Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Even as a child I never bought into the American "health" (really sickness) Industry, so as soon as I could make my intentions known...I said NO. I remember being 15-years-old and telling the dentist "no X-rays". He was very flustered, because no child had ever said that to him before.

I woke up to the rest, in 1990 at the age of 30. It was the run-up to Gulf War I. I thought: "Wait a minute, weren't we presented with a boogyman in a turban just 11 years ago?" I thought the news stories about babies being dumped out of incubators was ridiculously silly. This totally changed my life. I did a 180, and began to live a life based completely on being a follower of Jesus. I started to research. I did not believe the 9-11 story for one second. In the early 2000s I started running across stories about a killer vaccine that would be forced on Americans in the future. I've been ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist for 33 years, but I did have two people thank me in 2021 saying I saved their lives for warning them about the Jonestown jab. I could not save my father, though. I begged him not to take it. He didn't want to...but he did it to stop his wife's nagging, and it killed him.

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Well, I think I started to wake up on 9/11 when I saw those building go down like that (so fast and symmetrical), but then after watching all the trauma on TV, I went back to sleep and believed the official story. But in 2006, when Israel was bombing the heck out of Lebanon, I got online to do some research and figure out what was going on. That's when I woke up to the truth about Israel/Palestine, and then to 9/11 being a false flag. And once I woke up to 9/11, that's when I started questioning everything (if they lied about 9/11, then what else are they lying about), and realized that everything has been a lie.

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My Father loved Rush Limbaugh. When he said to take note of Donald Trump for the 2016 election. I laughed. But the rest is history. I thought, "if I've been lied to about the Deep State and elections, what other lies have I believed?"

I was sick and in bed for almost 23 years. I was dying and of no use to my family. I prayed God to release me from this life, if it BE HIS will. That's was November 10, 2018.

A couple days later, I turned on my radio for my daily RUSH Political instruction. However, he was not on. Cancer Treatment day.

Dr. Dave Janda of Operation Freedom Health took his place and was interviewing Dr. Peter Glidden, a Naturopathic Doctor. I'd never heard of that type of Doctor.

Dr. Glidden stated that we are a WHOLE being, Mind, Body, and Spirit, living in a God-created body having an Earthly experience. I was taught this growing up.

I learned that day that God provides EVERY single nutrient we need for Life. Each of these nutrients MUST be consumed Daily for our WHOLE body to heal. I thought, "Is it REALLY that simple?"

I was dying from diseases created by our food supply and our Medical providers. I had 16 Specialists that did NOT work well together. They had me on 26 Rx medications of 39 Rx pills daily, creams, inhalers, infusions of GammaGlobulin every other week, and an annual infusion for osteoporosis. I couldn't get out of bed, except for bathroom and eating.

That day, shortly after my 58th birthday, my life completely changed.

I began consuming the Nutrients I had missed for years, and my Body began to heal. January 2021, I was off ALL my Rx medications. It took me that long to wean off of all of them. My Primary Doctor referred me to a Psychiatrist. She believed I was crazy and was duped. My Therapist admired me. She helped me realize I needed to trust myself and stick to my beliefs.

I am now informed on how propaganda is used DAILY, how I must discern EVERYTHING, and trust in God to provide the answers to ALL things.

I am now out of bed, off ALL Rx pills, creams, inhalers, and infusions. I became a Certified Wholistic Health Coach, and I am teaching people how the escape the Medical Monopoly, and I point them to Real truth. I refer individuals to you and other Truth providers.

ALL Glory to God!

God Bless you and your Platform. We have saved some from the propaganda and making life mistakes. Thank you, Peggy!

