All historical dictators and empires only did so with the backing of the military. Trump knows that lesson. Currying favour with the military is 'not personal it's business'.

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Can’t un paralyze someone I know from a warp speed jab! Strokes are through the roof as I type!

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You forgot about section C , which states "(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person."

In other words you're SOL for backpack, since you can't sue big brother.

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RFK's billionaire VP choice was Nicole Shanahan. She used her great wealth to produce a Derangement Syndrom vid once RFK endorsed. Should be mandatory viewing. 2 minutes.

Pity parties and pillow beating sessions have proven useful, but results temporary.

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Thy will be done. This is a victory, apologies I doubt. We are talking narcissistic self interested people whose agenda was clear. Happy for our Strong military men who knew their rights and how to man up. They sacrificed their careers to say no. They set an example of bravery and uncompromised standards. The world is watching us and we can feel proud today. Thank you Peggy, you took charge and educated the public and fought hard to save their rights. The rights of good law abiding, proud Healthy Americans and its appreciated...❤️

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So happy to hear this . Sadly some of my friends in the military took the jab so they wouldn’t lose their jobs . I pray for all of those that took it and that are now sick because of it . My whole family unfortunately took the jabs and all the boosters and are still getting the flu shots too . I haven’t had a flu shot in 40 years and thankfully I have been following Peggy for a while now and never got the jab . I get a lot of backlash from some of my family and I am unable to see some family members because I am not vaxed but I pray for the day they all wake up !

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Not unexpected. He announced this (teased it out) weeks ago.

This is for the naysayers whomever they are.

There will never be apologies from any complicit fool, and apologies matter not.

What matters is that this Republic has been reclaimed by the Visionary, DJT.

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Peggy, you did such important work to educate people on their rights during this horrible time. Thank you! I personally feel that we would be in a much different place today, if people had stayed cowed, afraid, and uninformed. Once people started to feel emboldened to say no to the mandates, the grip of evil started to slip. 🙏

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I was kicked off of the kidney transplant wait list for refusing the injections.

Still no apology from the hospital, doctors and nurses who did it.

I was dismayed when I tried calling approximately 10 lawyers to help me and bring justice to the situation, and they were All inept and unable to conceive of how I had been trespassed against.

I really would have liked to make the ignoramus doctors and hospital pay $$$ for their transgressions, incompetence, and lack of morals and ethics.

Unlike people who sign up to kill other people when given instructions to, I just wanted to get my Life back into a position to where I can work again and give of myself constructively and Peacefully as I did prior to my end stage renal condition.

I paid out of pocket for my own health insurance as a self employed business owner, for 20 years, only to get screwed by the medical system once it was finally Time for me to tap in and start using it.

My Living organ donor who was going to donate one of her kidneys to me canceled out because she didn't want to take the injections, either... but they wouldn't let her donate unless she got injected.

I would Love to ca$h in on my doctor's medical greed and ethical incompetence.

I wish that a lawyer would see the opportunity to make some amoral and unethical people pay, on my behalf.

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attorneys will gladly pile on and write letters for large settlements

They will not take a case like yours unless it is against the gubmint.

Once a precedent is set (think private company settlement)

they will happily litigate with letters.

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Thank You.

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I am so sorry to hear of your deeply distressing situation, and I hope that you are on the road to recovery. You stated this so powerfully: "Unlike people who sign up to kill other people when given instructions to, I just wanted to get my Life back into a position to where I can work again and give of myself constructively"

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Thank You, Peggy. I have a message just like Everybody else does, except that mine challenges virtually All of the mainstream narratives that people Live by.

I always refer to You as "the astute and healthy American" when I share Your substack emails and videos, with others.

You are one of my inspirations in this world, and I am grateful for You and Your work!!

By the way, I am not looking to get rich quickly, or to act vindictively, necessarily.

I was accepted into a different hospital's kidney transplant wait list program, 3 months after being kicked off of the first wait list that I was on.

I have over 3 years officially accrued on the wait list, and am allegedly inching closer to getting "my call."

My story is deep and involves my Dad who is an Irish American but got into pharmaceuticals when he was young, and became ceo of a German company, here in the U.S.

