Thank you for the real critical thinking that few are doing on this event at this time. Everyone is reacting emotionally with no cool heads looking at this whole thing as you do.

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Please don't say "FEW" or "EVERYONE" is not asking questions, reacting emotionally, believing what is being told to us, nor using critical thinking skills. Lots of people ARE asking questions, NOT believing the BS, NOT reacting emotionally, and ARE using their critical thinking ability. We ARE using our GOD given discernment abilities and doing our own research. NEVER lump all people together. Us "conspiracy theorists and domestic terrorists " have learned there is NOTHING and NO ONE out there that the government will not use to twist to their agenda. WE wait and see and analyze. We know there are NO coincidences. Lots of "you" out there claiming "NO ONE" is doing this or that have only jumped on board this train when covid con happened. MANY of us have been aware for a VERY long time. My eyes started being opened fully when all of the letter agencies participated in the assassination of President Kennedy back in 63. Researching that led to connect dots both before and after.

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I use the word, “everyone” as hyperbole in my comment. And I refer especially to the high-profile commentators of every political stripe.

For many, ideology comes before objective analysis, and they’re all (hyperbolic “all”) falling into the traps according to their respective biases. This is where I really appreciate Peggy’s take on things.

Good that you are one of the few critical thinkers out there. The social media landscape is awash in so much emotion- and ideology-laden commentary right now. Mind-numbingly so.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

We'll never know for sure, like every other op - that's the point. Before we can possibly pull the ends together, whoops! there's the next op. But, like you, I noticed the hand that he put to his ear, while standing, showed no signs of blood, the blood was too red to be real, and would not have stopped that quickly without immediate and continued pressure, especially with the amount of adrenaline that would have been pumping through the body at that moment. I've read that it's possible he had slapped on a "prosthetic" ear, complete with wound and blood. The concern of grabbing his MAGA hat along with the shoes is insane, in such a moment. Ridiculous - before any emergency medical evaluation of injuries, they're bothering with shoes and ballcap? Why?

The Iwo Jima like photo immediately glared at me. I'd like to see the original transposed over this one. And already there are tshirts with that provocative image, of course.

As I began I'll end: we'll never know who put this on, but IMO, it's too ridiculous to simply ascribe incompetence. It will however serve any number of purposes. Now there's a list to work on!

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Where is the PRESS CONFERENCE including the DOCTORS THAT TREATED HIM AT THE "HOSPITAL "! What "hospital " was he taken to ?

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Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

Excellent questions! Also, if we follow the money, I find it interesting that Trump's stake in DJT-a company with no earnings- is now worth $5.7 billion.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

Here are my 4 questions also needing IMMEDIATE answers from the Media Whore sellouts.

Please add them to all of your astute questions...

1. How did the BBC reporter interviewing the ONLY speaking witness, get to that witness so quickly after the shooting?

2. Why is the BBC news reporter the ONLY reporter interviewing the ONLY speaking witness?

3. Where are all the other news media reporters?

4. Why don't we see other news media reporters in the same area where the BBC reporter is interviewing the Only speaking witness?

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Reminds me of how the BBC is the only "news" outlet that interviewed an "eye witness" to the Key bridge collapse, and nothing much added up there either. We didn't even get a name of the witness!

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Yes Coincidence? I don’t thinks so.

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And Remember Ms. Peggy, it was also the BBC reporting on Building 7 collapsing 13 minutes BEFORE Building 7 went down. She was literally on camera misreporting while Building 7 was still standing behind her. How the hell does that happen?

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September 11th was an inside job. I should know, I was an American Airlines Flight Attendant Whistleblowing on their corruption during that time.

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Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

Whoever asks the best questions, gets the best answers.

It has always been so.

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Jul 17Liked by Peggy Hall

If a plandemic was staged then anything is possible.

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100% Proof Trump was NOT Shot - https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=2U7X8WSS71HX

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Do your own research . On CNN’s live feed you can count the shots yourself. There were 7-8 shots fired, not just 3. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/13/politics/video/trump-secret-service-butler-pennsylvania-digvid.

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Um, Yes, "That Karen". The other fake shots (and screams) were from the speaker system, like they did at the Las Vegas Concert shooting hoax. I'm sure you remember that. But Chump grabbed his ear and fell to the floor after the first shots by the "Government" sniper, WHO ALLEGEDLY KILLED THE SNIPER ACTOR ON THE ROOF NOWHERE CHUMP. So, if the sniper actor didn't fire the shots because he was DEAD, you tell me who did, Karen. Again, it was the speaker system, like they did at the Las Vegas Concert shooting hoax. I'm 100% certain you still believe that one was "real" too, Karen.

