How to Win in Court -- LIVE!
Join Dr. Graves, author of "How to Win in Court -- without a Lawyer!"
I want to share an exciting opportunity for you to attend a LIVE Master Class taught by Dr. Frederick Graves, founder of the American Justice Foundation, creator of JurisDictionary, and author of the How to Win in Court case-winning court procedure and evidence course.
Dr. Graves, a frequent guest on my show, is my go-to mentor for courtroom complexities. His course delves into the nuts and bolts of everything you need to know to navigate court procedure, tactics, evidence, and more. It's like earning a law degree in a fraction of the time.
In our recent interviews, Dr. Graves delivers mini-lessons important concepts within his courses giving helpful advice and examples:
I wrote a substack all about that interview for you to read next:
How to Win in Court Master Class — LIVE in Tampa, FL
Dr. Graves has an exclusive opportunity that promises to revolutionize your understanding of the foundations of justice and empower you in the legal realm.
The upcoming Master Class in Tampa will not only delve into Dr. Graves’ "Power Tactics" for winning court battles, but will also take a deep dive into the fundamental Foundations of Justice – an often-overlooked topic that has gone ignored for far too long. These foundations serve as the cornerstone upon which successful legal tactics are built.
“This is a long awaited opportunity for me to share from the core of my being the real reason why I went to law school in the first place … to promote the Vision that the people themselves need to promote and for which they must stand fast.” —Dr. Graves
The Details
How to Win in Court: The Master Class
Presented by Dr. Frederick Graves, founder of American Justice Foundation, creator of JurisDictionary, and author of the How to Win in Court case-winning court procedure and evidence course.
Date: Saturday 6 January 2024
Location: Live all-day at the Westshore Grand Hotel with complimentary airport shuttle and free parking
4860 West Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa 33609 (813-286-4400)
Seating is Limited.
Call 866-529-3279 for reservations.
About: American Justice Foundation is a non-profit charitable trust dedicated to promoting Public Justice Education for EVERYONE!
A charitable donation to the Foundation of $100 or more is requested.
All donations go to promote this critical mission for you and your children.
I wrote a substack all about that interview if you’re interested in reading that next:
To register for the How to Win in Court Master Class in Tampa, contact 866-529-3279.