Just when you think that you have heard it all.

No, we would NEVER attend or continue attending a church group that required or promoted fingerprinting those attending. TALK ABOUT LIVING IN FEAR!!!! So sad.

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It has grown difficult to find a Biblically sound church these days. So many have drafted toward the culture of the left; of the world... away from the word of Yhwh God. So many have opened their doors to all manner of active sin practitioners, who remain active in their sins, and the churches and they believe they're "okay" with Yhwh; that repentance, redemption, and sanctification no longer matter! "A little leaven leaveneth the whole batch...", a warning given about the Passover holiday is just as pertinent today as it was when it was given via Moses! I pray you find an healthy home church.

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Thanks to the turn of events of 2020 and my local church closing, except for zoom services, I found a congregation and preacher that teaches the whole truth of the Bible. They never closed and encouraged the congregation to not wear a face diaper. I found home. Something good came out of something meant for evil.

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Deborah, that is really encouraging to hear!

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Peggy, I so understand about the churches. Very disappointing. I am searching also for a like minded group of worshippers. I also know the heart rendering loss of beloved pets. They are like children. I lost my "baby" of 10 years in November. Here it is in July and I cry even tho my husband brought 2 new "babies" into my life recently but they are not my Jake. He was my heart and he had helped me make it thru when I lost my Happy due to a tumor in March of 2020. I had Happy for 14 years. "True friends leave a paw print on your heart". I will pray for you and your husband. And I agree about the vets and the shots and medicines.

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Thank you Carolyn, for your condolences. My heart and prayers are with you in the passing of your precious Jake. I understand the longing and hole in the soul that goes along with such a devastating loss.

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I look forward to hearing from Pastor Kemble in the next private webinar. I also highly recommend Pastor Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship - he live streams every Sunday and has a huge back catalog of sermons to listen to for free online. And his Organization and Beliefs statement says it all:


Sadly my husband and I live too far away to attend in person, although we did drive 7 hours each way on icy roads to attend a service in person last year and get baptized by Pastor Chuck, which was an amazing experience. We watch his live streams every Sunday.

And yes, a church asking for fingerprints is definitely going too far!

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Thank you, Steph! I have learned so much from Pastor Chick Baldwin and his messages are growing in popularity, which is a great thing!

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Agreed! And I am happy to hear that you listen to Pastor Chuck too! Did you see his column earlier this year that quoted you? He included your "what in the non-spinning world is going on here" in the quote and I was so excited about that.


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Right on Peggy! Ben un-churched for the most part since 2011 when the "spirit-seeking" church I helped establish decided that God wanted it to be a big church wiht TV and webcasts as our talent was good enough to make it a success. Staying small was not Gods plan and when I was instructed to focus less on Jeuss and more on prophetic words, I hit the door (sorrowfully) and never went back. My wife really wanted to go to church oddly enough during the pandemic and fiiends attended a church (one of the few inour area) that offered live service to go with onliine. We loved it at first adn still have much respect for the pastor and well meaning good people. But as soon as the bombs stated falling in Ukraine and the Scofield based Zionism exploded openly. we had to shake the dust form our feet and now we have found not fellowship but truth teaching form several online ministries. The American church has one big problem , it's in America. America is for the most part entertainment / emotion driven with a strong distaste for truth or looking itself with eyes wide open in the mirror. So we are left with churches that are about more show than substance. The music, snacks, road trips , good deeds, christmas productions and flag waving make it a very confortagle and righteous place to spiritually rot or even worse get shot up with poison for free.

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You really said it! I like how you put this: "America is for the most part entertainment / emotion driven with a strong distaste for truth" and "we are left with churches that are about more show than substance." So true!

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I relate. For many years I attended an Episcopal church that was kind of more left than I was. The priest was a New York Times reader and would often quote it—that just gives you the idea of where he was coming from. During the pandemic he started publishing all the regular lockdown, get vaccinated tripe in the church newsletter. The church was holding outdoor services but they said that to go indoors it would be good to get vaccinated. That did it for me: I was gone. Recently, I read that this church has gotten extremely popular. They now have another priest and while a lot of other churches never recovered this one really took off—I am sure it had to do with playing the political game. They also have a food pantry, and the Democratic Assembly person holds fundraisers there—even though he is not Christian. In the meantime I am without a church although I attend a Catholic church nearby. I like it because it never brings up politics—ever. The loss of my religion was one of the worst parts of the pandemic. I tried the evangelical churches for awhile and they at least didn’t push the vax. But they didn’t even say the Lord’s prayer—too weird. So… my story.

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I follow Pastor Brandon Holthause of Rock Harbor Church in Bakersfield, CA. He follows the Word of God explicitly and will never bow to Caesar. They never shut down or wore masks and will never comply with the government mandates. Please check him out.

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What I've heard of him, is solid!

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Check out Pastor Vaughn at First Harvest Ministries. He has a church in MS but does live sermons on Rumble and YT and Zoom Bible studies. They also has their own website where you can watch past sermons and teachings for free. FHTV.TV

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P. S. Still praying for you with the loss of your pets.

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When I lived in NY for several years I was a member of Marble Collegiate Church where Dr. Arthur Caliandro was the pastor. Norman Vincent Peale was the pastor there before him. I loved Arthur's gentle, inspiring sermons and the incredible sanctuary choir that sounded like angels singing. When I had a chance to join them I felt as happy as if I'd been cast in a Broadway show. My favorite moments during the service were when the choir would softly sing one of my favorite choruses like "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" and then the pastor would give us a few moments for our own silent prayers. We all needed to be surrounded every Sunday by the love and inspiration we found at Marble, not to mention taking part of the incredible veggie lunch afterwards made by one of the best chefs in town. It made it easier to face another challenging week in NYC. Having had to attend Pentecostal churches with my parents when I was little, with all the hand waving and yelling that scared me half to death, I appreciate churches that are quiet and believe that the "still, small voice" reaches our Lord just as much as handwaving and yelling. Although I have yet to find a church that I love as much as Marble, I loved beach church and found that it suited me just fine.

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What a beautiful description of being "surrounded by love and inspiration" -- that si what so many of us are missing these days. This sounds particularly elevating: "the incredible sanctuary choir that sounded like angels singing"

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I’m on the same page with you, Peggy. I can hardly tolerate this entertainment music. It’s so loud, I just want to get up and leave the service. I would prefer house church and find like-minded people to fellowship with . I’m so tired of everything in the so-called modern church as well. I just have to get my husband to agree.

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