Michelle Ford Busath, CWHC



Fair Oaks, CA 95628

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I woke up in 2003. Someone sent me a video and asked my opinion. It was about 911. I started checking it out and discovered 911 was not what the MSM was saying. As I started opening doors to find the real story I learned so much of what we are told is a lie. I probably spend as an average 4 hours a day checking out what is going on from my sources. Everything what the MSM & government says is a lie - 100% I do not watch TV as I see no need to watch and be brainwashed. I have learned to question everything.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

For some reason nothing has made sense my whole life. Little by little I keep uncovering more lies. I just went with it all because I sort of felt like that is what everyone was supposed to do. Food I thought was weird that the stuff coming out wasn't real food. When I was a kid Sunny delight just came out and I wondered how fresh juice didnt need to be refridgerated or how when Crystal light came out I drank some and got so sick I would throw up. Or how all the breakfast cereals my friends loved made me so sick. How toothpaste peeled the entire inside of my mouth like it was some sort of acid. Mc Donalds was built by my house and although the fries smelled amazing for a mile around it I got sick everytime I ate there. I went to college and I remember the Monica Lewinski trial and how they all suddenly stopped and we went to war and it was all dropped. I remember 911 and it not making sense either. Or the Vegas shooting or why everyone was taking flu shots like they were candy every year and they would all get the flu. Later I got married and had kids I had a child that I was stupid and vaccinated in elementary school until I woke up to the death jabs. My daughter they wanted to put on meds for allergies. They wanted her to take a steroid nose spray.I declined and I turned to salt water rinses. I couldn't belive all the stuff they wanted to do to a healthy kid. That really woke me up. Then I was giving her a bath and I noticed she had a hair under her arms at 6!! I was mortified and started diving into the injected cows to produce milk and how it was going into my baby! Oh my gosh that was a real awakening and now I trust nothing. I am a total " conspiracy" person apparently. Tin foil hat wearing non trusting of any government agency person! I am a truth teller on social media and will tell everyone of what I have found. I was told about 8 years ago that I had graves disease which made no sense at all. Standford medical doctors wanted to remove my thyroid or inject me with iodine. I said I will do it without pills or meds and by diet and they said it was impossible. It could not be done! Absolutely flat out that it would not work. Well would not work only took four months before all my bloodwork changed. Lying sacks of crap! I went to see the endocrenologist at Standford and said what do you think of you being completly wrong and she said I should play the lottery because it was a one in a miilion chance of every happening. What a joke. Stanford doctors are just paid to dish out drugs and cut things out of people that benefit their pocketbooks. Disgusting.

There is a lot of brainwashing going on so I saw this plandemic coming years ahead of time and knew it was toxic. I have now seen 17 people I personally know die this past year! I mean what the heck! I am a realtor and this year I had 6 trust sales right out the gate of people who died out of the blue! Gee I wonder why? Ugh Dont get me started LOL. So In answer to your question. I have had a lifetime of nothing making sense and woke up years ago but connected all the dots to everything clearly maybe 6 years ago. Before it was just random categories. Food jabs etc. Now its chemtrials, Water, Jabs, Govt, trafficing, Hollyweird, music, you name it I have been down that rabbit hole.

Now people need to wake up then rise above the noise and you will be able to carve out a nice life even with all the chaos going on. Everything is not what always meets the eye. There is a way to make it work during this three ringed circus time. LOL

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Everything I am now awakened to has been an ongoing process starting with our health and food industry BS about 40 years ago and ending now with all the rubbish and shenanigans going on in our government. Over the years I have learned so much (even from my kids!) about questioning all things media, sickcare, food and government. What an eye opener! I have also found our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Mine sounds a lot like yours; fighting to breastfeed in public, homeschool, refused vaccinations, rejected contraception in part because the Pill and other hormonal concoctions were carcinogenic. Then, because I had been a dietetics major, re-educating myself on real nutrition and the politics involved in keeping us on food to create sickness. Add to that the fact I am faithful Christian, well, you have to be ready to carry the Cross and give a hope filled witness to the Gospel, being that “contradiction” despite the jeering. God’s grace is sufficient in our weakness.

God bless you, Peggy.

