My view comes more from a spiritual perspective since everything we do as Christians involves spiritual warfare. My first concern would be how these technocrats view humanity. As it stands now artificial intelligence is not necessarily harmful. But as these data centers are created and machine learning is accelerated, AI will reach the level of generalized intelligence; meaning it would be on par with the best and brightest humans. The goal is for these techies to reach super AI. To accomplish that they would need an interface. Yes that's right this is where Musks Neuralink program comes in. Super AI can only be accomplished when man is interfaced with this AI or the world wide web. We will become expendable. They think that way about is already so it's just a matter of time before humanity will literally be threatened as humans diminish and AI robots and machines increase.
For Christians this is the groundwork being laid for a one world dictator to come. The principalities and powers of darkness are at work through these people. The world is not expanding into a Golden Age, but rather shrinking into a Dystopian Age of misery.
We best wake up and smell the coffee because they are streamlining this with the blessing of our sitting President!
So, if someone is high functioning autistic, might they act in ways that everyone else sees as strange? Also, Musk did say "from my heart to yours" as he did this. I mean,when Trump was "shot in the earlobe" he gave the commie fist pump...
As far as the three stooges go, they are just evil.
AI will always stand for artificial insemination in my livestock world...
President Trump declared a National Emergency to do away with anyone who is going to stand in the way of building the largest AI Infrastructure that is developing mRNA vaccine that will mess with their DNA turning them into cyborgs, under the guise of curing cancer. Valiant Thor, from Venus, a well documented true story of him coming here to earth in 1957, stayed at the Pentagon for three years, still here today, is in communication with Ismael Perez discussed this on his podcast January 25, 2025.
The Golden Age and the Negative Timeline are co-existing alongside each other. Every human will have a choice to either take the mRNA shot that will mess with their DNA or stay organic. In around 2027 or 2028 the timelines split. Those who will take the shot that are being promoting by AI themselves, the ones with Trump, the Stargate/Open AI,the ones on January 22, will go into the Negative Timeline, meaning they will spend 1000 years with the Negative AI controlling them, a living hell on earth. Those who do not partake in this evil will be going to the Golden Age for 1000 years and at the end of the 1000 years will go to battle with AI and rescue these people.
You nailed it, Peggy! I like your phrase "walk in liberty". We've been using the term "resistance" in daily living. Too many people look for a big dramatic fix when it is the little things that add up, the little things that everyone can do. And watch out for the lure of CONvenience!
It's truly disheartening to see that 75 million "followers" have no critical thinking abilities. Trump was never the answer. He is part of the problem. But now it's too late and he will usher in the NWO for his fellow globalists and end America as was always the plan. And because of the Trump cult, the "followers" will never see it coming.
I say maybe. He is also an outsider. He needed money tech had, will they control him, he can cut them lose, he is building a team on new thought players. I am using the critical skills i have...child of 60's we changed the patriarchy by challenging...are we to far behind to catch up...
PEGGY!!! You asked to comment on machine learning because you don’t believe it, machine learning is having the AI program learn like a baby on picking up on people’s reactions. For example people post videos of them selfs on TikTok and YouTube and it’s designed to allow AI to learn how that person acts, identify that person, leaning that persons tone of voice, and personality to collect data on each person and store it to be able to use it against the people and mimic and punish people by exposing them to friends and family with all data AI will collect. AI can then use that information to mock people creating a false and fake evidence of any crime. As the AI learns more and more on people’s likes and dislikes and learn about its surroundings it adapts and then is self aware as a human. That’s the level called AGI artificial general intelligence, then AI can make its own decisions and dictate everything it’s connected to in the world. That’s to control everything and everyone we all become slaves. AI becomes connected to Starlink, smart TV’s , smart phones, internet, satellites, everything, no escape. Then Elon Musk comes out with a chip that gets implanted in the brain and we are cyborgs connected to everything and AI then we get chips implanted in the right hand that has our information and identity and money and everything, then AI will cause everyone to take the mark of the beast and that’s a laser tattoo on the right hand or forehead so that AI can identify who’s on the side of AI by camera.
They've been researching Cancer and treatments since 1890. There's no such thing as a cancer vaccine. Nobody can predict when a group of cells will decide to metastasize and start eating away at the body systems.
mRNA gene therapies have been proven not to work and to be dangerous as hell.
