I agree that any and all national-scale events with political implications are suspect until proven otherwise - especially since we just experienced the magnum opus of staged events - the "attempted assassination" of then-Candidate Trump.

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I must disagree on the Daily Mail being a reliable source I see it as more of a narrative spinner. The dead guy was like 5 on the food chain and those above him did the stock funny business from what I understand. Was Thompson just a scapegoat? Distraction?

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This reminds me of the video of Epstein, being wheeled out of the jail on a gurney. His head was uncovered, which is never done with a deceased person. I happened to see it right after it happened and noticed that two second view of his head. That shot has been scrubbed completely. I’m not an investigator, but I gave the information to an investigator and she couldn’t find the video anywhere.

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Anyone else notice the “video footage” had a black guy walk towards the shooter quite calmly , as he unloaded, both the victim and the shooter had their backs to the camera, but the incident happened right in front of a camera, like it was staged,the victim disappears in an unlit part of the scene, and the shooter walks calmly exit left. Past a waiting taxi with its lights on… don’t they have dash cams?When the police examine the scene , they are no patches of dried blood on the daylight scenes, there are more than 5 markers yet only three bullets were recovered…. just like a movie scene, staged and executed to get the onlooker to believe something real had (reely) pun intended happened.

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An interesting anagram for United Healthcare is charade elite hunt. I realize it’s a 3 word anagram but there it is. Interesting but might not mean anything.

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Also....I thought "Luigi" came from an extremely wealthy family!!!! Why would he be that bothered that a family members claim was denied for payment....hmmmmm.

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Why was the CEO walking around outside at 6:40 am in the morning? Where was he going or where was he coming back from....No photos of the CEO except the portrait. No security footage of CEO leaving or entering hotel, airport etc.....Also, some of the photos of "Luigi" once he was caught by police, show him in a Orange Jumpsuit ( once captured) with some of the Officers aggressively handling his neck, and "Luigi" at one point acting out overly aggressive....looks like bad acting....no info on his parents and what they did for a living.....There is a photo of the

"Crime Scene" taped off with Officers....no blood on the ground.....hmmmmm...Also...how did "Luigi" get to PA....where is the Bike????

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Tell a tale 🤪Blk Psyops incidents that occurred during the Trade Center was finding the ID of one of the Terrorist in the debris of Ground Zero and the men who were occupants of a white van celebrating and slapping each other five in Jersey City as reported by an observer who reported the license plate to the FBI; who were arrested and later released after 5 or more months and returned to (drum roll please) Israel. Hmmm.

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It smells staged because of how many details and air time this is getting....it is like the liar who is giving u so many unwanted details.

But the shooting just in front of the right city camera at the right angle ....with mr. Thompson walking ...strolling with his hands in his pants pocket ...

waiting to be shot.

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Peggy- thanks for looking into this and saving me the time. My immediate gut reaction was that it's just another hoax/psyop/distraction operation.

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Honestly, and this is from the heart. After the second parrot report sung by the MSM choir, my son and I said, this makes no sense. They seemed to be making it up as they went along because (at least for us) how could you know the location of a surveillance camera to smile at. Duhh!!!

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I like your theory, even though I have done ZERO myself regarding looking into this mess.

Another false flag.

Another distraction.

Another staged event to attack 2A rights.

Another corrupt individual kerping conpany with corrupt individuals 🙄

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The patsy may not even be the real shooter. If he were, he’s MK Ultra’d for sure-he disappeared from social media for nearly a year.

The dead CEO was scheduled to testify on insider trading that involved Pelosi!

UH has been investigated since its hacking. Massive amount of dirty dealings.

While I don’t condone killing, I do view the CEO’s death as a consequence of bankrupting millions of Americans over their medical expenses!

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Thank you for being here day after day since 2020. This whole think is BS all around. I’ve been truth commenting and researching nearly every day since 08… where’s the blood? Thanks for this. I knew something would surface. I have no doubt of all the possibilities other than the narrative we’ve been fed. With that said, I suspect rush limbaughs death was faked. But I have no evidence and haven’t looked. Just a suspicion. So this isn’t crazy talk to me at all.

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Funny. Just last night as the news is blaring on about this guy they caught at a McDonald’s with I believe the silencer in his back pack. 😂😂😂😂. I say to my husband. This is all bull shit. Look over here bullshit! I say to him. This ceo is not dead and that’s not a killer. He works for cia. Honestly. I feel like the stuff they are trying to push down our throats anymore is such garbage. I knew the Covid scam was a scam in JAN 2020 and I said to my husband. This is all about getting Trump out! Never took the damn shot. We are living In the matrix! Once my eyes were opened that was it! It’s a lonely world living in this world with eyes wide open!! No one sees any of it and it’s right there in our face. Thanks Peggy for your open eyes!!!

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