Let me caution you right now: this video is not for everyone. If you’re allergic to critical thinking, hate having your perspectives challenged, or prefer to cling tightly to your preconceived notions, save yourself the trouble and click away now. I get that some people are still holding out hope for political figures to swoop in like a white knight and save the day—but that’s not the energy we’re bringing here.
Another heads up: I’m going to interrupt it. A lot. If you can’t stand interruptions or live commentary, this probably ins’t the video for you. No hard feelings — here’s the original video for you to watch solo.
One more final word of caution: for some strange reason Youtube is playing this video clip with lots of lagging audio, so the video and audio do not always match up. Tip: listen to the video rather than watch if that makes it smoother for you.
Here’s the summary of Trump’s shocking announcement:
On his first full day as president, Trump announced "Project Stargate," a large-scale AI infrastructure initiative. (Yup, Stargate was also a CIA Project — I’ll do a deeper dive on that in a different video. For now, you can click here to read all about it, right on the CIA website.)
The project is a joint venture between OpenAI, SoftBank, Microsoft, and Oracle, with $500 billion in private sector investment over four years.
Ten data centers (at 10 million sqaure feet each) are already under construction in Texas, with plans to expand nationwide.
A major goal is using AI to “revolutionize” healthcare and electronic health records. Hmmm.. nothing to see here folks.
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison (remember, Oracle was also a CIA-funded project — more on that in an upcoming video) explains how AI will be used to detect cancer through blood tests and create personalized mRNA vaccines within 48 hours.
The shock isn't that AI is advancing, nor that billions are being poured into it. The real head-turner is the blunt transparency with which it’s being launched, and the sheer audacity of this entire press concert. Just like Operation Warp Speed aimed to fast-track covid vaccine development, Stargate is being rolled out with the same fast-paced, high-stakes mentality. This technology isn’t new and the groundwork has been laid for years. In fact, Congress just introduced a bill a couple weeks ago to allow computers (AI) to prescribe medicine. (I’ve already done a short video on it click here and will have a substack on that for you coming up next.)
I guess the moment Trump pulled back the curtain and announced the “exciting news” so openly, it seems to have shaken people more than expected. Maybe it’s the transparency. Maybe it’s the shock factor of seeing it all laid bare from Day One—no mystery, no slow build-up. Who woulda thought this administration would endorse more mRNA vaccines and technology?!
Yup, the Trump administration is getting behind this shiny AI program that’s going to sift through your health records. You think it’s not going to notice if you’re a human pin cushion or not? Or if you might have skipped a colonoscopy, prostate exam, or mammogram (no, I’m NOT recommending those things, just sayin’). You know, just the little things that could mean someone might decide to withhold medical care from you.
Is AI just a fancy word for computer programs?
Let’s get one thing straight—I really don’t like the term “AI.” It’s not just a personal pet peeve; I flat-out reject the idea of “artificial intelligence.” And don’t even get me started on this whole "machine learning" nonsense. Machines don’t learn—they get programmed by humans. We’re not machines, we’re people. And our brains are not computers. They are brains. Human brains. And it’s the human brains that program these computers, so there. I only refer to it as “AI” because it’s the phrase everyone uses, but I do not care for the term at all.
I'm also bothered by the idea these tech gurus are promoting that AI can somehow solve problems that humans can't. This technology is being elevated while minimizing the incredible creation that we are—humans, God's greatest creation. I entirely reject that notion of computers being “better than” humans.
Speaking of terms, what do you think of the name "Stargate" ?? A Stargate is basically a portal and I find the potential symbolism interesting.
Elon Musk has buildings, his “Starman” roadster, Starlinks…
And as mentioned earlier, the CIA had it’s own Project Stargate:
I can do a deeper dive on an upcoming video and substack, but basically Project Stargate was a top-secret government program run by the CIA and the U.S. military in the 1970s through the 1990s. Its goal? To investigate the potential of remote viewing—essentially using psychic abilities to gather intelligence from far-off locations. No, this isn't something out of a sci-fi movie; it was a serious, albeit bizarre, attempt to leverage the power of the mind for espionage.
Larry Ellison’s CIA Connection
Speaking of the CIA, I wanted to include a little background on the man behind the mRNA cancer vaccine announcement, Larry Ellison.
He’s the CEO of Oracle, the largest supplier of database software and the second-largest supplier of business applications globally. His breakthrough came when he secured a $50,000 contract from the CIA in 1978, to develop a database management system (RDBMS), a project code-named “Oracle.” By 1979, when Oracle 2 — the first commercial relational database — was released, the CIA had already become one of its first customers.
Larry is the guy who believes in the federal government maintaining large national databases. In fact, Ellison argued that we needed just one large national security database, one with national ID cards and mandatory iris scans.1 And the very same guy who helped spearhead the country’s database for tracking all the cooties cases in 2020. Oh, didnt’cha know that? Most people didn’t.
