So sorry for you loss Peggy; we just lost our precious cat, it's true what you say about the bonds being surprisingly deep.

St. Thomas is often spot on; but he was wrong about animals not being in heaven. :)

Has anyone here ever had female cats who went unspayed?

I wouldn't neuter male cats for any reason other than their "marking" behavior can get quite damaging.

However, we have two little female kittens (rescued from a house where they were starving in a bathtub), and wondering about whether we should spay them.

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Jul 8Liked by Peggy Hall

Great video Peggy. Thank you so much for bringing this to light. I follow a great veterinarian on YTube "Veterinary Secrets" Dr. Andrew Jones. He dropped out of vet practice even gave up liscence due to disllusionment of main stream vet medicine. He is a huge resource for learning all kinds of ways to take care of our beloved pets. You can tell he loves animals. So much great advice on treating holistically at home with research to back it up.Does free webinars.

Published a book (which I bought) for treating our pets at home. Please,please, please check him out. He has a website as well...


And yes has great advice on the coctails plus says his pets are getting no more of them.

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Thank you for posting this! I have watched Dr. Andrew Jones off and on over the years and I am so inspired by his gentle nature and deep caring for our companion animals. I will definitely mention his channel again and I hope many will learn from his wisdom.

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He also has you tube video "Shorts" with all kinds of tips.

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Thank you sooo much!

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Jul 8Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank you, Peggy. I've been wondering how you're feeling since your profound losses. We lost our precious dog in February and have similarly felt that the grief might be abating, only to have it return full force at times. Deep love, deep pain of loss.

Regarding things I would never do: You covered nearly everything beautifully. I would add that I would never leave my dog at home alone for hours at a stretch (we were fortunate to almost never have to leave ours at all) or assume he would get plenty of exercise and stimulation at home and in the yard/garden. Our small dog and our relationship thrived on at least two daily walks to a variety of places, taking classes to learn new skills and participating in several sports together. We let him decide where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do as much as possible, and he was opinionated. He loved agility and nosework, not rally obedience and being a therapy dog. I would never talk down to him as though he were less than an equal in any way but conversed with him just as I would talk with a human love or friend. He understood everything and could not have been kinder or more considerate. We and our husbands were so very blessed, weren't we? With much love to you

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Karen, what a beautiful and inspiring message. I am so very sorry that we are sharing this pain of loss, truly it is agony. Your little fella sure had a great life with you, and yes, we are so blessed to have had this abundance of love in our lives in these furry family members. I'm looking forward to the day when we will welcome more into our lives.

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I have a friend who took her dog in for his checkup (shots, etc). He was completely fine when she took him in. By the time she got him out to the car, his little legs were shaking and he was having a difficult time standing. A few hours later, it became very apparent something was extremely wrong. She took him to an urgent care vet and he passed away that night. Pets are such a great part of our lives. Just like everything else, the powers that be think it's fun to try and take away everything we love and everything that's important to us. I swear they think it's funny or something.

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I'm so very very sorry. ❤

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That is such a tragic story and sadly far too common. May we continue to wake people up to these horrors that are perpetrated upon our loved ones. I hope your friend told the vet what happened so these tragedies can be avoided in the future.

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I honestly don't think she connected it and I didn't want to make it worse by mentioning that it might have been because of his shots. I don't think that ten years ago, had I heard that story, I would have connected it, either. Now it's just way too common. She was also going through some other really difficult things when this happened.

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Jul 5Liked by Peggy Hall

Peggy, thank you for sharing what you have learned through the years regarding better pet care. This will help many animals for a long, long time.

You have honored your beloved companions in the best way possible. Know everytime you long for them that you WILL be with them again.

Good job, Mommy!

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Marguerite, I can't thank you enough for your heartfelt words, especially this: "Know everytime you long for them that you WILL be with them again." I have gotten to many "Heavenly Hugs" over these weeks that cannot be mere coincidences, letting me know that all is well and all will be well. Thank you again for your caring.

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Jul 5Liked by Peggy Hall

Peggy I am truly sorry for your loss - devastating—no words, really.

I am so glad to know you are doing better and thank you for this great information.

Our pets are family—our pets bring us comfort, joy, and solace, not only to ourselves, but to others. Our pets are a way to meet new people and make friends when we least expect it.

Nutrition is so important. We feed our two dogs Organic kibbles, put vitamins in with them, and occasionally mix organic table scraps of our people food in with their food.

I trust our loving God at some time in the future will bless you with new furry friends!

God bless you and your hubby💕

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I'm so grateful for your understanding and caring. It does help bring me comfort.

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Jul 5Liked by Peggy Hall

Being a deeply compassionate and loving person like you also means you will suffer profound grief when you lose the ones you love. When animals leave us there is a hole in our heart that will never be filled. That you are still able to continue to go forward with God's calling for your life is a testament to your strength and concern for everyone who has been duped and harmed by the monsters who care nothing for anyone but themselves, cause great harm, and are driven by greed. Every day you educate us all and do your utmost to keep us safe from these monsters. You are one of God's blessed people who carries on through thick and thin. The love and prayers of thousands of us are with you every day. Thank you for being who you are.

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Britt, out of anyone I know, you understand the precious treasures and blessings these animals are to us. I thank you for your kindness and caring in my time of intense sorrow. My work gives me bouts of relief but I admittedly am wounded and deeply grieving. I know you know that pain. May God bring us peace. 🙏

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