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Me? I became enlightened 25-ish years ago. Thanks to......ALEX JONES.....for Red Pilling me!! And I DO just LOVE saying this......."ALEX JONES WAS RIGHT!". :)

Back then, all someone had to do was 'inform' me about something, that was NOT part of the 'Mainstream Narrative' (aka FALSE REALITY), and I would look into it (aka DO THE RESEARCH). THAT is what's called an OPEN MIND. If someone presents you with something that goes AGAINST what you 'know'/'believe'/THINK that you know.....you LISTEN, and then DO THE RESEARCH. And ever since I found AJ, all of those years ago, I have had THEE greatest EDUCATION possible. I've learned the way the REAL WORLD works! And I NEVER CARED about the ZOMBIES that would call me a 'tin-foil-hat-wearer'; DID NOT CARE!!......I KNEW what TRUTH/FACT was, and it SUCKED TO BE THEM, NOT ME! lol

Although I don't watch InfoWars (the whole show) any longer, I DO watch many clips. My Enlightenment/Education into the REAL WORLD/REAL History needed to go further; a new/higher level.....and THAT is what I've been doing since I'd stopped watching the InfoWars Show. Back when I started 'Higher Education', it started with just ONE QUESTION that I wanted an answer to, and that ONE question took me down that Higher Enlightenment/Education Path into the Real World/Real History, that I could not have ever of imagined!! WHAT A BLESSING!! And THAT is what takes up my time, since InfoWars. But, yeah.......THANK GOD FOR ALEX JONES/INFOWARS!!!!!!

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i believed EVERYTHING for ever! until week 2 of shutdown. i was very afraid, stayed home until i needed food. within 5 minutes of being out, i knew something was wrong. where are the one car accidents? where are the dead people, where are the hazmat suited people? where hazmat garbage cans for discarding of masks? they were just on the ground. the pin pad at the grocery that everyone was touching, where are all the dead people from that? i was waking up on my own. then i hear jane fonda's interview where she said "COVID IS GOD'S GIFT TO THE LEFT" what ???????? why is this party affiliated? i trusted the gov. i believed everything until 2-3 weeks into lockdown. i haven't stopped waking up since then. you have opened my eyes further, especially the fires. you, peggy, have had an impact on the whole world. you are truly a gift from God. thank you.

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I was in the 4th grade and 911 happened. They had kids screaming and crying when they showed the plane going threw the tower building falling I said out loud we did this My teacher sent me to the office and called my Dad Long story short they suspended me and my Dad said looks like your going to get a long vacation and laughed. From then on I’ve never believed one thing they said or did our house was broken into our phones were tapped our computer was broken into

Peggy since when does a phone person that works on telephone poles wear dress shoes dress pants dress shirt and very dark sun glasses. They don’t and I seen him and ask him what he was doing. He said and I quote. Go away kid before you get into trouble

Now I’m still being watched I have never watched the news or let my kids watch I don’t vote I don’t believe one thing they say. When they did the lock down said it was a lie and now there is total truth it was a form of control. Jab didn’t buy into it. 6ft. From each other when I first heard it I laughed and said what’s the cooties got a tape measure 😂. So to to be very honest I haven’t believed a damn thing they say or do

Look at Maui. They did it and you did a great job on it

Now Israel. It’s a lie just to get the people to look the wrong way.

It just gets better everyday but people don’t dig and look at the reason or what there really up to

Control Control Control

It’s called the New Fluffing Order ran by the Elite

People better wake up before all are rights are gone there moving fast

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My first inclination that something wasn’t right was as a teen in 70’s when manufacturing was leaving America and as teens we wanted those jobs. Kissinger always felt bad for me personally, something wasn’t right. Then 911 was the finale.

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I started waking up after I became a Christian while serving on the USS Enterprise some 37 yrs. ago. However, investigating nine eleven is what caused me to move toward the rabbit hole and I've been traveling quickly downward ever since. Dr. Judy Wood's book, Where Did the Towers Go? was the catalyst that propelled me toward recognizing the real truth in world events. I no longer get excited about the political theatre because I now understand that "all the world's a stage" and everything happening is carefully scripted by an evil satanic cabal that is working to fulfill end times prophecy. I still fight evil where ever and when ever I can but the book has been written and nothing we do can alter the overarching course of events. Every jot and tittle will be fulfilled just and the Lord promised.

