Friends, I’m covering the very strange assassination of United Healthcare CEO, Brian Thompson. Now, if you don’t care for snark, satire, humor, intelligence, or asking questions, this post is definitely not for you.
Before we get into anything, let me pose a hypothetical question. I know y’all are savvy Healthy Americans, but just play along for a sec: Imagine you're a CEO, caught up in some shady dealings with a major insurance corporation. The feds are closing in, the Department of Justice is launching an investigation, and on top of that, you're having an affair—leaving your wife and kids behind—while your cushy, multi-million dollar job is about to slip through your fingers. Now, what if someone came to you with a secret plea deal? A deal where you could “die,” start fresh with a new identity, protect yourself (and maybe your new family), and dodge prison time? Would you take it?
Sounds like a bad movie plot, right? No one would ever think of something like that! And of course, no one would ever believe a story about a killer on the loose assassinating CEOs, which conveniently buries the bigger story of multiple DOJ investigations. That definitely doesn’t happen.
Speaking of that DOJ investigation, I’ve been researching this story for days. I wanted to refresh my memory on why Brian Thompson was being investigated.
So, I went to Giggle—oops, Google, the world’s largest search engine. I typed in a simple, clear search: “Brian Thompson investigated.”
Friends, the story is completely buried.
Buried under Luigi Mangione — what a cute, clever name for this supposed killer.
But don’t start pointing out the spelling, okay? Yes, it’s got repeating letters like “GI” and another “GI,” as if it were spit out by some computer algorithm. Don’t point that out to me; we’ve been over this before. Of course the story of Brian Thompson being investigated is now hidden under all the noise about the killer, who, by the way, has already been apprehended. Convenient, right?
So let me quote from The Daily Mail—probably the only place where we can get real news. Last year, the Department of Justice decided to investigate United Healthcare (you know, the company that’s been discriminating against its employees left, right, and center if they weren’t a human pin cushion—but that’s a story for another day). United Healthcare, led by Brian Thompson, is under scrutiny for allegedly restricting competitors and running a monopoly. And in May, the City of Hollywood Firefighters Pension Fund filed a complaint because Thompson failed to disclose this little federal probe before unloading 31% of his stock and pocketing $15 million. Oops.
Now, do you think it’s a tiny stretch to imagine that Thompson might have faked his death? Or maybe someone else did it for him? Nah, that’s just crazy talk, right? No one would ever do that.
Some people might say this is the universe serving up justice. “It’s a message to all those other slimy CEOs—watch out, you’re next.” The bad guy’s been taken down. Cue the applause. The Wicked Witch is dead! Yay!
Yes, continue on with your applause and let the mainstream merry-go-round media continue to sweep you into its delusional lullaby. Don’t expect me to wake you from your slumber. Just believe whatever the mainstream media tells you. Don’t question it. What are you, some sort of conspiracy theorist? Why would you doubt what you see on TV? It’s on TV—it has to be true, right? I mean, how could they all be in on it?
Yeah, who am I kidding?! You can’t fake those images! Videos? No way! If you go to the movies and see someone getting shot, it’s real, right? Yes, totally authentic. Those actors signed up for it… sometimes literally. So don’t tell me about AI, computer-generated images, face-morphing, or algorithm-spit-out names with repeating letters. It’s far simpler to believe what you’re told.
And don’t worry about the shifting story details, like the time of the shooting being reported as 6:45, then suddenly as 6:40. Don’t worry about confusion—of course they have their story straight. Don’t be distracted by the images with no photo credits. Why worry about details like: Who took the pictures? When were they taken? Where did CNN get their footage? It doesn’t matter, and they are never going to tell you so you shouldn’t ask.
And don’t even think about the possibility that this guy might have faked his own death or that the government might have been involved. No reason at all for him to want to walk away with $15 million, right? Just, you know, a new girlfriend and no prison time. Who could pass that up? It’s not like he was being investigated for fraud or corruption or anything… but let’s not get bogged down in details.
But sure, let’s stick it to those CEOs, right? They got what’s coming to them. Just don’t think for a second that this headline is here to distract you from something else. Oh no, that never happens. This story isn’t burying another story.
So, friends, here’s the deal: Believe what you’re told. Don’t go looking for clues—that’s what investigators are for, and they don’t even bother with clues anyway. Don’t ask questions. What are you, an investigator? Do you have a fancy degree in criminal justice? Or maybe a background in criminal investigations? No? Well then, just sit back, relax, and let the narrative wash over you. You’re not an investigator, so who are you to question what's happening? Just leave it to the professionals… the experts.
