Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

You are Awesome!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and family. Have a God blessed weekend

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Love your truth. Keep up the great job . You inspire us to fight for justice

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank you, Peggy! It's been quite an energetic and confounding few years, I believe next year will test us even more. But I live in peace knowing GOD is at the helm. Happy Thanksgiving and God bless.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Peggy , a million thanks to you for all you’ve done and continue to do .

Your a strong , sensible, loving voice in a world gone mad !

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Grateful for all you do, enjoy THANKSGIVING with your family and friends!

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Happy Thanksgiving, Peggy! So grateful for you and your work! Have a blessed holiday!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank YOU, Peggy!! I am beyond grateful for all your guidance throughout the plandemic and, although my employer still put me on AWOL for three months and EEOC refused to help me, GOD was with me. This experience only grew my faith, and you were a wonderful support in a world of MADNESS!! I have lost NOTHING but money, and I had a WONDERFUL summer off work!! It was the best summer of my adult life! Lol. I've been back at work for a little over a year since then and have a supervisor job now. 🙃 Sometimes, GOD has to shake us up to get us to MOVE and STAND UP! ❤️ Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Peggy, I have been following you for a while from Toronto, Canada. I love your insight, play on words, your humour and most of all your concern for humanity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am a mother of three and grandmother of three and this is why we keep fighting for a better tomorrow. ❤️ Pam

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank you, Peggy for being you! We are forever grateful for you being a warrior of truth! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

DITTO! You're one of my rocks in this nutty world! Happy Thanksgiving!

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This is excellent along with all your work. I don't join things by monthly, however, I'd be happy to donate.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

God continue to bless you and Pastor Dave❣️Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🥧

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can you please look into bio sensors, that apparently we all have within us.

(theyve been doing it since the 50's?)

What I've been discovering is beyond scary.

also, any way to get it out ? or deactivate ?

love your work, and level of commitment to educate us all.

God has already blessed you ... its obvious : )

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I was going to ask her to look into this topic as well. I just learned about it yesterday, and getting the truth about this out there to the masses seriously trumps all other topics at this point. I believe this is THE final nail in the coffin and it needs EVERYONE’s attention not now, but yesterday!

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

Just listened to the video. My thoughts are you’d need to do this protocol every day for the rest of your life, because we’re being saturated with GO from every angle, every day, all day long. There’s no getting away from it. Also, it would be quite costly using E-D-T-A and there are side effects to consider - some even serious - when using it, especially long term.

The protocol might help to reduce the amount of GO in the bloodstream, but by now there’s probably plenty of assembled tech inside all of us, which are embedded outside of the bloodstream that cannot be removed, since they’ve been saturating us with this stuff for a long time now. Sabrina might be correct that there’s nothing we can do to stop what they have in store for us in the long run.

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...according to Sabrina Wallace, there’s nothing we can do to combat this tech. What are your thoughts on this?

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Nov 25, 2023·edited Nov 25, 2023

I'm not a Dr. or scientist, but I am a relentless researcher.

Lot's of smart folks working on this.

If there is no solution now, with Gods help there will be.

Evil does not prevail.

meanwhile, I'm on the 3rd year taking EDTA, ZEOLITE, DHEA & lots of vit & minerals.

(I replenish the good that is taken out with the bad)

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Yeah, I’ve been a relentless researcher the last 38 years on many different rabbit hole topics. It’s good to see people are working on solutions to this issue.

I certainly remain positive about the situation and try my best to keep envisioning a day when those presently at the helm are removed and the system is torn down and replaced with one that benefits every single soul on this earth.

That’s great you’ve been taking EDTA with the proper supplements that help balance it out, and you’re not experiencing any side effects. If their goal is realized, that’s when you’ll find out if it actually does work against their tech.

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not sure this will help w bio-sensors...

but this a great interview if you don't know these products.


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Wow! I appreciate the links. Everyone needs to know about this along with the details about biosensors and what the Beyond-Insane-Ones are already doing to us with this tech.

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We need more that gratitude in these dangerous times. We need to make a Big Noise against so-called authorities who have enacted impossible overreach on our lives and liberties! Here is a blaring reason and this will affect the entire United States in the near future:


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Dont let your bias miss the quality info in the interview.

Ignore him, listen to whos being interviewed and what she explains.

Christina Rahm is talking 80-90% of the time, and is amazing.

you wont regret it.

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I'm not a Dr. or scientist... but I am a relentless researcher.

there are lots of qualified folks working on this existential problem.

I think with Gods inspiration, there will be a solution.

for now... I'm on my 3rd year taking EDTA, DHEA and a whole slew of vitamins & minerals.

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