But none of the other vaccines are mentioned, so children and adults are still required to be human pin cushions to attend most public and private schools in the U.S.
Gee, Peggy, you force people to think critically and deny them the comfort of their delusions about RFK. Not fair. People were so happy when RFK was nominated and everybody had high hopes that he would become a truth teller right away. But we have to face the facts, and so far, RFK doesn't pass the smell test. He always clings to that one thing - vaccines should undergo more safety testing. Since testing poison on people will always cause harm and death, what the heck is he trying to say? We should all write to him - "Dear RKF, trying to be both for and against vaccines doesn't work and it's exhausting. Just find your cajones and tell the truth, even though a lot of people will get mad (especially your Kennedy relatives who hate you anyway) and you will feel a weight roll off your back and sleep better at night. Sincerely, a friend."
Trump was Pfizer's "Vaccine Salesman of the Year" in 2021 - AFTER he left office. In case you don't believe that, watch these videos. It's reprehensible to think that Trump actually stated that no one died from the jabs.
Make no mistake, a whole NEW agenda is coming out (using AI of course) to promote early cancer detection and personalized vaccines as anti-cancer. See final video with Larry Ellison.
I'm certain with all these greedy technocrats at the helm, they'll get it right, huh? Just like Covid...right?
Way to go Peggy. This is an all hat no cattle EO. In terms of truth and health this is a big nada burger with extra cheese and that cheese is what people think or want to think is real substance. Virology/Vaccinations are as fake as the money system, it is literally black magic but belief in it by people gives it life and power. People should read your work on RFK and the vaccine switcheroos on his part. Is Trump "better" than the brain dead Marxists? For now most definitely the answer is Yes. We have been conditioned to take a seemingly small victory and out of desperation turn that into an eventual imagined all out victory. That just doesn't happen. Vaccines are poison , always have been always will be and AI vaccines, well in time God help us will see about that too. This is more theatre and sadly, ultimately that is truly what the people want, bread and games ( and another shot of something)..
Big pharma's trillion dollar vaccine money train will not be stopped by any one doctor. You can look up the list of doctors who tried exposing the vaccine autism link in the past. Most developed a bad case of "died suddenly" after they went public and none were old.
Besides agreeing with you on this overall, it also speaks to Trump's overall "intelligence." After all, according to himself, the covid mRNA "vax," SPECIFICALLY, is the greatest Everrrr..
It saved "millions of lives." Why would he be glad to deprive people of his "miracle accomplishment," which far exceeds the 80 other still required vaccines?
I totally agree with you on everything Peggie. You put it in words so well. The best thing RFK Junior could do is eliminate all vaccines. End of story. They only make people sicker and big pharma richer. Sad how many people have to ruin their lives because of jabs. Thank you for educating everybody. Love you.😇😻🌹❤️🌹😇🥰🥰
God Bless Peggy Hall, thanks for being aware of the mind traps. People have been so beaten down they want to believe in a political hero who can save us all. IT"S NOT GONNA HAPPEN. How many times can we be deceived into hearing only what we want to hear. It's time for humanity to grow up. We are up against a very clever deceiver with ingenious mind tricks.
In Nevada students have to get Meningitis vaccines too. Meningitis is caused by filth and can be cured with an antibiotic. More collusion between big pharmaceutical companies and state.
1. "PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT: President Trump is dedicated to ensuring that American students are not forced to choose between their education and their medical freedom."
His EO applies to ONE vaccine. What about the other 72, or whatever the current insane number of doses is?
2. "President Trump is as a staunch advocate for parental rights, ensuring families have the primary role in shaping their children’s educational journey, free from undue bureaucratic mandates."
Parental rights include the God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed right to decide on each and every vaccine decision for their children, not just the Covid vaccine decision.
Excerpts revealing the terrible and unacceptable limitations, qualifiers, and caveats used in the EO:
1. Note the specifying of "COVID-19 vaccine mandates in schools" below, while excluding all other vaccine mandates that parents and students face.
"Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to prohibit federal funding for COVID-19 vaccine mandates in schools."
2. Note the use of the word "unnecessary" below, as though some vaccine mandates by the government are necessary, acceptable, and ethical, and somehow not a violation of a parent's or individual's rights:
"PUTTING AN END TO GOVERNMENT OVERREACH: President Trump is committed to protecting personal freedoms and ensuring that Americans’ education isn’t conditioned on unnecessary government mandates."
3. Note the use of the word "controversial" below, as though the mandates for every non-Covid vaccine are not controversial, and Americans are to simply accept and comply with them:
"With COVID-19 vaccine mandates threatening educational opportunities for students, parents are being forced into a difficult position: comply with a controversial mandate or risk their child’s educational future."
