Musk was groomed and probably willingly programmed like a Manchurian Candidate. His background has been whitewashed. It’s Hollywood with MK Ultra-fication.

The population of zombies have taken the bait.

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Just Keep Doing What You're Doing Ms Peggy...They Can't Even Keep Their Bullshit Straight Anymore...LOL

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After the 'lockdowns' that lasted for four years - I'm so entertained by Trump and Musk that I joined 'X' (osiris) just to cheer it on! Trump is literally the most entertaining president in modern history. I get belly laughs constantly from the Trump-Musk comedy team. The more pain, suffering and existential dread they inflict on federal employees, the happier I become. USAID literally supplied the covid shots that killed one of my dear friends. Goodbye USAID!! AFUERA!

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Alien Musk's hand gestures and sunglasses are the true marks of a Reptilian. Oops...did I go too far?

Yea - his Mom Maye is also a witch near the top of that food chain. Remarkably, nearly all those references have been scrubbed - even on Yandex. That's the privilege which comes when you buy Twitter - now "X" and can literally scrub the internet to disguise your lineage. However, there are still plenty of images with Maye modeling Illuminati and the "hook-'em-horns" symbolism.

Speaking of "X," does anyone know what "X" stands for? Review your Biblical history - "X" was the symbol of Nimrod - from the tribe of Cush and founder of the occult in Babylon. Wicked man who happened to be born on 12.25. Does anyone really believe Our King was born on the same day? The Satanists of this world laugh at us while we stupidly praise the anagram for SATAN = SANTA. We are so dumb.

Kind of ironic that Alien just happened to name his most public companies SpaceX and X (formerly know as Twitter).

You don't REALLY think all this is "Cohenydink," do you?

Can't say it any other way. Musk is pure evil, hiding in plain sight.

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They are all in the Osiris cult, the original temple is in Abydion, Egypt. I wonder how many satanists are still going there for the pilgrimmage. If they ever get their stargate to work, the first portal they set will be Abydion. So they can resurrect Osiris using AI, give him a new body and then bring him - I'm not sure - maybe to Solomon's new temple.

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What's wrong with your humor?

And remember, humor always contains a shade of truth.

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Thanks for your diligence and courage. I already have "Biden disease" when it comes to Musk. I cannot even stomach the thought of watching him. Bless the brave ones who are willing and report out.

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Great Mush overview Peggy.

Maybe Trump’s Greenland deal is to Mush, Mush, Mush across that snowy land.

Yesterday heard about the five what one did seemed more like a first grade teacher giving an assignment.

Good Musk article.

Why Elon Musk's million-dollar presidential lottery is ominous


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Elon Musk makes my skin crawl.

And I always suspect he is wearing his secret Baphomet underwear.

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Musk creeped me out before I knew anything about him other than wanted people to drive “self driving” cars, maybe because the plebs are too stupid to think and need to bw controlled.

Now very creeped out with knowledge I have gained over the last months.

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