Aug 29Liked by Olivia

You go Peggy!! I fully supported everything you’ve done since this hogwash started. Keep going!! You’re amazing!!

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Aug 29Liked by Olivia

You opened my eyes very early on. Thank you for never giving up or giving in. God bless you for telling the truth!

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Zuckerberg is...and always has been...a cabal tool. The CIA set-up Facebook for him. He's simply a placeholder...like Jack Dorsey was...like Sergey, his (now ex-)wife Anne (23 and Me) and his (now ex-...and deceased) sister-in-law, Susan (YouTube CEO). Does anyone think it's simply coincidence that all of these folks are so closely tied together? In the digital realm, they collectively help control what you see, believe and think based on the carefully curated nonsense they are permitted to share. If remarks or comments are made contrary to that official narrative, they are struck down, vilified and attacked. You know you're over the target if you're being bludgeoned for speaking the truth.

Frankly, this is not new news - it goes back nearly 2,000 years. Same scenario. Our King was bludgeoned and murdered by these same Jews (aka Pharisees) because He proclaimed inconvenient Truth which exposed all of the fallacies they pushed upon the public.. Read between the lines in the Gospel - it's exactly the same scenario, today. The same protagonist, Satan, is at the helm, along with his useful idiots - the Jews.

The CIA and NSA have coveted the opportunity to spy on Americans for decades. All these social media tools were created twenty or so years ago so they could do so. And most Americans are oblivious - because they naively believe "they wouldn't do that to us." Zuckerberg can't even spell algorithm, let alone write one.

Btw, all the people I've mentioned (other than Dorsey) were ethnically Jews - the same tribes that are executive leaders in over 90% of key media positions and hold most appointed government offices. And make no mistake - it doesn't matter if Biden is in office...or Trump. They are different sides of the same coin. If you question that, it's instructive to watch a video of Netanyahu addressing Congress. Both sides of the aisle will stand and applaud him again and again for 45+ minutes, fawning over him like lovesick teenagers. They then proceed to send a constant stream of aide to Israel...and Ukraine. It's criminal money-laundering. And most of those laundered dollars flow back into the bank accounts of key influencers in Congress or the Senate. Ever wonder how Pelosi is sitting on a quarter of a billion stash at an annual salary of $210k?

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I'd never allow Facebook to censor me or put me in Facebook jail. I deleted my account before they had a chance. Too many fearful compliers to fight with. I've since reinstated my account but only for business purposes. I and my entire family knew from day 1what a sinister fraudulent scam it all was!

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you don’t need it for business. there are other means. you caved

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Since you don't me, you should have stopped at "You don't need it for your business." Although, even that was a bit too presumptuous. I lost 90% of my very, very small business to fearful Covid worshippers due to my anti-compliance policies. Don't talk to me about caving.

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I might renew for business purposes too. Anyone who judges that can take a hike. That kind of negativity is BS anywhere.

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Yes I had videos removed in the early days! I kept yelling “ this doesn’t make sense!!! You don’t quarantine healthy people! This is not how your immune system works!” I NEVER stayed home and I never got jabbed”

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Yes, I was cancelled, not just censored on Nazi Camp FB, for posting a quote from Hitler, who stated that, " If you take people's rights one little mm at a time, eventually you can take them all away and have total control over the population." The so called "fact checkers", shadow banned my quote, stating, "This is an inaccurate statement."

To which I replied and re-posted it again saying, "My grandparents where murdered by the Nazi's and this statement is documented historical fact."

Which prompted the overlords of FB to send me another cancel message stating, " We will demonitize your account."

I replied by posting the quote seven more times. This immediately caused the FB totalitarian demons to delete and cancel my entire account!

I left gladly and vowed to never return or participate on that dictatorship platform!!!

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Of course it's a roll. This time preceeding the elections is going to get even crazier!

