This bothers me because it just doesn’t sit right. Why would they wait 3 yrs ? I have many questions. You also mentioned the 1986 act which Jr says he will repeal which I think is a bunch of malarkey. Wouldn’t you need to repeal the 1962 Act that JFK signed into law ? I have questions about this because the 62 Act started the entire mess we are in with the V system.

Once again, thank you so much for doing these detailed analysis Peggy. You are a light in a very confusing world. 🙏❤️

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Govt “official” pawns were all getting paid one way or another to implement bioweapon jabs. How many will be arrested is the next question!

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So happy for real men like Paxton who have the balls to stand up to f'n Pfizer!

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Thank God for Ken Paxton who was put through the wringer by his own party at the Texas Legislature.

As far as illegal immigration... Greg Abbott is a member of the WEF and anything he does is performative. He’s abetting this travesty. Don’t be fooled.

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Peggy, please use your deep dive skills on Governor Abbott. Ace war correspondent Michael Yon has been reporting at the border for years. He has exposed Abbott over and over.


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funny how moderna never comes up in these suits. never, ever.

greg abbott is weffie to the core. a few days day late and several dollars short

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not only does moderna never come up in these suits, but J&J who's shots were pulled off the market and no one talks about it.

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johnson/johnson was a straw man IMO - pulled so as to convince the low-hanging fruit that the other shots were safe

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Yes, a day late but IMO a buttload of dollars in his pocket! Weffie for sure! He let all this happen...covid and illegals crossing border for 3 years. Just now being the good guy? I live in Texas and have watched this all along. Ken Paxton a great AG but Abbott not so great Gov... Abbott went along with AG Paxton impeachment, he is NOT as “conservative” as peeps think...CCP controlled? Our TX legislature has also accepted millions of $$ from gambling lobbyists the past 3 years. All under this fed admin of Biden...so many questions. As for the new “law” for illegals...well there are THOUSANDS in Eagle Pass right now, so what are they gonna do about this? Let them in? Will they enforce this new law? Hate to say I doubt it. Thank you Peggy, I want to be hopeful, but Texas is really purple right now!

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Seems Abbott has done this many times, July 2022, August 2021, and more but they are being removed.

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I have some questions. What I want to know is this, when a state AG sues an evil corporation, as in this case, is that lawsuit for a certain amount of money (for damages)? If so, who gets that money? Does all the money go to the very government that was helping (aiding and abetting) said evil corporation push their death shot? What do the people who were harmed (including those fired or forced to quit their jobs for refusing the jab) receive? Is this lawsuit on behalf of all the people in Texas who were harmed, and will all the money paid by said evil corporation go to people who have been harmed? There was no mention of the people harmed (or did I miss it?).

If only the government bringing the lawsuit receives money, this sounds like a scam, but in actuality might be just the agreed upon method of transferring the graft money from said evil corporation to said corrupt government.

This could be a pre-planned implementation of what these evil pharma-corpses always try to do to limit their liability through lawsuits which is this. A class action lawsuit is brought against them, they lose and have to pay out a tiny portion of the enormous amount of money they profited by harming people (animals, the environment, etc) - a.k.a. "the cost of doing business", but somewhere in the court proceedings they get a ruling that this class action lawsuit and their fines are the last of any lawsuits that can be brought against them. Never mind if a person who was not part of the class action lawsuit but was seriously harmed wants to bring their own lawsuit... nope, not allowed now because old evil-pharma-corp has already been found guilty, charged and paid their debt to society. You know how that one plays out, over and over and over again? It's a strategy they use. I'm sure I'm not using the correct legal terms and all, but we know this strategy from the playbook. So is that what this is all about? Maybe a combination of graft and the lawsuit that will absolve evil-pharma-corp from any future lawsuits for the crimes against humanity they have caused with this little high-profit 'experiment' of theirs.

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Have you heard of the "TEXIT" bill where Texas would become its own nation?

That would make the rest of America a "foreign nation," with Texas guarding the boarder to keep us in. Imagine if all 50 states individually became a "foreign nation" or joined the WEF 193+ "states."

We already have a situation like this on US soil with the United Nations and District of Columbia.

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YouTube doesn't allow me to comment on your videos. I love your videos and wanted to thank you for all your dedication and hard work!

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PFIZER Profits Slide, WHY, BECAUSE...

Pfizer Lied, People Died, Families Cried, by Suicide, Brains were Fried, Lockdowns Applied, Jobs Denied, NationWide a Genocide, or Worldwide Democide, DNA was Modified, 4 Money and 4 Pride, many Complied, Nowhere to Hide, Karen's efforts Multiplied, her Strategies Applied, evil & justice now Collide...

Bourla Tried, but he Lied, then he Cried, took a Ride, on Satan's Slide, possible Jail Bride, driven to Suicide, by his Evil Pride, judgment was God Supplied, Heaven Denied, judgement Applied...

DO NOT ALLOW EVIL POWER, HOW Do We Not Allow Evil Power...?



Aloha & God bless, kyle

Yesterday was a gift, from GOD...

Today is an opportunity, allowed by GOD...

Tomorrow never promised, except by the hands of GOD...

Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets...

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Aloha Peggy,

I think Karen answers some of those questions you mentioned as to why Texas AG Ken Paxton is approaching this case against Pfizer differently than Brook Jackson's case. I also apologize if I'm spaming your substack but I don't have the expertise and it's better to hear from Karen as to the Why of AG Paxton... She is also a Sister in Christ who put her life in danger to bring forth Gods truth in revealing the Evil Lies...

KAREN KINGSTON w/ Stew Peters vid...


Karen Kingston is a Biotech Analyst and Med-legal Advisor with the expertise and evidence required to provide citizens with the evidence and words to understand and articulate the COVDI-19 crimes committed against them under the guise of public health safety and national security.

Unlike other legal and medical experts, Kingston understands the EUA and ‘vaccine’ med-legal landscape, its loop holes, and where Pfizer forfeited their alleged iron-clad immunity so that the Big pharma giant can be criminally prosecuted and convicted.

Aloha & God bless, kyle

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