4. Note the use of the word "undue" below, as though the bureaucratic mandates for all non-Covid vaccines are acceptable, and not a heinous violation of parental rights.
"President Trump is as a staunch advocate for parental rights, ensuring families have the primary role in shaping their children’s educational journey, free from undue bureaucratic mandates."
I am very disappointed with President Trump's extremely limited, terribly insufficient, completely unacceptable Executive Order with regard to vaccine mandates. His limiting his EO to mandates for just one vaccine, use of qualifiers and caveats to eliminate parental and individual rights with regard to all other vaccine mandates, and support and continuance of governmental and institutional medical tyranny are infuriating. This EO needed to be far more aggressive and all encompassing.
It is important that we highlight these unacceptable, unethical, rights-stripping limitations, qualifiers, and caveats, which will permit the vaccine devastation to American infants, toddlers, children, teens, and young adults to continue, and demand an immediate ban on all vaccine mandates, without exception, and a full return of individual and parental rights with regard to healthcare and medical decision making, without any government interference, coercion, cost, or penalty.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | February 15, 2025 at 10:40 AM
Yes, they scatter a few "crumbs" to appease the headlines-only readers. Bravo to your good catches on all the deceptive languaging proliferating everywhere nowadays. They count on most people not reading anything thoroughly, or even bothering to look up words' meanings, as yet another way they get away with all their chicanery.
school children we are not. This information has been around for a long time and not believed and or discredited... Drs, medical professionals, politicians, law makers, educators, parents, therapists, all falling in line. who our tax dollars support...go figure... I agree all vacines are toxic, not medically indicated with severe long lasting side effects and made for profit not health. Children depend on us to make right. Parents just want their child to be productive and thrive in the world while autism and nuerodegenerative conditions increase! It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain Tags....keeping America sick...so sic
Japanese giant Softbank "Masayoshi Son" pledging 500 billion in 4 years, cloud giant Oracle "Larry Ellison" and ChatGPT-creator OpenAI 'Sam Altman". Also Meetings with New Best Buddies, El Elyon or sorry "Elon" and Billy Boy "Gates".
Good thing The Trump Trio are integrating all this Ai stuff to help us in deciphering that 1=A and 9=i like that "Bioweapon" thing called C19 masquerading as "HealthShots" or "Wacksceens" called...
"COVID-19" aka...
1=(A) & 9=(I)
Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
Who Runs this World, Satan does...
Luke 4:6-7
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
Bill Gates given billion dollars for his vaccine programs by USAID. No one was watching or those who colluded didnt worry about getting caught. If you are mad as hell...U should be
Sorry "Truth Seeker" but I'm just a High School "Degenerate" who uses "fake Bible verses" because I wasn't the one who wrote it but instead just copy and pasted the scripture from the Bible, the first fake book ever written. Jus because I don't have a PhD in English literature, I copy & paste...
Mahalo for the Fact Checking, feels like High School again and getting corrected from my teacher some 50 years ago, much mahalo.
Exactly! I thought the same when I heard of this - just politics. It's no different than an executive order protecting the Dodo bird with a $10,000,000 fine for harming one. It sounds great, garners headlines, but is completely meaningless.
Of course no other vaxx was included. The head of HHS RFK jr. said “I support vaccines. I support the childhood schedule." He won't go against that.
All the headlines sound wonderful to Trump followers but they never seem to look past the headlines. The same was for the 13 Feb EO. People all excited without reading it or asking questions.
With Trump’s continued support of mRNA seems all that needs to be done to is create a new c19 poison and change the name, maybe something like bird flu shot.
Nowhere in the EO is any mention of vaccines. In first sentence of the EO, exempting post mRNA roll out life expectancy outcomes. “with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy”
In last sentence of Section 1. (Sounds like setting up prohibition of anyone being able to even question “the experts”, lessons from the c19 resisters who did not buy lies of the “experts”)
“We must restore the integrity of the scientific process by protecting expert recommendations from inappropriate influence”
Gee, Peggy, you force people to think critically and deny them the comfort of their delusions about RFK. Not fair. People were so happy when RFK was nominated and everybody had high hopes that he would become a truth teller right away. But we have to face the facts, and so far, RFK doesn't pass the smell test. He always clings to that one thing - vaccines should undergo more safety testing. Since testing poison on people will always cause harm and death, what the heck is he trying to say? We should all write to him - "Dear RKF, trying to be both for and against vaccines doesn't work and it's exhausting. Just find your cajones and tell the truth, even though a lot of people will get mad (especially your Kennedy relatives who hate you anyway) and you will feel a weight roll off your back and sleep better at night. Sincerely, a friend."
