But none of the other vaccines are mentioned, so children and adults are still required to be human pin cushions to attend most public and private schools in the U.S.
Friends, as one who led the charge in assisting thousands of college students in getting exemptions from the Covid shot, I am relieved to know that no school requiring Covid shots now or in the future will be able to get federal funding.
“Oh, there you go again, Peggy! Can’t you leave well enough alone? Why do you have to go and spoil everything with your deep digging and critical thinking?”
No schools are currently requiring Covid shots, and they haven’t for some time. Most schools eliminated covid vaccine requirements back in 2024.
I’ll tell you WHY that matters in just a moment, and I’ll share evidence with you from the schools I’ve surveyed in the most shutdown states of CA, NY and OR — and we’ll look at FL just for kicks.
But before I do that, let me share
an email that came in, and how troubling it was for me that this person (probably among many more) fell for the headlines announcing Trump’s executive order here called “Keeping Education Accessible and Ending Covid-19 Mandates in Schools.”
And by fell for the headlines I mean she and likely countless others interpreted this EO to mean that all vaccines were now banned in schools receiving federal funding.
The basic message I got from a few people who emailed me was: “See, Peggy? Trump and Bobby are getting rid of the vaccines! Schools can’t mandate vaccines or they won’t get federal funding.”
But that is not what happened, and I’ll tell you why it matters.
Okay, let’s break this down simply:
(1) Trump’s executive order only mentioned Covid-19 vaccines, no other vaccines. Take a look for yourself here:
Section 1. Purpose and Policy. Some school districts and universities continue to coerce children and young adults into taking the COVID-19 vaccine by conditioning their education on it, and others may re-implement such mandates.
Parents and young adults should be empowered with accurate data regarding the remote risks of serious illness associated with COVID-19 for children and young adults, as well as how those risks can be mitigated through various measures, and left free to make their own decisions accordingly. Given the incredibly low risk of serious COVID-19 illness for children and young adults, threatening to shut them out of an education is an intolerable infringement on personal freedom. Such mandates usurp parental authority and burden students of many faiths.
It is the policy of my Administration that discretionary Federal funds should not be used to directly or indirectly support or subsidize an educational service agency, State educational agency, local educational agency, elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education that requires students to have received a COVID-19 vaccination to attend any in-person education program.
(2) No schools are currently requiring Covid-19 vaccines, so this order is basically moot. Meaning, it doesn’t have any current impact on any schools or students. (If you find a school that is requiring the Covid shots, please email me to let me know so I can correct this statement. I’ll share the information I researched from some of the most shutdown states in just a minute as evidence.)
(3) By creating this executive order, Trump is getting some applause from people who didn’t bother to read the executive order, or didn’t understand it, or who are so enamored (or overwhelmed) by what Trump’s flurry of executive orders, that they just assumed the order applied to all vaccines.
Here is why Trump’s EO regarding Covid Shots is Troubling
First of all, Trump’s order did not apply to all vaccines, just Covid vaccines.
This is troubling because the order gives the impression that the other shots are necessary and should not be questioned.
Next, Covid shots are not even currently being required by any schools, so the order does not have any impact.
(Yes, you could say that this will prevent schools from requiring the Covid shot in the future, and I would agree with you that that is a good thing.)
But keep this in mind: singling out the Covid vaccine in this order gives tacit approval to the “legitimacy” of the other vaccines.
Why not ban federal funding for schools that require:
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)
Varicella (chickenpox)
Meningococcal Conjugate (MCV)**
You see, by ignoring those vaccines, Trump’s order is basically stating that those vaccines are necessary and useful.
Are they?
You may say, “Come on, Peggy, give the man a chance! He’s going to start with Covid, then later he’ll get rid of funding for schools who require the other vaccines.”
Well, that would be amazing but I won’t hold my breath.
This is the man celebrating AI personalized cancer vaccines… so we know he’s a fan of vaccines. Does Operation Warp Speed ring any bells?
(And before you say, “Come on, Peggy! Trump was just trying to protect the country! He didn’t know any better! Fauci and Brix were giving him the wrong information!” Then answer me this: How did you and I know that this was a bunch of hogwash, but Trump didn’t?)
