Huntington Beach , CA.is covered with white lines this afternoon. It has an odd smell. Really sickening to know that people are doing this and it will affect hem too. They breath the same air.

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Peggy, you’re probably already subscribed, but if not, check out:

Agent131711’s Substack

A deep look at GeoEngineering programs, "Chemtrails", as well as insane corruption that nobody is talking about. My content is my interpretation of all the crazy evidence I unearth. Come hang out in my rabbit hole. Please bring whiskey and cheese.

By Agent131711: READ THIS! (Substack)

· Over 4,000 subscribers

He has a “colorful” delivery style😉

In the article titled: “Merck Developed Bioweapons, "Vitamins" & Vaccines” ~the old U.S. Military videos of exactly how they developed & tested chemTrails is mind blowing🤯

*Only GOD can fix the mess we’re in. Maranatha~even so come Lord Jesus.

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Interpreting government statements demands adherence to this axiom: Government is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. Advancement up the government pay scale is based upon your ability to tell lies to cover up your bosses stupidity or his/her malfeasance. Lying straight-faced is their only stock in trade. They will always lie.

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My Substact, please check it out!Thanks for everything! Kind regards Merrick


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Side comment: yes light really does travel and its speed can be measured. Because everything we see is light when we look at objects really far away by the time light gets to our eyes some time has elapsed so we are not seeing things as they are but as they were. Relativity is nothing more than trying to account for this mismatch between what we see and what we’re looking at really far away.

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I’ve known about this travesty in our Sky’s for years. Great work exposing these crimes against Humanity!

New York is same! There everywhere globally! It’s infuriating & criminal! Hopefully more ppl write or call the Agencies you mention. I’m using NORAD! Totally insane behavior to Our Health & Gaia itself! Mad as Hell!

CJ Elliott

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By looking up and tracking on flight radar 24 you can see the aircraft that are spraying. The dispersions never dissipate and grow larger together to make the skies milky. What is up, has to come down …. Onto everything here on the ground.

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Cal Washington explains how to win this war. Could you watch this Peggy and tell us if that could be a good tool for us. You are the expert on decrypting stuff. :)

He explains how the system works and how to fight using the same tool that they use.

I didn't have time to register on is website yet but I will do it soon. He said that he provides all the forms, kind of law forms to send to those who try to enslave us.

Clear Skies Conference - Cal Washington 56:33 min


The Common Law Movement That Is Changing The World | w/ Cal Washington 1:05:42


Cal Washington's website.


Clear Skies Conference 2024


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I just downloaded our county's air quality complaint form and will file a complaint on the very next day which I see the chemtrails. It won't be long, as they spray in San Luis Obispo County (California) most days of the year now.

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I emailed the epaulets with The Healthy American's link and this was the reaponse;

Hi R*****j,

Thank you for reaching out to the California Air Resources Board with your concerns. Unfortunately, this agency has no jurisdiction over aircraft. Aircraft emissions are regulated by U.S. EPA. Here is a link for more information about contrails: https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-engines/information-contrails-aircraft.

Should you wish to file a complaint with U.S. EPA, you may do so here: Report Environmental Violations | ECHO | US EPA.

I hope this information is helpful. Please feel free to reach out should you have additional questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Regina McDoniels

Air Pollution Specialist

District Support Section

Enforcement Division

VoIP: (279) 208-7718


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Woops! Spell check!!

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Peggy, first, I want to thank you and your husband for helping us obtain the letter for an exemption from the kill shots, for my husband's work. I would like to tell you about the chem/com trails around the area that we live, which is the Sacramento area. RFK, Jr. had spoken about our area, that our vegetable plants are producing tiny produce in our backyard gardens, and he mentioned tomatoes in particular. Last summer I had planned to can tomatoes. I planted about 15 of one of the largest varieties of tomatoes. As with my neighbors, my tomatoes turned out to be the size of cherries! No canning tomatoes. The lemons, same thing. Not to mention, most flowers are dreadfully small. My petunias, one inch across the top/diameter of the blooms! They should be 5-6 inches across! I'm known for having a lot of color in my front yard, due to all of the blossoms. My only hope of having that again this spring and summer, is to replant with flowers from the nurseries that sell plants grown in the large greenhouses, because they don't have as much exposure to the chem trails. Yes, this is really happening, and many people are complaining about it. My husband is a private pilot. He said that since he studied material to get his pilot's license, and they have to learn about clouds, what kind of clouds not to fly into, etc., he can tell me that what he sees in the skies when they are spraying, is that "There is nothing natural about them," referring to the odd cloud formations. He never paid any attention to my comments about the chem trails before, until one day it was so obvious in the skies that something was very wrong. Our chem trails are lasting for hours. Not natural! He also said that the reason no one can get to the pilots or planes that are spraying the chem trails is because they are coming out of the military bases. No one can intrude into those and put a stop to the evil spraying. We also have headaches after we are outside and watch the spraying. Lot's of people are complaining about that also.

