How Many Shots are on the 2025 CDC Vaccine Schedule?
You know, the vaccine schedule that Kennedy publicly recommends that parents follow
When I’ve pointed out my grave concerns about Kennedy publicly recommending that parents follow the CDC vaccine schedule, I refer to the 80+ jabs he says children should get.
Yes, that’s right. Over 80 shots from birth to 18 years of age.
Kennedy, the former chairman of the Children’s Health Vaccine Defense, is on the public record praising vaccines over and over again. Here are his exact words:
Vaccines have saved millions of lives.
Operation Warp Speed was an amazing success!
I want to protect vaccines.
I recommend parents follow the CDC vaccine schedule.
The supporters that Kennedy has bamboozled try to twist his statements every way till Tuesday, but the fact is that Kennedy is either lying or telling the truth. (I have covered this over the years many, many times on my youtube channel and on this substack.)
Kennedy’s comments are irresponsible and reprehensible and put children in harm’s way while enriching the pharmaceutical companies which make money through the manufacturing, development and testing of vaccines.
After I pointed this out (again and again) people have asked me, “Peggy, how many shots are on the CDC vaccine schedule?”
How many shots are on the CDC Vaccine Schedule?
Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember getting shots to go to school? If so, how many?
I can tell you if you are a Baby Boomer or Gen Xer, there were a lot fewer shots than what’s recommended today.
I actually don’t remember getting any shots — but I do remember coming down with the mumps, measles and chicken pox in my early years. It seemed like an expected part of childhood, and I got through it okay. Who knows? Maybe in God’s great wisdom, those childhood diseases play a role in protecting us from other “diseases” down the road.
In my video here and linked the beginning of this substack, we go to and and click over to the “Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule” for ages 0-18.
The top of the page should look like this:
Scroll down and you’ll find the answer:

Hmm… let’s see, that’s 1…2…3…
I tallied a whopping 87 in my video here, but I’m not even factoring in potential extra doses if a child gets multiple doses of both flu shots or more cooties doses.
Also, as an astute Healthy American pointed out, the Tdap is actually three different vaccine sin one shot, so we need to triple that number for each dose to get to a more accurate number.
Let’s just say, if you tally it all up, we’re looking at over 100 doses/shots. So, when I say 80+ jabs, you can see where that number comes from.
So, what can we do to educate parents about these shots and encourage them to dig deeper?
I’m all about empowering you with solutions, strategies, resources, and remedies to help you stand up for your rights. Since day one of the hogwash that was sloshed all over us in 2020, I’ve been fighting for your rights, and I just want to see more and more people wake up to the truth, spot the deception and feel confident that they can give a resounding "no" to medical interventions they don’t want to participate in.
It really breaks my heart when I hear parents discussing plans for their little ones to become human pin cushions. It’s truly distressing. I’ve made videos about topics like “Shots for Tots” and “Jab Overload for Newborns.” I tackle questions like, “Did God make a mistake with newborns?”
Seriously, why should these babies be INJECTED with a Hepatitis B vaccine, for example, to prevent a disease that comes from promiscuity and dirty needles? Does not make any sense!
It’s important to remember that fear tactics are used to pressure parents into compliance, making them feel like they’re bad parents if they don’t follow the “protocol.” The mainstream medical merry-go-round loves to use intimidation, the so-called “White Coat Syndrome,” and plenty of coercive tactics.
And that’s why I want to share resources and ideas for you moving forward.
Check out Physicians for Informed Consent which is an organization provides a wealth of factual information that can be shared with parents in a gentle, non-confrontational way.
Why not pass out a little card with this website on it, and say, “I overheard you discussing your baby’s shots, and here’s some information you might find helpful”?
It’s not about changing their minds in that moment but rather planting a seed and guiding them to more information.
When you direct someone to this website, it’s like handing them a lifeline of information, and who knows? It might just lead them down a path of deeper understanding.
Check out PIC’s website here and watch my video below for more information:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: RFK Jr. is the right man for the jab!
All vaccines are an Abomination to the Creator of Life
Peggy! Sharing this, but did you know that the highest incidence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) occurs when infants receive most of their shots in the schedule? Ages 2-4 months.
No one should take these shots, no matter what RFK says: