So the Gold Card is a means to an end? $’s to pay off our National debt, one that our “governance” has created — and to be so so benevolent (sarcasm intended) to us citizens in so doing? Really? I mean Really?

Legal immigration (the way it’s always been) is with people coming into our Country who desire a better way of life, and who go through the immigration process with appreciation for what this will mean for their future. Furthermore, those folks come into this Country to assimilate into the culture, rather than trying to make this Country their culture.

Question 1: Are those that can afford the $5mil going to come here with honesty and integrity? Are they going to appreciate and integrate into the culture here?

Question 2: What about foreign Government’s who want to rid themselves of certain individuals. Will there be $5mil handouts?

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Would someone kindly explain what the hell Bobby Kennedy is doing there?

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Out of the box thinking or pay to play to the extreme??? My maternal grandparents crossed legally in Laredo Texas in the 20s and paid 10cents which they had to save for. Grandad laid railroad track and they had 10 kids (2 WW II veterans who served with distinction. Like everything else in America what is left four ideals are cosmetic patriotic shams or money laundering and the country reflects that e.g. Cash, hotels and board for criminals and victims for violent criminals to rape and murder and now selling what we are supposed to value the most (citizenship) to foreign fat cats . And when have the really wealthy paid taxes comparable to what us working stiffs pay (not sure this will pay off our deficit)? We became a remarkably successful country by valuing intelligence and hard work but now we need money to build artificial intelligence to control dumbed down people to pay back countless gazillions stolen while the guilty get away with it. Living in a strange strange time hope we can survive and more thankful that the only citizenship that matters is in heaven. Thank you Jesus.

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Only if it's shaped like a Golden Calf. This is all frightening Baal-worship.

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You never cease to amaze me. Musk is such a fake. He’s only been trained and set up to act like an intelligent person. He’s not.

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If only Kamala had won, this type of thing would be entirely unnecessary. Everyone could just continue to come in for free.

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I don’t think any of these border issues have anything to do with people taking resources (which is a lame argument to start with bc these people all work! Doing jobs others don’t want to do!) But it is not about that. This sub-narrative meant to distract. I feel the real reasons have to do with human trafficking, fentanyl trafficking, and the diluting the population with what the elite perceive as “easy to control” incomers who will behave the way they want them to. It's a “compliance” issue. Trumps Gold Card idea is so insane as it just perpetuates power of the rich who seek to control, everyone and everything. Trump is really trying to take over everything it seems, with riches!

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It is a wealth generating program. Where those monies will go is the better question.

Suggesting grift from the man who has exposed grift is far far worse than speculative.

Not a word about USAID but deleting useless pennies an off the rails topic yeah?

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Have to wonder how much of all Trump’s EOs and other actions are a ruse. How many are done in a manor that is not legit and can be stopped within the court system and Trump can then tell those in the Trump Trance “I tried” who will fall for it hook, line and sinker.

I hear the Trump backers excited about headlines yet never look beyond the enticing headlines.

Who is the middleman in these “gold cards”, Trump enterprise with his pal Howard crocodile tears Lutnick’s company Cantor Fitzgerald in the game as the brokerage company?

Something is fishy here, maybe time for a tuna sandwich.

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Vetting? based on what?

Sounds like a pay to play program for foreigners.

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