There are other issues with the Covid vaccine “mandate” that are troubling to me.
Several lawsuits have argued over the past few years that Covid shots could not be “mandated” because these shots:
- weren’t really vaccines as normally defined
- were rushed to market without adequate “safety testing” (you know how I feel about that red herring)
- didn’t actually prevent transmission
- didn’t actually protect people from getting Covid
(Now before we go any further, let me state for the record that I don’t believe in “safety testing”poison; that health does not come from a poison dart. No person is “deficient” in whatever is being injected into them; we really don’t know exactly what causes these conditions that are called illnesses to occur; these childhood “illnesses” could actually trigger mechanisms that protect the individual down the road; and Covid has never been found to exist, other than it mimics the common cold and flu.)
Based on the objections stated above in some legal cases, and based on Trump’s order only mentioning the Covid vaccine, it leaves the door open for future covid vaccine requirements if:
- We are told that Covid now is a serious risk for children and young adults
- Covid shots are created like “old-fashioned” vaccines and not mRNA technology
- Covid shots have been safety tested and are guaranteed to be “safe and effective”
Okay, let’s zero in on the key point in Trumps’ order:
Given the incredibly low risk of serious COVID-19 illness for children and young adults, threatening to shut them out of an education is an intolerable infringement on personal freedom.
Do you see the problem with this?
The order should have been applied to all vaccines, not just Covid. It doesn’t make sense to just single out Covid vaccines.
This order reinforces the (unproven) idea that Covid exists, but children and young adults are not really at risk for getting it.
The order makes NO MENTION of the horrible side effects of the shot.
The order also makes NO MENTION that children and young adults should not be “shut out” of an education if they do not participate in the other commonly required vaccines.
Schools have not required Covid shots since Jan 2024
The order is basically moot because no schools are currently requiring the Covid shots.
Take a look at the vaccine requirements in these states: CA, HI, OR, NY and FL.
California, New York, Hawaii, and Washington were notably among the most militant, tyrannical and oppressive when it came to vaccine requirements, including Covid vaccines and boosters.
I can say that with certainty based on the number of people coming to me for help to stay in school without becoming a human pin cushion.
Rarely ever did someone come to me for help to learn about their rights to refuse vaccines in Oklahoma, Tennessee or Alabama.
California and New York were neck-in-neck in the race for total control and blatant discrimination when it came to students’ rights.
So, here we have CURRENT California vaccine requirements for elementary, middle and high school:
Notice what’s missing? No requirement for Covid shots. This was published in 2024.
Next, look here at the requirements for the University of California:
Hmm… no Covid shots! Covid shots are not required to attend college/university in California.
Look at New York University’s Covid policy:
So what is the point of Trump’s order if Covid shots are not currently required? Are we to anticipate another cooties outbreak? Why didn’t the order apply to all vaccines?
Now THAT would have been worth applauding!
University of Hawaii requirements:
University of Washington:
So we can see that Covid vaccines are not being required in order for students to attend school.
Trump’s order should have been applied to all vaccines, not just Covid.
It doesn’t make sense to just single out Covid vaccines, especially since schools have not been requiring them for over a year.
It’s troubling when people don’t dig deeper and are simply swayed by the headlines.
Critical thinking requires asking questions and digging deeper and considering the narrative or agendas being promoted.
And that, my friends, is exactly what we do here at The Healthy American.*
*One Healthy American wrote to me and said, “Peggy, the name of your organization, “The Healthy American,” appears to have inspired your favorite Kennedy Jr. to come up with his name of “Make America Healthy Again.”
Just one question:
How does the government make someone healthy? Inquiring minds want to know.
As always, thank you for being a reader of this substack, and for sharing the content with others who want to dig deeper and not accept things at face value.
In Nevada students have to get Meningitis vaccines too. Meningitis is caused by filth and can be cured with an antibiotic. More collusion between big pharmaceutical companies and state.
God Bless Peggy Hall, thanks for being aware of the mind traps. People have been so beaten down they want to believe in a political hero who can save us all. IT"S NOT GONNA HAPPEN. How many times can we be deceived into hearing only what we want to hear. It's time for humanity to grow up. We are up against a very clever deceiver with ingenious mind tricks.