Reading a book that is 518 pages long can be daunting. But if you do nothing other than read the "Summary" page/pages of chapters 1 through 11 of this truthful, amazing book, you might find you will want to read the whole thing. The book is titled "Turtles All The Way Down - Vaccine Science and Myth". The foreword is by Mary Holland, J.D. This is the book every parent should read before setting foot in a pediatrician's office. Bottom line: all vaccine testing has been a hoax and the book proves this.

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That is an important message to hear, John. My question: what was the conclusion? Was it to call for more testing? Or was it to call for a halt to all these shots?

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Miss Peggy, y'all were attacked by Catholics? Here's one Catholic who will stand by your side proudly. I don't acknowledge this "Pope"---#1--He's a Heretic. #2--he's from the powerful Italian "families"--Bergoglio (there are several "Italian" families some who are actually Jewish or Crypto "Catholics--I don't believe he is but the "Pope" who ushered in Vatican II was Jewish---Following Vatican II, my Momma, a strict Roman Catholic her whole life, had us ALL convert to the Eastern Rite or Byzantine Catholic--(I was 6 years old and an Altar Boy at 9)very close to Greek Orthodox or even Russian Orthodox and much more conservative and followers of Jesus Christ. It is a beautiful Liturgy (what we once called Mass) which is sang, not said. My Momma, who is now 97 years old, never wavered from her Faith and Love of Jesus Christ. Momma's fixin to leave us soon--maybe keep my Momma in your thoughts and prayers. I'll let you know when she enters His Kingdom. I will miss my Momma but I shall not mourn. 97 years of spreading The Word of Jesus Christ so far and STILL conducts Bible study at her Nursing Home for the residents--(which she's done for the past 40 years prior, at least, maybe 5o years--Doctorate in Theology & Philosophy--one smart and humble lady).

God Bless and protect you and yours,

Your devoted friend,

BTW---RFK Jr. is No Longer Catholic--(He's okay with abortion?--you're OUT baby That's Church Law)--Research "Self Ex-Communication" as the Church no longer does them (unless you challenge the Pope and name is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò)--Vigano is 100% correct! He called "Francis" a Heretic BECAUSE HE IS! Pelosi & Biden too among many others.


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I appreciate your support, John, which encourages me to persevere! May God bless you and your precious Momma as she prepares to "return home." It does my heart good to know of such faithful servants, and I thank you for taking the time to write.

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