
Dear Ms Peggy, I have recently signed up and joined your website. The pastors calling themselves God's people are anything but! They have sold their souls to satan and they are leading the sheep to slaughter for compensation and power promised to them by the NWO elite scumbag. What they don't get is that there is a higher sacred entity that is more powerful than the master they have chosen and they will be meeting up with Him very soon. Good luck with that. Americans have got to grow some and lose the fear! (False Evidence Appearing Real) Nobody man or woman is coming to save us, It's up to ALL of us to put on the Armour of God and FIGHT! I know I am and will continue to fight for my Creator, My Constitutional Republic, and My People until my last breath. I do not fear death. None of us get to live forever and only very few will see the face of God when our time comes. Thank you for your courage and passion in educating the masses. May our Heavenly Father Keep His Hands over you through your journey and keep you safe.

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Welcome on board. I'm grateful you're here and are putting on the armor of God to fight for truth!

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank You & Mahalo Dear Sister in Christ Peggy... Count me in. Newly Subscribed...

May we also Pray a Mighty and Powerful Hedge of Protection around Peggy and place her into the Safety and Comfort of Jesus Christ the one with the Nail Scarred Hands...

Is this SWAYTAN'S Swag? Or just a Coinkydink cc..?

Many know not who they war against. Peggy helps to reveal the Lies & Deceptions. Our Father in Heaven is not the Author of Confusion, Lies or Deceptions. "Ordo Ab Chao" is CHAOS from the Angel of the bottomless pit in Revelations 9:11

1) (Revelations 9:11)

"And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon."

2) Sept 11,2001, Worst Disaster is US History. Then after the TWIN TOWERS Destruction we "STILL" continue to Call Evil @911? We Ask Abaddon and Apollyon for HELP in Emergencies...? Also ground breaking 1966 and Steel construction began 1968. 1968 + 33years = 2001, the Towers Destroyed in 2001, COINCIDENCE or Coinkydink...? Please recognize Evil...!

3) WHY in EMERGENCY DO WE CALL 911...? Coincidence...? Why is there now Two Pits where the Towers once stood...? With Red fire...? Coincidence...? One for Abaddon and the other for Apollyon...? Know and recognize who was allowed dominion, BUT for just a limited time.

Luke 4:6‭-‬7 to Jesus...

And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

Why is the Love of Money Evil? Did you know Satan is on the back of the dollar bill. The eye of Horus, the 13 Satanic families and the two 60°x60°x60° Triangles pointing to the letters "MASON", then the remaining currency from the $5-$100 showing the 911 Twin Towers Destruction. Clip below...

Money and the 911 Twin Towers, Coincidence...?

$1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100


Hosea 4:6 NKJV

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Yesterday was a gift, from GOD...🤍

Today is an opportunity, allowed by GOD...🤍

Tomorrow never promised, except by GOD...🤍

Live Life, Love Others, & Leave no regrets... 🤍⚘️🤍

Aloha & God bless You Peggy, kyle

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Welcome on board! Yes, let's keep "reading between the lies," shall we?!

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AMEN, Alicia Lutz-Rolo EXACTLY...!

‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭10:3‭-4

[3] For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. [4] For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,

Aloha & God bless You, kyle

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I notice patterns naturally because I’ve been a dancer for over 50 years. The black motorcycle jacket thing was a huge trend for actors/performers in the 80-90’s. I even have one. You were part of the cool club if you had a headshot wearing one. So obviously I see all of these preachers as that, actors. I don’t attend any churches for decades because my faith is Christ does not exist within 4 walls. It’s all so fake & creepy kinda like the entire entertainment industry our family fled in 2020.

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Agree 100% Pamela, our Heavenly Father is not, nor cannot be contained within four material walls, a box or a bottle that's called a Genie, not the "Son of Man" known as "Jesus Christ".

I too left the Corporate 501c3 when our humble Pastor and church of 30 grew to several thousands and 5 locations, then joined a big mainland corporate entity and he became more like a

Corporate CEO and the Assistant Pastors became COO's and I guess that made everyone else 1099 Employees or W2? We then became not the body of Christ but just "Loyal Customers"...

Ask Why it's called a 501c3 "CORPORATION" like Peggy says its probably just a "Coinkydink"...!

Aloha and God Bless, kyle

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