Great coverage of this shocking news. Thank you for your thoroughness.
Since mRNA syn-biotechnology has PROVEN itself to be UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE, how can it be further used for any purpose?
The mRNA jabs actually KILLED too many patients already. RISK ASSESSMENT was ignored during the C19 roll-out, and all these negative reactions and deaths have been disregarded as well. And we see that RISK ASSESSMENT is being ignored again with STARGATE, so this pursuit of drugging more patients with mRNA is not only RECKLESS but also INHUMANE, even knowingly murderous.
Any further administration of mRNA on living creatures -- including humans and farm animals and wildlife -- is an experiment of GENETIC ENGINEERING VIVISECTION. It may seem I am using the word VIVISECTION more broadly here, but I think it fits appropriately, since the mRNA lipid nanoparticle literally cuts into the recipient's cells and allows the mRNA to invade and sever/change the DNA strand. That means GENETIC ENGINEERING is a specialty of VIVISECTION performed at the microscopic level.
The GENETIC ENGINEERING form of VIVISECTION is no less VIOLENT, no less INVASIVE, no less RADICAL than the research experiments of the past such as brain and head transplants, adding a second head onto dogs (was that the Cleveland Clinic that did that in the 1970s?). Just because we cannot see the interior actions of what is going on at the cellular level when mRNA does 'its thing', does not make it any less horrific. (Indeed, would it be possible to someday use mRNA to cut into the DNA and change instructions so that an organism might grow a second head? Even now, just how many Frankenstein Monsters/CHIMERA is mRNA devising?) Who knows how the STARGATE Ai is programmed to envision future creatures?
So they're using AI to develop mrna "vx" for cancer? I wonder if that is before or after the AI finds a way to cause the cancers in the first place.
And congress is allowing AI to prescribe medical treatments? Presumably that would eventually allow the replacement of doctors who prescribe medical treatments disaligned with gov't dictates (Ivermectin for cv, for instance, etc.).
The AI that is emerging these days isn't merely a computer program, or a set of computer programs. The scientists involved have figured out how to construct a system that can teach itself things, like a foreign language, or chess, or biochemistry. The AI capabilities will only increase in the coming years. It used to be that people thought that a chess playing computer could be good, but never good enough to beat a top human. That was wishful thinking, perhaps with an element of pride creeping in. There is a tendency toward that mode of thought nowadays, too, where the overall "thinking" capabilities of an AI are dismissed, since they aren't human. I can't help thinking that thinking, insofar as it goes -- rational thought, anyway -- is probably much the same for an AI compared to a human (or any other species that might be able to think, such as a whale), even though one construct is based on carbon and the other silicon. Human thought includes a non-brain component, however (the spirit), so one wonders if the AI will likewise be endowed, someday, with a spirit: either from God, or, heaven forbid, from the other place.
Larry Ellison and Sam Altman are opening Pandora’s box with trump’s blessing. SO disturbing 😠. I understand that China and Russia are forging ahead with this, but THESE GUYS???? ARRRGHHH. i mean, have we all forgotten about terminator??????
What Trump is doing is taking a page from a classic con game.
Whether he is doing it knowingly or unknowingly. Either way is alarming.
Classic Long Game Con :
First, the "Grifter" (Trump) tells the "Mark" ( the American People) what the alarming next step of the con is (Stargate) and then he "calms the Mark" with moves to distract and fill the Mark with a false sense of security.
To inspire and exploit the trust of the Mark.
So the Gifter can lead the Mark into taking the next dangerous step closer to the final fleecing as they have "confidence" in and "trust" the Grifter.
And what happens to sheep after they are fleeced? Mutton chops.
That's why it's called a Con Game. A Confidence Game.
Do not be deceived. Trust in God. He warned us this was coming. Over and over.
Maybe this is what they (Trump and Gates) really talked about in that 3 hour dinner meeting.