I knew both from his rearing of me as well as understanding government stagecraft, that the plandemic was a psyop and to avoid the jabs.

Amazingly, my doctors questioned nothing, and the entire medical system went along for the usurpation.

I quietly try not to judge, completely, but it was a bummer to go through the experience.

Thanks to dialysis, I am lucky to be here right now, and I don't take anything for granted.

Likewise and similarly, I am grateful for Everything.

Not trying to summon sympathy for myself, but my attention will perk up if a lawyer ever advertises that they plan to sue on behalf of people like myself.

"We are All in this psyop, Together " : ) ❤️

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You should absolutely be compensated for their crime of betraying the Oath of First, Do No Harm. These doctors need to be held accountable for sure. That is diabolical & I wonder if they’re still requiring this? I think they are, but unsure. I was totally shocked to learn they were requiring the covid jab for transplant patients! That is just diabolically evil on every level. It was an experimental DNA altering, blood contaminating gene therapy with shards of graphene oxide, spike protein instructing the immune system to endlessly produce more, endotoxins creating mass inflammation throughout the body, damage to every organ, crossing the blood brain barrier to wreak havoc there! And on & on! Major autoimmune complications with this! They shouldn’t be able to require ANY “vaccines” in order to get “healthcare”!!! We should be in charge of our own health! The doctors shouldn’t be able to collect vaccine revenue before providing life saving treatments. It’s just a secondary paycheck for them! Sick! I wish you all tge best! And so sorry you’ve been treated like shit by our so called medical experts! FFS!

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While Trump is indeed a clown and a trickster, I often think leaders should do wet tshirt mud wrestling. Can't you just see Musk and Ellison slipping and sliding together? I can't decide if they should or should not be clothed. Being naked would be humiliating but who wants to look at those awful bodies??? Zelensky could wear the tshirt he always wears. How abt Vlad vs Vlad? The imagination runs wild...No disrespect to those who have suffered and died in endless wars.

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Nah, he is a Visionary, a strategist, and it matters not whether you "like" him or not.

You are not going to lunch.

Just as was true of the WHO debacle, the illegal invasion, and appointes including RFK it requires seeing a wee bit further down the road, and necessary bandwidth.

If the imagination is active that is a very very good thing and the seat of creativity.

Time to aske better questions using knowledge, (hopefully) wisdom, and the governor that would be discernment. Pay attention peeps and cultivate.

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you got some work to do too in your search for truth. Trump is a fraud and a trickster. You fell for a clown!!!!!!

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Great work! All who have withstood the Evil!

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The United States CORPORATION'S military is NOT AMERICAS military!




They WILL........SHOOT YOU DEAD, when GIVEN THE ORDERS to do so!

Don't believe me?? LOOK at what they were doing, on Our Southern Boarder......





People need a serious REALITY CHECK!

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The military who were told to shoot were under the mind control. Many suffer trauma from this, some left and have spoken up (whistle blowers) about the border, once they understood who the enemy was. This is what Tulsi Gabbard is talking about, deception, corruption and uneccesary wars. God bless those military men who were placed in these compromising situations who have to live with that, and that they get the medical care and mental health care they need...a new chapter is upon us once we elect the right people..

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His actions are so inconsistent.

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The Art of War, Sun Tzu "he" is a master

and the enemy is confused

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Like he really is a "good american standing up for whats right" but hes compromised for real with threats of death and torture to his family but he bucks a little bit. He gives a lot to the elite reptilian fucks but still bucks for the people at the same time to through some sugar on it. Every time he pushes a vaccine i call him a killer and then shit like this - surely giving the people less than the elite ucks though. needs to switch that trend

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This coming on the heels of touting the AI jabs, to cure the big C. His culpability may be lessened before God if he/they are threatened, for sure. Real lifetime consequences when we don’t have courageous leadership though.

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1. Dr Tom Cowan cannot find proof of isolation of Covid-19: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z7e1WLoOctZ2/ (5 minutes)

2. Over 222 FOI requests reveal health / science institutions cannot find proof either: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

3. THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW - A history of electricity and life.: https://cellphonetaskforce.org/

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With all the deportations of able-bodied men, and all the CV-jab-deaths of able-bodied men, where is the labor pool coming from to build back America?

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Great job!

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