Thank you Peggy for all you do. Love your tenacity, criti al thinking skills, and willingness to stand up to the oligarchs. God's blessings to keep you safe.

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Roll as in roll over to his handlers

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"apologizes"? What'd I miss?

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Apologizes for censoring anyone who dared question the COVID narrative!!

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As far as I can tell, he didn't apologize...

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He did, maybe coerced or political theatre, but he apologized. Not just about Covid though that was huge, but there was more, esp Biden.

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I was censored by FB. It’s strange, as I got a message they were putting my account on hold for a day or so for something I posted 3 months earlier. I contacted them, as to what exactly I said that was so offensive, and they were unable to tell me. So, after being on that forum for 17 years, I pulled my entire account, and haven’t looked back. I never will just on principle alone. Zuck is a traitor, and should be in jail.

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First time FB censored me I was GONE! Everyone who continues with FB is, imo, enabling traitors to persist. Shame on them! Zuck is a POS who will surely burn in Hell for eternity-at least I hope so, but thats not for me to judge, only God knows everything!

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We the self thinking crowd already knew this would be coming as they prepare to apologize for doing what they intended and using the government as a scapegoat rather than admitting compliance and likely pushing some of the agenda themselves. Best get your boats on, the manure as just starting to get stacked.

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if your boats don't work, try your boots! ;)

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Ahh….yes,I have been “banned” from Facebook for almost 2 years now, for my posting factual information about the origins of the coronavirus and why the so-called Experts and government agencies should advise the public about the existing information which basically refuted the mandates. Some of the information about the Coronavirus was that the common cold is a coronavirus as is pneumonia etc that a PCR test does not detect the presence of the virus under normal cycle of 20 therefore the cycle was increased to 30-40 cycles and the readings were false positive readings I would say, in the hundreds of thousands of the cases diagnosed as SARS2. I also questioned the similarity of the symptoms with the symptoms of Influenza (that mysteriously subsided during the pandemic.) Today, I still question the validity of increase in cases as this is normally the start of the Flu season due to the fluctuations in the weather. Remember, the Con-Sumer has no idea that they are wearing no clothes!!!! Most natural fabrics are now synthetic thanks to Rockefeller and the Chemical Industry and effect the body’s temperature.

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The dog and pony show is rehearsed right to left, in and out, up and down, and I venture to say sideways. There is not a aspect within the narrative which is not considered and there be the chink in the armor.

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As more people become aware of the government and big biz duplicity, which is huge and all pervasive, they are going to be cheezed off the system. They are going to be looking for something that doesn't insult our intelligence and our soul. "They" know this! And are anticipating it. So how would they counter it? The answer is they will pretend to agree, they will make out they are reformed, they will spin it to assume they've changed for the better. And if you believe the performance again, you are a "double dooper" and that means we'll only be in this sh!thole longer. Ask yourself, why did they do it in the first place? What kind of people want to repress people's freedom of speech. And how intelligent and benevolent could they be if they are for repression and dictating what their peers wish to express. Don't give them a leg in when they come crawling back to us. They just want to keep us under their thrall.

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Rats leaving a sinking ship?

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A few days ago I commented on a Facebook post about Zuck's recent "apology".

It was not my post, just a comment on a meme.

'Maybe what he's actually sorry about is getting caught.'

... and guess what?

My account has been disabled. Gone. No appeal

So Zuck says 'sorry for censorship' and at the same time - 'you are censored' ??? Right.

I know Fakebook is a joke, liked it long ago but lost interest when all the hogwash started. But I had that account for decades and will miss some of the connections, friends and relatives and many private groups, a few I used for business.

I didn't post in the public feed very often and intentionally avoided controversial issues. Anyone scrolling my page wouldn't even KNOW my political beliefs. I posted photography and art and humor, but stayed away from all the heavy stuff. Occasionally I'd comment on others' posts like this one, but stayed low profile. At least I thought so, but got kicked out anyway. Sad.

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