What do cancer vaccines have to do with star gates ? Strange thing to call it🤔

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FYI Peggy: Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini adopted this "saluto romano" to evoke the grandeur of the Italian peninsula's past. Adolf Hitler, a great admirer of Mussolini, copied the gesture and rebranded it as the "Hitler salute."

Read More: https://www.grunge.com/1771356/history-roman-salute-explained/

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Who owns the final control of this Stargate/ AI ?

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Peggy, thank you for making this post open to comments from everyone, but I'd like to suggest I think it's time to open them always.

I know your YT channel is free, but the kinds of discussions that are possible here aren't possible there.

We have precious little time left to stop what's happening and to block creative discussion with a paywall seems at cross purposes.

Thank you for your hard work. I live on a very small fixed income which is growing smaller by the day with costs rising and though I know your work is worth every penny...I simply can't pay.

Please consider what I've said. Thanks again.

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Just curious has anyone here considered Barron Von Trump and what he has been 'planted' to represent in the 'new' regime? I found his whole existence very fake/transhuman.

Anyone ever consider he is a "designed" child...I actually recall listening to an NPR program (in the days I thought NPR was the answer to everything!haha) maybe 15 yrs ago. The excitement expressed by a UCDavis bio- scientist that someday we would be able to create the 'perfect' child. Example given; beautiful blond, blue -eyed, athletic, intelligent and more- however there was one caveat from the UCDavis scientist...you might not be able to control anger, aggression etc in your new creation of a child!

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Appreciate your scrutiny, Peggy.

Other very important things for all to understand, going hand in glove with it all.

Some background, 3 parts in one: https://zeeemedia.com/interview/maria-zeee-biodigital-convergence-exposed-full-series/

And more recently: https://rumble.com/v6cchdg-stargate-and-ai-mrna-dystopian-hell-karen-kingston.html (new, related reports listed on sidebar)

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When I saw that Trump had teamed up with ELLISON to create both a mRNA vaccine for cancer and a better EMR platform through AI, just confirmed what I already suspected. There’s a dinner happening and if you haven’t been invited, you’re being served up and as far as I can tell that’s about 99% of us. I am politically agnostic. I don’t believe in parties, it’s all theater, but I do observe people’s actions because that will tell you their true intentions. I have been an RN for 30 years. When I started, we charted on paper. I worked at Kaiser Permanente in California when EPIC came in and we paid them $1 billion to create both an outpatient and inpatient EMR, which was groundbreaking at that time. At first it was great. Having everything in one place, not having to hunt down lab or imaging results. Fast forward to today and what we currently have is endless iterations of meaninglessness, because the IT people have to keep their jobs and do constant updates, and each “update” makes the screen that I look at to do my daily work appear as though a schizophrenic off their medications created it. We are now swimming, as end-users, in a raging sea of data that does nothing to help us do our job better. My brain goes numb, halfway through the day, looking at the screen, trying to find the information that I actually do need. So glad I retire soon.

People that read Peggy’s Posts know what we really need for health… real food, regenerative farming, work life balance, doing away with toxic chemicals in every aspect of our every day lives. But I hear no talk about that from the Trump administration and interestingly, RFK Junior seems pretty silent as of late.

As a Christian I have no doubt The Beast system is on our door step, Christopher Brock and Jamie Walden ( YouTube) did an excellent summation of this Stargate and how it fits into The Beast system. I have watched it three times it is so informative, I highly recommend it.

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Mark of the beast sneaking in. After I retire I won't have insurance. I only need chiropractic and medicare won't pay. Don't need it. Don't do any testing as I don't subscribe to fear and a irrelevant test won't change anything.

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StarLink from Musk and this "StarGate" Larry ellison, Sam altman , project that Trump approves , meaning more RNA graphene nano technologu injections are linked together to put humans ( and all living beeings ) in an Artificial Intelligence NETWORK of internet of bodies, with biological control on your flesh and blood, also from the starlink satellites


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Maybe this is what they (Trump and Gates) really talked about in that 3 hour dinner meeting.

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My view comes more from a spiritual perspective since everything we do as Christians involves spiritual warfare. My first concern would be how these technocrats view humanity. As it stands now artificial intelligence is not necessarily harmful. But as these data centers are created and machine learning is accelerated, AI will reach the level of generalized intelligence; meaning it would be on par with the best and brightest humans. The goal is for these techies to reach super AI. To accomplish that they would need an interface. Yes that's right this is where Musks Neuralink program comes in. Super AI can only be accomplished when man is interfaced with this AI or the world wide web. We will become expendable. They think that way about is already so it's just a matter of time before humanity will literally be threatened as humans diminish and AI robots and machines increase.

For Christians this is the groundwork being laid for a one world dictator to come. The principalities and powers of darkness are at work through these people. The world is not expanding into a Golden Age, but rather shrinking into a Dystopian Age of misery.

We best wake up and smell the coffee because they are streamlining this with the blessing of our sitting President!

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So, if someone is high functioning autistic, might they act in ways that everyone else sees as strange? Also, Musk did say "from my heart to yours" as he did this. I mean,when Trump was "shot in the earlobe" he gave the commie fist pump...

As far as the three stooges go, they are just evil.

AI will always stand for artificial insemination in my livestock world...

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President Trump declared a National Emergency to do away with anyone who is going to stand in the way of building the largest AI Infrastructure that is developing mRNA vaccine that will mess with their DNA turning them into cyborgs, under the guise of curing cancer. Valiant Thor, from Venus, a well documented true story of him coming here to earth in 1957, stayed at the Pentagon for three years, still here today, is in communication with Ismael Perez discussed this on his podcast January 25, 2025.

The Golden Age and the Negative Timeline are co-existing alongside each other. Every human will have a choice to either take the mRNA shot that will mess with their DNA or stay organic. In around 2027 or 2028 the timelines split. Those who will take the shot that are being promoting by AI themselves, the ones with Trump, the Stargate/Open AI,the ones on January 22, will go into the Negative Timeline, meaning they will spend 1000 years with the Negative AI controlling them, a living hell on earth. Those who do not partake in this evil will be going to the Golden Age for 1000 years and at the end of the 1000 years will go to battle with AI and rescue these people.

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This is More info and helpful https://youtu.be/nzAHLRR4QOs?si=tXRmq8VGtoUUuoEN

Besides of which, they must already have a cure or can do it now, otherwise who is programming this

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