Oh, by the way, if you are going to criticize/ridicule me for asking these important questions, why don’t you answer the questions yourself or at least concede that the questions are valid
I do understand that there are those who want to believe that what happened to Trump (the “assassination attempt”) is authentic, realistic, indisputable and true.
After all, how could this be a set up?
There are plenty of people who would like to see him shot, right?
There are weirdos out there who would attempt this, right?
Trump is so popular that he doesn’t need this type of publicity, right?
How could Trump be in on it?
How could the Secret Service be in on it?
How could "all of them” be in on it?
It’s too big of a set up for this to be a false flag or psyop!
There are witnesses!
And one witness said he was waving his hands at the secret service to alert them to a sniper!
And we all know how beLIEvable these witnesses are.
No Duper’s Delight in sight!
After all, it’s being reported in the mainstream media so we know it’s right — right?!
Click to watch my detailed video below where I raise several concerning questions:
Here’s what a Healthy American sent me to sum this story up:
Here’s the official story so far: a random 20-year-old acting completely alone walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of Secret Service snipers, set up his shot, and fired without anyone intervening and with no help from anyone. This 20-year-old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it. His last and only political act, before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, was to register as a Republican. You must believe this and ask no questions about it or else you are a conspiracy theorist.
And one thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved.
A quick question for you before we go on:
Do you believe what you see on TV? Do you believe the news? Do you believe the witnesses?
(Okay, I guess that’s three questions.)
But I have even more!
But before we go on, I want you to remember this:
The media exists to promote a particular narrative. That means there is an angle, a story, a feeling, an outcome that is being pushed.
As a Healthy American, you know that I am all about critical thinking. Critical thinking means not accepting what is presented, but asking questions and thinking about the logical aspects of an event without getting carried away by emotions.
Remember: the media preys on your emotions.
That’s why events such as the Trump “shooting” can hijack the rational, thinking, sober mind. Facts, evidence and reality get tossed to the wind as adrenaline and cortisol surge through your veins, getting you jacked up on anger and indignation.
Taking time to sort through the facts and evidence and to hold them up in the light of reality is what is needed, instead of the knee-jerk reaction that the media intentionally seeks to elicit.
Are you still with me here?
Remember: if the media is putting forth the proposition/premise/concept/story, then it is up to the media to provide evidence in terms of FACTS to substantiate these claims.
In other words, I don’t have to prove this story false or even point out all the obvious holes. All I need to do is point out how the media hasn’t provided evidence of the story being true.
One more thing to remember: audio and video can be easily manipulated. Sounds can be added, sounds can be deleted; images can be doctored, created, erased. “Witnesses” can be coached; they could be hired actors (who need more acting lessons 😂) and the entire crowd could be stand-ins, placed specifically there to follow along with the scripted reality show/move production.
Of course, it’s also possible that everything we’ve been shown in this story is 100% accurate and truthful.
But do you really believe that?
I don’t. And that’s because there are a few important questions that have not been adequately answered in a way that comports with reality.
There’s a game called “20 Questions.” Normally you can only ask “yes/no” questions to arrive at the correct answer.
Well I’ve got my own 20 Questions. Certainly not “yes/no” questions, but questions that need to be asked and questions that I would like to get answered with logical answers.
So here we go:
Where is the bullet that “pierced” Trump’s ear?
How was that bullet not recovered?
What about the other bullets?
Why is there no blood on Trump’s collar?
Why no blood on Trump’s hand/raised fist?
Why did the blood on Trump’s face and ear remain bright red instead of changing color, as blood does when it oxidizes (turns more orange/brown)?
Why did Trump’s shoes come off? Why did he make such a big deal of putting his shoes back on before leaving the stage? Does that seem realistic to you? If you were under attack, would you be thinking about taking time to put your shoes back on? (Hint: I’ll be doing a separate video about the Masonic ritual of removing your shoes on Holy Ground.)
Why weren’t others injured in the crowd when those shots were fired?
Why did the people in the crowd not appear terrified, running or crouching?
How did the people in the crowd know there was not any lingering threat or any more shooters?
Why did some of those standing behind Trump look like characters in a movie?
Why were there so few people at the event?
How did the alleged shooter get on a nearby roof with a clear line of sight to Trump, carrying a large weapon, without anyone noticing?