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It's really not fair. I've done everything you can possibly imagine over the course of the last 30 years, from street activism, to multiple 911 anniversary demonstrations in NYC, to being a guest on radio shows multiple times, to heading a up my own hand picked team for a meeting I arranged with my state senator and rep which put the final nail in the coffin of an attempted forced Vaxx bill in Massachusetts, and a LOT more. Please check out how they "Legally" get away with this stuff and pass it on. It's the only way we have a chance to stop these psychopaths. Peace.... How They Get Away With Staged Psyops - The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act - https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=BSN195XADNUU

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Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

Oh yes, so the guy on the roof, and in plain sight and making sure he is in plain sight, is really only visible to pedestrians but not to the police or any other security? Love the part where a witness is yelling at the police and pointing that there is a guy on the roof with a gun, a policeman climbs up and see's him with a rifle then climbs BACK DOWN?? Riight! Move along folks, nothing to see here!! When you see online news posts about an attempted assassination dated BEFORE it happens, you know SOMETHING is not right!! Common sense DIED many years ago but we will have a memorial service in remembrance of him next week!

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Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

Exactly the questions to ask, and excellent observations, Peggy.The Sage of Quay, Mike Williams, does a fantastic breakdown here, as well - https://rumble.com/v572cm5-trump-at-butler-numbers-numbers-numbers.html

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Jul 16Liked by Peggy Hall

Yes, I noticed when the president was hit, no one pulled him down out of further harm's way. Weird

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Jul 17Liked by Peggy Hall

I said as soon as I heard about it…”The world is a stage and there are many actors!”. I also told my husband that I couldn’t wait to get your email to see all the holes you were going to blow into this one, Peggy. You did not disappoint! There is much evidence of Trump’s connection to freemasonry. There were many red flags of his true colors at the onset of the plandemic and through his remaining days in office. Just looking at the pictures they put out there with some people smiling, looking in different directions, calm looking, taking videos/pictures, etc…this was nothing more than another show and distraction.

Deception is at an all time high in these finals days before JESUS comes for His Church any day now. Prophecies are being fulfilled daily and the convergence of signs that the end of the dispensation of grace for the Gentiles is coming to a close is undeniable. Our rescue is at the door and the countdown to Tribulation has begun. GOD spelled out His timeline for man in the Holy Bible (KJV1611 AV) and in His creation. Time is running out and JESUS is the Only One who can save, not Trump or anyone or anything else.

Three of Satan’s greatest deceptions against humanity…counterfeit religions, counterfeit Bible versions, and the Truth about our earth. He who has ears to hear and eyes to see will.

I’m so thankful for the work that you do, but also that you are on the same page and your eyes are open.

I’m praying that many more would have their ears and eyes open to hear and see the Truth of GOD’s Word, the signs of the times, and the lies and deceptions of the enemy and this world. And, that they would call upon the Name of Jesus Christ, repent and be saved before it’s too late.

Much love and blessings! Maranatha!


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The name "Crooks" is familiar from earlier Trump "activities. I believe that there was a Crooks involved in either the Kenosha riot (after George Floyd) or as a member of antifa who was gunned down by the FBI after he killed a Trump supporter in Portland about 5 years ago. Anyway, it seems to be a name they like to use for their "villains."

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16

Right on, Peggy! I'll forward you some emails with one explanation and you can see if you agree. You are a very sharp shooter, as usual! Suffice to say that those of us seeing this spectacle from the perspective I'll be conveying are having a good, relaxed laugh. In that spirit, I'll share this: https://x.com/tonyxtwo/status/1813033253705818325/

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It is interesting that immediate response for JoBama and other notables was to denounce

the "assassination" attempt long before the old dotard did so. The identity of the guy in the Fedora hat has been discussed for many months. Also interesting the DJT announced very recently that people who faked their own death would be immune from prosecution...

Whatever the theatre is, few pass the intelligence test.

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I like how you put this: "Whatever the theatre is, few pass the intelligence test."

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You are absolutely correct when you question this latest political psyop theatrical production! It’s like they don’t even care about the ponderous irregularities and phoney vibe! People will only cheer for their phoney team in this Uniparty charade. Great catch about his collar and clean right hand for gods sake! If you’re shot in the ear, that hand is there instantly checking for damage and staunching the blood. Clear giveaway…

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