I do not agree with selling visas, but is there something we have not looked at. If some of these billion/trillion-aires who became citizens this way, and we found out they had done evil things to our nation and peoples, they would be citizens and could be subject to prosecution in our courts for those evils. Just thinking outside the box.

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50 states are good…..we’re done!

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Trump the Lying Scumbag Chump is a treasonous sellout who is quickly ushering Amerika into the NWO. By the time those who voted for his ass figure it out--they will be decorating their FEMA Housing in their respective 15-minute city prison. He is where his handlers have him exactly!

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Hi Peggy.

I agree with you, I’d rather have Trump in the White House than Kamala. Trump is not who everything thinks she is!

He’s an Elitist like all the rest! I’ve never trusted the plan. People are being lulled into a false sense of security.

Enough said!

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I totally agree with you Peggy. This is very bad - an amazing map from 1930s (as shared in this excellent article by Patrick Wood) put this huge consolidation right where the globalists had envisioned from back then. https://www.technocracy.news/is-trump-pursuing-technocracys-dream-to-create-the-great-american-technate/.

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Oh wow. This actually ties everything together, like it or not.

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As I see it, Trump's stated goal is to stop the illegal alien invasion of America coming from Mexico AND Canada. He threatened 25% tariffs if they don't do their part, and he means it. The talk about making Canada a state is just Trump humor. Canada doesn't want to be a state, and we don't want them. I think we can lighten up a bit and give the man a chance. He is an America first guy. He is a patriot. He is not a globalist. The WEF and the globalists gave millions to elect their candidate: Kamala Harris. Thank God they didn't succeed.

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Jan 8Edited

Not that I want to live in an echo chamber, but I'm finding it increasingly harder to disagree with you on anything. And yes, I AM thinking.

My biggest concern with Trump? The frightening loyalty (dare I say, idolatry) that SO MANY of his followers have for him.

How could his followers possibly ignore OWS? Even if he was deceived into it, that alone should have disqualified him for service. But no, he has never repudiated OWS. Is it because he's too proud to admit he was wrong, or is it because he did exactly what he was supposed to do to serve the transhumanist technocratic agenda and was actually quite successful?

I say it's the latter.

I fear his fanatical supporters would follow like lemmings over the cliff and, if given the chance, take the rest of us down the cliff with him.

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Very well stated, thank you!

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Looking forward to your livestream today. My wife is from the area devastated by the fires. Brokenhearted over what these monsters have done.

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Rod, I 100% agree with you! OWS as we know was a S_ _ _ show, making it impossible (I’m trying to keep an open mind for the future) for DJT to be fully trusted. Was he “played” or did he “play”? And Canada! Wait! It’s in a Kingdom!

Tomorrow’s another day! God be with all of humanity!

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I'm sure that many people who voted reluctantly for Trump in 2024 feel as if they "dodged a bullet" by keeping Kamala out of the WH. But unless I'm proven wrong (and I hope I'm wrong for America and the world's sake) Trump's second term will be even worse than OWS. Get ready.

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Incredible article! Thank you, Peggy!

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The Future Pledge of Allegiance for Children...?

"I pledge allegiance to the Rainbow Flag of the Angel of the Bottomless pit (rev.9:11) also to the UN of Hell, and to the Repulsive for which it Slithers, one NWO under little god "Abaddon or Apollyon", Divisible, with No-Liberty and No-Justice for no-BODY,"...!

Who Runs this World...? Satan Does...!

Luke 4:6‭-‬7 to Jesus...

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Aloha & God Bless Everyone, from da Islands, kyle

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Perfectly expressed, mahalo!

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Looks like he has been placed in charge of implementing the North American Union, as mapped out in 1973 by the Club of Rome.

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10000000000000% spot on.

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