Peggy! You are spot on! When I was being asked to take the shot by my job, I started looking up things I could use to refuse the shot.

When I came across the Nuremberg code and I read it, I was like, “wait I can’t use this, they’ll laugh at me.” That’s when I realized it had a good narrative, but really had no weight.

Ultimately, I created a good exemption that worked, thanks to your information — which I documented here:(https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-use-religious-exemptions-to) — but this showed me a lot of “truth” information is all fluff and has no real backing.

This is where people like yourself come in and this is why it’s important to be aware of “false truths.”

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Well said, Peggy - thanks! - and the whole Nuremburg trial itself was a perverse injustice, completely ignoring the numerous atrocities carried out by the Allies. As you say, we have our local laws preventing governmental abuses and don't need globalist justifications.

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