Plenty of people are applauding Trump’s return to the White House. And plenty of people are leery of the man who championed Operation Warp Speed and didn’t end up draining the swamp after all.
Don’t get me wrong: I'd much rather have Trump as president than Kackling Kamala. Trump is entertaining to say the least — and brash and boastful as well. Anyone who has read his many books (as I have) will understand exactly who this man is and what he claims his principles and values are.
I’ll be ecstatic if Trump clears the air (literally), cleans the water (I know, that’s a local issue) and closes the border.
Heck, if Trump could get the ball rolling on banning those blinding headlights and bringing back incandescent light bulbs, I’ll be standing and cheering as well!
But one issue is non-negotiable for me (and for those who understand the threat of globalism): and that is the loose talk about bringing in Canada as the “51st state.”
First of all, Canada is never going to become the 51st American state. Not in the way Trump wants it.
How does Trump want it? Well, take a look at his recent tweet.
He says he wants to “get rid of that artificially drawn line….” What in the actual heck?
You mean sovereign borders??
Friends, just because Trump has an idea doesn’t mean it’s a good one.
Please, friends — think critically — or simply, just THINK.
Bigger is NOT Better
When does bigger government ever mean better? If having Canada be part of the United States is such a great idea, then why not add Mexico as Joe Rogan says? (Cue all the “controlled opposition comments about Rogan. I have my suspicions about him and his agenda as well.) And why not add Australia and New Zealand into the mix — heck, I though that imperialism and colonialism were out of style these days.
So invading a peaceful nation to take it over is now okay?
Gosh, guess that man in Germany with a funny mustache was onto something. Poland doesn’t want to become a part of Germany? Too bad. The dictator wants to control it, for its own good.
I had no idea people could be so easily duped into wanting another Operation Warp Speed — this time into globalism!
Now you may think this sounds harsh, but why in the non-spinning world should the US absorb Canada anyway? The cultures are NOT the same. Canada is a socialist state and the citizens have allegiance to the Queen, uh, make that the King. Canada is part of the United Kingdom, a monarchy.
Welcome to The USSA??
Getting back to the problem of “bigger is not better,” since when does a larger political entity ever make sense? It does not. Don’t you remember the Soviet Union? You know, back in the USSR? And how it failed? To refresh your knowledge, first there was Vladimir Lenin who violently took power in Russia, just over a hundred years ago. He was followed by Joseph Stalin (yes, that Stalin), whose lasting legacy was genocide on a massive scale, accomplished in part by starving the very populace that he forced to come under his control as part of the Soviet Union.
Stalin takes his place in history as one of the most murderous dictators of all time, neck-in-neck with China’s Mao.
Millions of people perished in the countries Stalin took by force (ahem, Trump claims he wants to take Canada by economic force). Not only did Stalin’s henchmen murder innocent people, he forced their “resettlement” including deportation and forced labor.
Stalin’s crowning glory may well be the mass starvation of nearly 15 millions people, due to the and absolute destruction of massive agricultural areas. This famine of 1932-1933 was called Holodomor with Ukraine and Uzbekistan particularly targeted. Were you ever taught about the Holodomor in your history class? I wasn’t. It’s worth researching if this is news to you.
The very quick summary is this: Under Stalin’s grand plan of taking possession of what had been sovereign countries, everything became “centralized.” Instead of local farmers farming in ways that made sense in their own local region, everything was dictated by the collective. Yep, that means the centralized Soviet government. The farmers had to get permission to farm, and they had to get the seeds from the Soviet government. The problem is that the government did not give the farmers the seeds so they could not farm. Yes, I am simplifying the summary, but in essence this is what happened. Later, Stalin punished the farmers (whose families were now starving) blaming them for the poor crop yield when in fact, it was the fault of the centralized government. Talk about gaslighting! Larger governments with more territories are not necessarily more productive and prosperous.
It’s the exact opposite.
But don’t listen to me, look at history.
The Soviet Union eventually collapsed under its own weight of inefficiency and economic stagnation. Put simply: socialism and communism do not work. That’s why the Soviet Union collapsed and Russia (China, too) has not allowed privatization of industry, but encouraged it.
Come on, Trump. Your loose talk about Canada becoming a part of the USA has many of us concerned that you are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, put in place to usher in the New World Dis-Order at Warp Speed. I, for one, am not in favor. I can barely get along with my own HOA association! How in the non-spinning world am I supposed to get along with Canadians? I thought you, Trump, were in favor of closing the border, not leaving the gates wide open.
What say you?
P.S. There are those who say “Trump is just trolling Trudeau.” How charming. So we are supposed to not believe what the incoming president says? Not take him at his word? Reminds me of people who say that Bobby Kennedy knows that vaccines can never be safe, but he pushes for more vaccine testing anyway. Forget that innocent children (animals too) will be harmed in the meantime, while Big Pharma gets bigger, as they benefit from increased vaccine testing. Makes zero sense to me. But then again, I have not been selected by the powers-that-shouldn’t be to shape the public narrative, expand government control, and usher in the New World Dis-Order. My marching orders come from a higher source and I will continue to defend truth and freedom, no matter the cost.
Looks like he has been placed in charge of implementing the North American Union, as mapped out in 1973 by the Club of Rome.
Not that I want to live in an echo chamber, but I'm finding it increasingly harder to disagree with you on anything. And yes, I AM thinking.
My biggest concern with Trump? The frightening loyalty (dare I say, idolatry) that SO MANY of his followers have for him.
How could his followers possibly ignore OWS? Even if he was deceived into it, that alone should have disqualified him for service. But no, he has never repudiated OWS. Is it because he's too proud to admit he was wrong, or is it because he did exactly what he was supposed to do to serve the transhumanist technocratic agenda and was actually quite successful?
I say it's the latter.
I fear his fanatical supporters would follow like lemmings over the cliff and, if given the chance, take the rest of us down the cliff with him.