It's His-Story!

Rev 22:20  He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 

Rev 22:21  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. 

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I was a little late to game, but watching The Highwire since 2017 as well as the Ty Bollinger series and reading Mercola’s stuff and Sherry Tenpenny I credit with saving my life. I’ll go to a detainment camp before ever taking a shot again. Once you realize you’ve been lied to your whole life, you start looking critically at everything.

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I found The Highwire in 2020 and watch it every week.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Wow, Peggy...I just finished watching your video above. I love your personal stories. As the video went on...I was perplexed. I have never heard of someone who made it so far through the educational system and still retained their critical thinking skills. All the critical thinkers I have met in my life were drop-outs (I'm a highschool drop-out).

Then you mentioned you never liked pop-culture. AH HA...that totally explains it. I could never stand pop-culture. As a young person, when all my friends were listening to music, I was listening to talk radio (before it was a thing). I have not set foot in a cinema since 1980. I junked my idiot box more than 30 years ago. I've always felt this "ick" feeling when exposed to modern movies, tv and pop-music (I do watch vintage films on dvd). Anything pop-culture makes me feel a sense of gloom and darkness. If I'm at someone's home and they turn on the boob tube...I leave. I just can't stand to be in the same room. I believe the terrible state America has fallen to, is mainly due to mass consumption of vile pop-culture. I'm old enough to have witnessed this in my lifetime.

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Thanks so much for sharing your story Peggy. My first initiation into the world not being fair was seeing my stepfather take off his wig and become a nasty drunk when I was 10 years old. After that...the rest of the truth seeking journey was easy!

I remember the second seed being planted when I started out on a journey of Self-discovery in New Mexico back in 2012 at age 30, and when I returned home to New Jersey, I heard an author SK Bain give an interview on a random, crackly FM radio station, talking about his book The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 911 as Mass Satanic Ritual. I devoured the book, and then it was no looking back. You know how sometimes you can tell, just by the sound of someone's voice, that they are telling the truth, a truth that hits you between the eyes?

That was the moment for me, among many others.

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There is a better choice of words. The insane wokies believe they are awake with a New Age definitaion. We know what you are asking.

At least 4.7 decades ago.

Normies go left, decided to go right by default because they were and are wrong about almost everything. That would include the spinning globe hogwash. 9 years of science background here, half post grad.

Ill health has a way of forcing one to change course. Pursuing health a life long odyssey on every level. Personally knew the Quaxines were a fraud before 1990. The latest deliberate genocide is very telling as now normies know. The medical cartel is quaking and is unlikely to survive.

That is both a very good and unfortunate thing. We need emergency medicine by competent physicians. Helping people defeat chronic degenerative disease? MD's are the worst choice with a few notable exceptions.

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and let us not forget, ever

Kennedy assassinations, 911, LaHaina the short list..

Da Gubmint yup, the Deep State, Cabal, evil doers, Satanists

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I swallowed the 9/11 lie, but in 2003, in the run up to the Iraq genocide, the justification was smelling fishy. I was listening to Radio America with RFK, Jr. and Al Frankel, et al, and they were showing the Bush admin was lying. After all the carnage and after it came out that there were no WMD, I was appalled. I wondered where were the calls to impeach Bush for killing so many people and stealing a country. Nothing. Then a tennis friend told me he thought 9/11 was an inside job. I thought even Bush couldn't pull that off and he was evil but not that evil.

Then in 2007, Alex Jones continually popped up in my Youtube feed. This was before any censorship on Youtube. After weeks of seeing him pop up I clicked from curiosity and was amazed by what he said. On his website I found Loose Change 2nd edition (not the fraudulent 'Final Cut'). 10 minutes into watching that I knew 9/11 was completely staged by the government and that all media and politicians were lying puppets. My view of reality completely changed. My life changed.

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