapse our country.
Look next at Bondi and her pathetic Epstein reveal. 🤮