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And if it's doing that to plants,what do you suppose those chemicals are doing to YOU???

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Everybody should have United AND Joined in long ago to stop this bullshit. They might as well spray us with RAID !!!

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I might have been blocked on Tomas Peuyo’s Posts. He had a post extolling the virtue of releasing sulphur into the air to reduce climate change. I commented that might it be compared to the release of the Covid bioweapon from the Wuhan labs ? I guess I might have offended him for his Super Ad post that appears to be promoting this technology.

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That’s Tomas Pueyo correcting my spelling.

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Post is Uncharted Territories by Tomas Pueyo.

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Thank you Peggy! I wrote to the Idaho DEQ complaint line. It is a strictly online form and I was going to copy and paste my complaint to a document before sending and forgot. doh! Anyway, we will see if the even bother to reply to my complaint. I sent it on Sunday evening, so we will see. I live in north Idaho and our skies, which used to be blue and beautiful, are constantly being sprayed and turned milky. X marks the spot and tic tac toe are commonly seen. Even u-turns and circles. Then on a day when you would expect to see their chemtrails, there is nothing. hmm.

In the early 2000's, Idaho State stopped the burning of the bluegrass chaff here in the north because, for a few days each summer, there was smoke and people complained. Only the Indian reservation can still burn. The bluegrass needed the char produced by the burning to give good crops the following year. The entire industry died, and now HOUSES are GROWING on what used to be bluegrass hay farms. Of course, now, all summer we are severely choked out by smoke from all the wildfires that are constantly burning all around us. From Canada, Washington, Oregon, Montana, and even they say, from California, as well as our own.

I told the DEQ that the trees are dying, plants are failing to thrive, and God only knows what it is doing to us. I know of several purebloods who have gotten turbo cancers, my Mom who went home to Jesus last March is one of them. Is there a connection to the spraying? Possibly.

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Peggy, you really should talk to Jim Lee at ClimateViewer and join the monthly SWARM webinars that Reinette is doing. She is bringing people more complete information as to what is going on and inspiring and presenting them with actions they can take, including interviews with a woman named Kat who is collecting and analyzing rain samples and taking local action by contacting her state (CA) public serpents. Especially focus in on the ex-Naval meterologist that Reinette has in her team. His name is Jeff. The chemtrails (and contrails) can only show up under certain weather conditions and when the plane is flying at the right altitude. Even if you don't see the chemtrails, they are still spraying us. Depending on the altitude some of that spray can take months or years to come down to Earth. There are also ground launched canisters (often done by farmers who get paid for it).

Also listen to all of the interviews she has done on geoengineering (minus the interview with Dane Wiggington she did before she realized what he really was - as with all gatekeepers there will be truth in what he says, but he is not telling you the whole truth, and he is not actually taking any effective action, yet his followers are lulled into doing nothing because they think he is fighting the good fight for them - notice how many in comments to your YT video call him a hero? They falsely believe he is the hero who will save them. You might want to also want to ask him why he attacks and tries to disrupt events by others who are telling the truth in the geoengineering space. And how much money does he make doing this full time job of 'watching' the geoengineering... for how many years now? Watching and talking about geoengineering... isn't that what we all are doing? How's that been going for us? As you say it's time to take action. But why not do it with more complete information so we have a better chance of success?

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Hi Donna, Jim Lee of Climate Viewer is brilliant.

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So are you saying Dane Wiggington is a fraud? .. 'controlled opposition'?..

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I'm not labeling him as any of those things. I'm pointing out his behaviors that seem to completely contradict and/or go against what he claims to be for. You be the judge as to what he is doing and why he is doing those things. We have to each decide for ourselves - discernment.

I have seen so much infiltration of so many organizations and topics of concern to us, and over hundreds of years (the Freemasons as one example) that I am looking at everything through that filter now. I am not part of any organized religion, but both Christ and Buddha gave warnings about worshipping idols (false idols). While that always made sense to me, now I understand WHY, I see the danger of doing so.

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I have been handing out dvd's on the chemtrails for many years. It's weird that the climate change "activists" are usually NOT interested in this at all. It's as if they are programmed dummies. The proof on the dvd's are compelling so even the most rabid deniers will have nothing to say. The SAME folks that are spraying the skies are poisoning your food with GMO's and other toxins NOT fit for human consumption, and are the SAME folks using weather warfare to attack populations around the world, destroying food supplies here with their DEW fires, and are the SAME folks injecting the poisonous bio-weapon vaccines into the global populations. It's all the SAME people with the exact SAME depopulation agenda. The Beast Power of Revelation 13 is on the move just as the Bible predicted with their Luciferian agenda! They think they will succeed but it will NOT end well for their coming one world global religion at all!!

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"It's as if they are programmed dummies."

Exactly! They have been dumbed down, put enough poison into their bodies to make them very susceptible to the mind control that they have been programmed with. Jason Christoff talks about this exact thing in his video channel (search Odysee) and podcast on Soundcloud.

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