Trump was Pfizer's "Vaccine Salesman of the Year" in 2021 - AFTER he left office. In case you don't believe that, watch these videos. It's reprehensible to think that Trump actually stated that no one died from the jabs.
Make no mistake, a whole NEW agenda is coming out (using AI of course) to promote early cancer detection and personalized vaccines as anti-cancer. See final video with Larry Ellison.
I'm certain with all these greedy technocrats at the helm, they'll get it right, huh? Just like Covid...right?
Trump: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xyRNX5MULfyj
Trump: https://www.bitchute.com/video/K3UbJkQVHZAv
Trump: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RxXl6oy3rVAX
Ellison: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0NIZAhI6xv75
Way to go Peggy. This is an all hat no cattle EO. In terms of truth and health this is a big nada burger with extra cheese and that cheese is what people think or want to think is real substance. Virology/Vaccinations are as fake as the money system, it is literally black magic but belief in it by people gives it life and power. People should read your work on RFK and the vaccine switcheroos on his part. Is Trump "better" than the brain dead Marxists? For now most definitely the answer is Yes. We have been conditioned to take a seemingly small victory and out of desperation turn that into an eventual imagined all out victory. That just doesn't happen. Vaccines are poison , always have been always will be and AI vaccines, well in time God help us will see about that too. This is more theatre and sadly, ultimately that is truly what the people want, bread and games ( and another shot of something)..
Big pharma's trillion dollar vaccine money train will not be stopped by any one doctor. You can look up the list of doctors who tried exposing the vaccine autism link in the past. Most developed a bad case of "died suddenly" after they went public and none were old.
Besides agreeing with you on this overall, it also speaks to Trump's overall "intelligence." After all, according to himself, the covid mRNA "vax," SPECIFICALLY, is the greatest Everrrr..
It saved "millions of lives." Why would he be glad to deprive people of his "miracle accomplishment," which far exceeds the 80 other still required vaccines?
I totally agree with you on everything Peggie. You put it in words so well. The best thing RFK Junior could do is eliminate all vaccines. End of story. They only make people sicker and big pharma richer. Sad how many people have to ruin their lives because of jabs. Thank you for educating everybody. Love you.😇😻🌹❤️🌹😇🥰🥰
God Bless Peggy Hall, thanks for being aware of the mind traps. People have been so beaten down they want to believe in a political hero who can save us all. IT"S NOT GONNA HAPPEN. How many times can we be deceived into hearing only what we want to hear. It's time for humanity to grow up. We are up against a very clever deceiver with ingenious mind tricks.
In Nevada students have to get Meningitis vaccines too. Meningitis is caused by filth and can be cured with an antibiotic. More collusion between big pharmaceutical companies and state.
Thank you for covering this, Peggy. Below is what I wrote in the comments section on the Age of Autism blog after reading Trump’s EO.
Presidential Executive Order from 2-14-25:
Excerpts revealing unacceptable hypocrisy:
1. "PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT: President Trump is dedicated to ensuring that American students are not forced to choose between their education and their medical freedom."
His EO applies to ONE vaccine. What about the other 72, or whatever the current insane number of doses is?
2. "President Trump is as a staunch advocate for parental rights, ensuring families have the primary role in shaping their children’s educational journey, free from undue bureaucratic mandates."
Parental rights include the God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed right to decide on each and every vaccine decision for their children, not just the Covid vaccine decision.
Excerpts revealing the terrible and unacceptable limitations, qualifiers, and caveats used in the EO:
1. Note the specifying of "COVID-19 vaccine mandates in schools" below, while excluding all other vaccine mandates that parents and students face.
"Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to prohibit federal funding for COVID-19 vaccine mandates in schools."
2. Note the use of the word "unnecessary" below, as though some vaccine mandates by the government are necessary, acceptable, and ethical, and somehow not a violation of a parent's or individual's rights:
"PUTTING AN END TO GOVERNMENT OVERREACH: President Trump is committed to protecting personal freedoms and ensuring that Americans’ education isn’t conditioned on unnecessary government mandates."
3. Note the use of the word "controversial" below, as though the mandates for every non-Covid vaccine are not controversial, and Americans are to simply accept and comply with them:
"With COVID-19 vaccine mandates threatening educational opportunities for students, parents are being forced into a difficult position: comply with a controversial mandate or risk their child’s educational future."
4. Note the use of the word "undue" below, as though the bureaucratic mandates for all non-Covid vaccines are acceptable, and not a heinous violation of parental rights.
