Thanks for all the great, but simple tips! Our family has the American Flag hoisted high 24/7, with proper lighting during nighttime hours. We are at the end of a culdesac, and it is a great sign of our hope in the Constitutional Republic our founding fathers envisioned, one Nation under God. πŸ‘πŸ»β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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Excellant idea to hand out those!!

I hand out tracts about getting saved. Also , about masks & govt.

illegal stuff. I share your site too . Thank You for all you do!!

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Yes to all.

+I have also dumbed down my smartphone and don't use it for anything except calls. I leave it home whenever I can. Important conversations should be, when possible, held outside of cellphone range. +Also changed to a smaller phone service provider which reflects my values.

+Stopped buying from Amazon and Walmart (it is better to search and buy the item elsewhere).

+Only use cash or checks and basically eliminated all automatic payments.

+Eliminate all debt! Rarely use credit cards. Pay off mortgage.

+Refuse to go to any venue which only accepts plastic - and here, in my neck of the woods, that includes the annual Farm Show and all amusement parks. (I did contact my "representative" about legal tender but got no response. Looking forward to the lawsuit against the National Parks new entrance fee requirement.)

+Take note of obvious ESG/DEI pronouncements when eating (ie Panera) or shopping (Target) and add those, to my list of no-go places. Did the same to my home and auto insurance carrier. (Check out their websites - you might be astonished.)

+I do not have health insurance but pay for the services I require when rendered. Tried to refuse Medicare, but that is quite impossible, so opted out of Part B, my only option. I have no intention of using it. (Previously had Liberty Healthshare, a Christian med-share program, which I would recommend.) I prefer spending that money eating organic, taking vitamins/herbal supplements.

+Found a very local bank, with ties to this county, where I can access funds in person.

+Ditched facebook a dozen years ago and never took up twitter. I avoid ewetube, but sometimes there is no other choice ;)

+Stopped using free email services, like gmail.

+ Prepare for any eventuality in this realm.

+And most important - Pray, pray, pray. Be sure of your soul's eternal destination.

These things make for more work and some discomfort, but I refuse to go gently into the dark night they have planned. There is no one, save Christ, coming to save us.

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I am responsible for my health. I invest in my health and don’t need a financial institution (insurance company) or physician to take my money or my life.

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Amen! I do what I can and appreciate all you do!

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Thank you! Love 5 and 6!!!

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