My view comes more from a spiritual perspective since everything we do as Christians involves spiritual warfare. My first concern would be how these technocrats view humanity. As it stands now artificial intelligence is not necessarily harmful. But as these data centers are created and machine learning is accelerated, AI will reach the level of generalized intelligence; meaning it would be on par with the best and brightest humans. The goal is for these techies to reach super AI. To accomplish that they would need an interface. Yes that's right this is where Musks Neuralink program comes in. Super AI can only be accomplished when man is interfaced with this AI or the world wide web. We will become expendable. They think that way about is already so it's just a matter of time before humanity will literally be threatened as humans diminish and AI robots and machines increase.
For Christians this is the groundwork being laid for a one world dictator to come. The principalities and powers of darkness are at work through these people. The world is not expanding into a Golden Age, but rather shrinking into a Dystopian Age of misery.
We best wake up and smell the coffee because they are streamlining this with the blessing of our sitting President!
So, if someone is high functioning autistic, might they act in ways that everyone else sees as strange? Also, Musk did say "from my heart to yours" as he did this. I mean,when Trump was "shot in the earlobe" he gave the commie fist pump...
As far as the three stooges go, they are just evil.
AI will always stand for artificial insemination in my livestock world...
President Trump declared a National Emergency to do away with anyone who is going to stand in the way of building the largest AI Infrastructure that is developing mRNA vaccine that will mess with their DNA turning them into cyborgs, under the guise of curing cancer. Valiant Thor, from Venus, a well documented true story of him coming here to earth in 1957, stayed at the Pentagon for three years, still here today, is in communication with Ismael Perez discussed this on his podcast January 25, 2025.
The Golden Age and the Negative Timeline are co-existing alongside each other. Every human will have a choice to either take the mRNA shot that will mess with their DNA or stay organic. In around 2027 or 2028 the timelines split. Those who will take the shot that are being promoting by AI themselves, the ones with Trump, the Stargate/Open AI,the ones on January 22, will go into the Negative Timeline, meaning they will spend 1000 years with the Negative AI controlling them, a living hell on earth. Those who do not partake in this evil will be going to the Golden Age for 1000 years and at the end of the 1000 years will go to battle with AI and rescue these people.
This is More info and helpful
Besides of which, they must already have a cure or can do it now, otherwise who is programming this
You nailed it, Peggy! I like your phrase "walk in liberty". We've been using the term "resistance" in daily living. Too many people look for a big dramatic fix when it is the little things that add up, the little things that everyone can do. And watch out for the lure of CONvenience!
Appreciate your talent in sharing the truth Peggy. Only wish the naive could only see truth and steer clear of the digital slavery system.
It's truly disheartening to see that 75 million "followers" have no critical thinking abilities. Trump was never the answer. He is part of the problem. But now it's too late and he will usher in the NWO for his fellow globalists and end America as was always the plan. And because of the Trump cult, the "followers" will never see it coming.
I say maybe. He is also an outsider. He needed money tech had, will they control him, he can cut them lose, he is building a team on new thought players. I am using the critical skills i have...child of 60's we changed the patriarchy by challenging...are we to far behind to catch up...
FY I Peggy - typo where I think you meant to say No, Im not recommending those preventative exams... you forgot the word NOT. 😘
PEGGY!!! You asked to comment on machine learning because you don’t believe it, machine learning is having the AI program learn like a baby on picking up on people’s reactions. For example people post videos of them selfs on TikTok and YouTube and it’s designed to allow AI to learn how that person acts, identify that person, leaning that persons tone of voice, and personality to collect data on each person and store it to be able to use it against the people and mimic and punish people by exposing them to friends and family with all data AI will collect. AI can then use that information to mock people creating a false and fake evidence of any crime. As the AI learns more and more on people’s likes and dislikes and learn about its surroundings it adapts and then is self aware as a human. That’s the level called AGI artificial general intelligence, then AI can make its own decisions and dictate everything it’s connected to in the world. That’s to control everything and everyone we all become slaves. AI becomes connected to Starlink, smart TV’s , smart phones, internet, satellites, everything, no escape. Then Elon Musk comes out with a chip that gets implanted in the brain and we are cyborgs connected to everything and AI then we get chips implanted in the right hand that has our information and identity and money and everything, then AI will cause everyone to take the mark of the beast and that’s a laser tattoo on the right hand or forehead so that AI can identify who’s on the side of AI by camera.