Side note worth mentioning: Ellison also owns the island of Lanai, a Hawaiian island right beside Maui. According to a Forbes article from 2020, “His plans for Lanai had originally revolved around creating a data-driven health utopia, powered by clean energy, that could serve as a global prototype.”2 “My heart goes out to you El-on” (my new nickname, meaning electricity is on) is also close buds with Larry, not so much with Sam Altman (the third of the Tres Amigos running this new Stargate operation) who El-on is suing.
Larry’s a key player, a crucial piece of the puzzle, and a significant part of the why behind this move. Picture this: three amigos CEOs, each contributing their own expertise to the mix. You've got one leading an AI company, another heading up a telecommunications and internet giant, and the third at the helm of a database powerhouse all pulling together to create large AI data centers with supercomputers.
Not to mention that this all runs on El-ectricity and we are talking a MASSIVE amount of power.
Trump’s First Emergency Declaration
Hmmm… is it a coincidence that “getting rid of regulatory roadblocks” to fast-track Stargate was Trump’s first emergency declaration? Anyone want to put some guesses in the comments about when the next public health emergency will be declared? In other recent news, the Daily Mail and other outlets were reporting that “Donald Trump has ordered a communications blackout at America's federal health agencies. The CDC, FDA, HHS and NIH have all been told to pause external communications, including publishing scientific reports, updating websites or issuing health advisories.”
“Without immediate remedy, this situation will dramatically deteriorate in the near future due to a high demand for energy and natural resources to power the next generation of technology. The United States’ ability to remain at the forefront of technological innovation depends on a reliable supply of energy and the integrity of our Nation’s electrical grid.” — Executive Order 13990. "Declaring a National Energy Emergency." The White House, 20 Jan. 2025.
So, after this announcement I did a little digging. I guess the previous articles written about this planned venture in 2024 slipped through the cracks.
As reported last year in 2024, Microsoft’s already gotten the green light for a $1 billion expansion at its current campus there, plus another 1,000 acres of nearby land. Gee, I wonder if these plans tie in with why Granny Gates was buying up so much land??
Oops — sorry. Shoulda given you my vomit warning.
The big question is why?? Why the focus on warp-speed for AI?
The answer is control. At the heart of this AI revolution is an insatiable demand for your data—especially your biological and biometric data which are particularly crucial to understanding human behaviors and health.
It’s reducing our existence to numbers and odds, shifting control away from the individual to a system that is built on cold calculations, predictions, and algorithms.
Insurance is one of the biggest industries next to Big Pharma and there are alternatives. I’ve talked about this in detail previously:
So what can you do??
It often feels like we have no say in the systems being built or how they will affect us. While it’s true that we can’t control the creation of these massive, data-hungry systems, we do have control over one very important thing—our own actions.
We can choose to live in liberty each day. We have the power to make choices right now about how we engage with technology, how much of ourselves we share, and how much control we’re willing to surrender.
From adjusting privacy settings on social media platforms to being selective about the apps we use, to using cash, doing our banking in person or choosing not to participate in certain programs that demand biometric data, every small decision counts. I’ve talked about this at length, whether it’s opting out of the airport scanners, not driving an electric vehicle, or allowing smart appliances and gadgets like Alexa into your home, or covering your computer camera when it’s not in use. Don’t use the ridiculous “pay with your palm” software at Whole Foods, avoid unnecessary location tracking on your devices, and resist the fitbits and the ring doorbells.
I can’t stop the rise of the surveillance state on my own. It requires each individual to live in liberty and make these small changes. Sometimes it seems like the digital prison train has left the station and there’s no stopping it (which is very likely), but at the very least we can try to slow it down.
What say you?
Novak, M. (2014, September 19). Larry Ellison’s Oracle Started as a CIA Project. Gizmodo. https://gizmodo.com/larry-ellisons-oracle-started-as-a-cia-project-1636592238
Au-yeung, A. (2020, April 1). Exclusive: Larry Ellison Reveals His Big Data Battle Plan to Fight Coronavirus in Partnership with Trump White House. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/angelauyeung/2020/04/01/exclusive-larry-ellison-reveals-his-big-data-battle-plan-to-fight-coronavirus-in-partnership-with-trump-white-house/#4c8b674f31d3.
Ellison also bought up lots of properties in Malibu. including the coolest, least expensive place to grab a bite or play pool overlooking the ocean. He sauntered in to the Pier View Cantina, a Bu institution since 1990, and even though it wasn’t on the market offered the owner such an obscene pile of dough he just couldn’t refuse. It quickly closed, then sat there and rotted for four years as Ellison purchased the adjoining beachfront property where the old Windsail Club stood. Finally they tore down both buildings and built a relocated and trés chic and expensive Nobu sushi restaurant. Almost all the Mom and Pop businesses that were once the heartbeat of Malibu are now gone, thanks to deep pocket douchebags like Larry.
Thank you, Peggy Hall. This is a good overview of Stargate and the players.
I beg everyone not to ignore this. It's much more important than anything else Trump is doing and is not neutralized or offset by his other actions.
This is a program of complete control of all Americans now and in the future. Privacy of any kind will die. There will be no sovereign dignity for anyone.
The American people will be managed and inventoried like livestock inventory at a factory farm.
And we all know the eventual end of livestock inventory. The slaughterhouse.
God Bless.