How did only one witness come forward saying he tried to alert the secret service by waving his hands? Why no phone call to 911? Why no cellphone footage of the shooter? If he was concerned about a man with a rifle on a rooftop, why didn’t he seek cover himself? How did he know the shooter would target Trump and not the crowd?
How did this eye witness contact the media to share his story? Why does he look so goofy in that orange hat? Why is he holding a can or drink cover that says “WANTED” on it? Does his t-shirt logo STICK CITY Brewing Company have any hidden meaning? Isn’t it strange that he is gesturing with this can in his hand? Where did he get it? How was he able to hold onto it in all the commotion? Is he giving off the “Duper’s Delight” vibes to you? Does he seem authentic, believable, convincing — or like a character put there to push a narrative?
What about the other witnesses? Do they seem believable to you? Were they reading from a prepared script? Trying to remember their lines?
Isn’t that a convenient name for the alleged shooter, Crooks?
Why do the shooters at these events always end up dead? Could it be so that they can’t tell their side of the story? Or go to trial? Isn’t that a bit strange?
How did the media know so much about Crooks? Where did they get his photo? How did they know about the DNA? Doesn’t DNA take some time to analyze? Why was Crooks in the FBI database to begin with?
Why was Crooks in a Blackstone-produced TV commercial? Is he an actor? Was he paid for his role in this scripted production? Who first uncovered this advertisement?Why is there a discrepancy in the photos of Crooks?
There are more than 20 questions about this event, so let me know in a comment below what questions you have that just don’t add up.
Who Took These Pictures?
Why do they look staged?
How did the photographer Anna Moneymaker get in that position so quickly? (Click here to learn more about Anna Moneymaker, whose bio says she “Majored in Film and Media Arts.) Looks like a staged shot here, below. Also, note the pyramid framing. Pyramids are a symbol of the Masons who (with others) are behind the New World Dis-Order.
No, that is not North Korean Ruler Kim Jong Un in the photo above. 🧐
Something looks off to me in these photos. How did the blood not splatter? How is it not on his hand or collar? Why is it still bright red? How is it that the Secret Service allowed Trump to stand up exposed like that? How did they know there was not an ongoing threat?
I really don’t know what to make of these next two images. What is the Secret Service agent pointing at? Why? Why don’t those in the crowd look concerned at all? Why are there people on the ground next to the stage equipment? Why is the agent next to them? What is happening in that picture? Were those two people below under attack? These images from Anna Moneymaker who majored in Film and Media Arts are very strange, scripted and downright bizarre.
There is so much to cover about this strange story that I will likely do a couple of more videos as more info comes out.
I can’t help it, friends! I’m skeptical by nature, and so far, none of this is adding up.
Also, let’s not forget that the event occurred on July 13 (7 + 1 + 3 = 11, also an important number to telegraph the staged nature of these events) and the “shooting” occurred at 6:11 (which, inverted is 911). That may be stretching it, but many have pointed it out so I mention it here as well.
Now here is a question you probably have for me:
Peggy, why would they do this?
And that is a question I will answer in tomorrow’s video.
As always, thank you for sharing, and for leaving a comment on this substack or on this video.
As I mentioned in the beginning, if you are going to criticize/ridicule me for asking these important questions, why don’t you answer the questions first, or at least concede that questioning these mainstream media events is a worthy endeavor.
Thank you for the real critical thinking that few are doing on this event at this time. Everyone is reacting emotionally with no cool heads looking at this whole thing as you do.
We'll never know for sure, like every other op - that's the point. Before we can possibly pull the ends together, whoops! there's the next op. But, like you, I noticed the hand that he put to his ear, while standing, showed no signs of blood, the blood was too red to be real, and would not have stopped that quickly without immediate and continued pressure, especially with the amount of adrenaline that would have been pumping through the body at that moment. I've read that it's possible he had slapped on a "prosthetic" ear, complete with wound and blood. The concern of grabbing his MAGA hat along with the shoes is insane, in such a moment. Ridiculous - before any emergency medical evaluation of injuries, they're bothering with shoes and ballcap? Why?
The Iwo Jima like photo immediately glared at me. I'd like to see the original transposed over this one. And already there are tshirts with that provocative image, of course.
As I began I'll end: we'll never know who put this on, but IMO, it's too ridiculous to simply ascribe incompetence. It will however serve any number of purposes. Now there's a list to work on!