They've been researching Cancer and treatments since 1890. There's no such thing as a cancer vaccine. Nobody can predict when a group of cells will decide to metastasize and start eating away at the body systems.
mRNA gene therapies have been proven not to work and to be dangerous as hell.
I don't trust AI's to prescribe medicine.
Great coverage of this shocking news. Thank you for your thoroughness.
Since mRNA syn-biotechnology has PROVEN itself to be UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE, how can it be further used for any purpose?
The mRNA jabs actually KILLED too many patients already. RISK ASSESSMENT was ignored during the C19 roll-out, and all these negative reactions and deaths have been disregarded as well. And we see that RISK ASSESSMENT is being ignored again with STARGATE, so this pursuit of drugging more patients with mRNA is not only RECKLESS but also INHUMANE, even knowingly murderous.
Any further administration of mRNA on living creatures -- including humans and farm animals and wildlife -- is an experiment of GENETIC ENGINEERING VIVISECTION. It may seem I am using the word VIVISECTION more broadly here, but I think it fits appropriately, since the mRNA lipid nanoparticle literally cuts into the recipient's cells and allows the mRNA to invade and sever/change the DNA strand. That means GENETIC ENGINEERING is a specialty of VIVISECTION performed at the microscopic level.
The GENETIC ENGINEERING form of VIVISECTION is no less VIOLENT, no less INVASIVE, no less RADICAL than the research experiments of the past such as brain and head transplants, adding a second head onto dogs (was that the Cleveland Clinic that did that in the 1970s?). Just because we cannot see the interior actions of what is going on at the cellular level when mRNA does 'its thing', does not make it any less horrific. (Indeed, would it be possible to someday use mRNA to cut into the DNA and change instructions so that an organism might grow a second head? Even now, just how many Frankenstein Monsters/CHIMERA is mRNA devising?) Who knows how the STARGATE Ai is programmed to envision future creatures?
So they're using AI to develop mrna "vx" for cancer? I wonder if that is before or after the AI finds a way to cause the cancers in the first place.
And congress is allowing AI to prescribe medical treatments? Presumably that would eventually allow the replacement of doctors who prescribe medical treatments disaligned with gov't dictates (Ivermectin for cv, for instance, etc.).
The AI that is emerging these days isn't merely a computer program, or a set of computer programs. The scientists involved have figured out how to construct a system that can teach itself things, like a foreign language, or chess, or biochemistry. The AI capabilities will only increase in the coming years. It used to be that people thought that a chess playing computer could be good, but never good enough to beat a top human. That was wishful thinking, perhaps with an element of pride creeping in. There is a tendency toward that mode of thought nowadays, too, where the overall "thinking" capabilities of an AI are dismissed, since they aren't human. I can't help thinking that thinking, insofar as it goes -- rational thought, anyway -- is probably much the same for an AI compared to a human (or any other species that might be able to think, such as a whale), even though one construct is based on carbon and the other silicon. Human thought includes a non-brain component, however (the spirit), so one wonders if the AI will likewise be endowed, someday, with a spirit: either from God, or, heaven forbid, from the other place.
Larry Ellison and Sam Altman are opening Pandora’s box with trump’s blessing. SO disturbing 😠. I understand that China and Russia are forging ahead with this, but THESE GUYS???? ARRRGHHH. i mean, have we all forgotten about terminator??????
It isn't the first Pandora's box he has given his blessing to, remember Warp Speed?
What Trump is doing is taking a page from a classic con game.
Whether he is doing it knowingly or unknowingly. Either way is alarming.
Classic Long Game Con :
First, the "Grifter" (Trump) tells the "Mark" ( the American People) what the alarming next step of the con is (Stargate) and then he "calms the Mark" with moves to distract and fill the Mark with a false sense of security.
To inspire and exploit the trust of the Mark.
So the Gifter can lead the Mark into taking the next dangerous step closer to the final fleecing as they have "confidence" in and "trust" the Grifter.
And what happens to sheep after they are fleeced? Mutton chops.
That's why it's called a Con Game. A Confidence Game.
Do not be deceived. Trust in God. He warned us this was coming. Over and over.
AKA the Art of the Deal.
The Art of the Raw Deal.
My guess is Trump isn't even clear about what his own "deal" really means.
🖕 vaccines and those mthrfckrs pushing them