"President Trump is as a staunch advocate for parental rights, ensuring families have the primary role in shaping their children’s educational journey, free from undue bureaucratic mandates."
I am very disappointed with President Trump's extremely limited, terribly insufficient, completely unacceptable Executive Order with regard to vaccine mandates. His limiting his EO to mandates for just one vaccine, use of qualifiers and caveats to eliminate parental and individual rights with regard to all other vaccine mandates, and support and continuance of governmental and institutional medical tyranny are infuriating. This EO needed to be far more aggressive and all encompassing.
It is important that we highlight these unacceptable, unethical, rights-stripping limitations, qualifiers, and caveats, which will permit the vaccine devastation to American infants, toddlers, children, teens, and young adults to continue, and demand an immediate ban on all vaccine mandates, without exception, and a full return of individual and parental rights with regard to healthcare and medical decision making, without any government interference, coercion, cost, or penalty.
Posted by: Laura Hayes | February 15, 2025 at 10:40 AM
Yes, they scatter a few "crumbs" to appease the headlines-only readers. Bravo to your good catches on all the deceptive languaging proliferating everywhere nowadays. They count on most people not reading anything thoroughly, or even bothering to look up words' meanings, as yet another way they get away with all their chicanery.
Great work!👏
Very very easy to say what should have happened, not that I disagree.
However "we" are not playing at that level.
DJT once again has delivered. Pay attention, shall we??
RFK is bringing the fire just like E Musk has ok???
school children we are not. This information has been around for a long time and not believed and or discredited... Drs, medical professionals, politicians, law makers, educators, parents, therapists, all falling in line. who our tax dollars support...go figure... I agree all vacines are toxic, not medically indicated with severe long lasting side effects and made for profit not health. Children depend on us to make right. Parents just want their child to be productive and thrive in the world while autism and nuerodegenerative conditions increase! It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain Tags....keeping America sick...so sic
The Roots are planted...
The Tree is growing...
The Fruits will come...
What could go wrong...?
Japanese giant Softbank "Masayoshi Son" pledging 500 billion in 4 years, cloud giant Oracle "Larry Ellison" and ChatGPT-creator OpenAI 'Sam Altman". Also Meetings with New Best Buddies, El Elyon or sorry "Elon" and Billy Boy "Gates".
Good thing The Trump Trio are integrating all this Ai stuff to help us in deciphering that 1=A and 9=i like that "Bioweapon" thing called C19 masquerading as "HealthShots" or "Wacksceens" called...
"COVID-19" aka...
1=(A) & 9=(I)
Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
Who Runs this World, Satan does...
Luke 4:6-7
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
Aloha & God Bless, kyle
Jus some CoinkyDinky Dots
Bill Gates given billion dollars for his vaccine programs by USAID. No one was watching or those who colluded didnt worry about getting caught. If you are mad as hell...U should be
your comment should have concluded after the fruits analogy...
Instead is totally degenerated into speculation and fake bible analogies
freedom to speak safely, soundly and frreely...education and perspectives may vary
Sorry "Truth Seeker" but I'm just a High School "Degenerate" who uses "fake Bible verses" because I wasn't the one who wrote it but instead just copy and pasted the scripture from the Bible, the first fake book ever written. Jus because I don't have a PhD in English literature, I copy & paste...
Mahalo for the Fact Checking, feels like High School again and getting corrected from my teacher some 50 years ago, much mahalo.
Aloha & God bless
Exactly! I thought the same when I heard of this - just politics. It's no different than an executive order protecting the Dodo bird with a $10,000,000 fine for harming one. It sounds great, garners headlines, but is completely meaningless.
Of course no other vaxx was included. The head of HHS RFK jr. said “I support vaccines. I support the childhood schedule." He won't go against that.
Dog, find a hydrant
All the headlines sound wonderful to Trump followers but they never seem to look past the headlines. The same was for the 13 Feb EO. People all excited without reading it or asking questions.
With Trump’s continued support of mRNA seems all that needs to be done to is create a new c19 poison and change the name, maybe something like bird flu shot.
Nowhere in the EO is any mention of vaccines. In first sentence of the EO, exempting post mRNA roll out life expectancy outcomes. “with pre‑COVID-19 United States life expectancy”
In last sentence of Section 1. (Sounds like setting up prohibition of anyone being able to even question “the experts”, lessons from the c19 resisters who did not buy lies of the “experts”)
“We must restore the integrity of the scientific process by protecting expert recommendations from inappropriate influence”
Establishing the President's Make America Healthy Again Commission – The White House 13 Feb 2025 https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/02/establishing-the-presidents-make-america-healthy-again-commission/