And as for the footage from CNN, don’t let the fact that it cuts off just before the guy gets hit bother you. Obviously, they wouldn’t want to show you anything too “upsetting.” That’s why there’s no blood, no ambulance, and no body. It’s fine—just like all those other stories we’ve seen before. Remember Shady Nook? Or that “assassination” of the Prime Minister—or was it the Emperor—in Japan? I am losing track of all these high-profile assassinations. It’s like a meme now.
We’ve entered the Era of Assassinations. After all, Trump was miraculously saved by God—without so much as a scar to show for it. Amazing! Buckle up, friends. You’ll see more of this. And no, don’t ask too many questions. Of course CNN doesn’t want to show you anything “too upsetting” and the video cuts off before you see the guy get hit. Makes perfect sense. And naturally, there was a perfectly framed camera focused on the shooter—like a scene straight out of a movie. But of course, it wasn’t a movie.
Yes, the camera was positioned just right to capture the shooter, but not the guy getting hit.
All we saw was the back of the guy—trust me, it’s him. Why? Because it happened in New York, where there were lots of people around, on a busy morning, near a hotel. That’s what we’re told.
Don’t be bothered by the eye-witness either, the one who swears the gun had a silencer but still “heard the shots.” Especially in a city like New York, with traffic, honking, and constant ambient noise. And what a coincidence that he was right there to give testimony.
Conspiracy theorist? Me? Don’t be ridiculous.
Now, let’s look at these crystal-clear images, courtesy of today’s high-tech cameras:
This one’s from the hotel security footage—what is that, 50 feet away? 100 feet? Who knows.
Compare that to the images of Elon Musk’s Tesla floating in space. Ever seen that one? Musk even said, “You know it’s real because it looks fake.” So by that logic, this must be fake because it looks real. Confused yet? I sure am. We can capture crystal-clear photos from space with perfect backdrops, different angles, and Elon’s Tesla just chilling. But a security camera 50 feet away gives us this blurry mess? Makes perfect sense.

It’s NASA-approved, so it must be real.
Meanwhile, the hotel security camera gives us… well, you see it. So, those are the photos you get from outer space and these are the ones you get from 50 ft away:
Let’s just say that Twitter had a field day with the images released by the NYPD:
And don’t start on the whole “male versus female” argument. We’ve been over this. You can be male and female at the same time. You can have narrow shoulders and big bulky ones, too. Different jackets? Different backpacks? All perfectly logical.
Oh, and don’t harp on the “no blood” detail. Investigators already “found” the bullets—conveniently inscribed with Delay, Deny, and Defend, the title of a 2010 book about why insurance companies don’t pay claims. A mentally ill CEO serial killer who engraves bullets? Sure. Do you have your own metal engraver at home? I’m sure that’s exactly what happened.
Here are the police “investigating:”

So, what do you think?
Certainly, it’s all right that we’re seeing images without any credit to a photographer. We don’t know where they came from, or when or how they were obtained by these news agencies that we’re supposed to trust implicitly. And of course, these events are never scripted. We are not supposed to question. This was not a mass event—because when I went through my YouTube education program, they told me: Do not question these events. You can’t.
And let’s not even think about whether this whole thing was staged to push more “security,” right? That would be crazy. Sure, we’ve been talking about more AI imaging, facial recognition cameras everywhere, but no—those aren’t part of the plan. That’s not what this is about…
This definitely has nothing to do with pushing a narrative the powers-that-be want. After all, nothing like this happened with the fires in California, and that “created crisis” that suddenly needed a “cure”—just ignore that. Stop questioning!
And of course, this could never be about more “bang-bang” control. Nope, they’re definitely not pushing for that, especially in New York City of all places.
And if you think this is about letting some steam out of the boiling pressure on people who are fed up with insurance companies, you’re just overthinking it. It's not setting the stage for AI-driven healthcare decisions either. “Fair, equitable, diverse, and inclusive”—those are just words, right? Not a chance they’ll use that to justify turning our healthcare over to a cold algorithm. Or… is that exactly what’s coming?
If you’re in a court of law, you have to prove these things happened. You can’t just say they did. You compile evidence. You look for clues—dates, times, locations. Oh, and did you know they said the killer was wearing black and white shoes? Shoes, of course, are another one of their calling cards.
Any of you play poker? I don’t. I don’t play cards at all. But I know there are “tells”—little things people do that give something away. For those in the know, the mention of shoes is one of those tells.
“Peggy, black and white shoes? Really? Is that detail necessary?”
Well, black and white also ties into their duality themes—Freemasonry, you name it. Trump lost his shoes. The guy in the bowling alley ran barefoot because he didn’t have shoes. Shoes always pop up in these stories. It’s a tell.
So, let me wrap this up: you’ve got a few choices here.
You believe it 100%. It’s exactly what they told you. Don’t question it. Move on. Applaud the takedown of those dirty CEOs.
It didn’t happen at all. It was a movie, all done on screen.
Or somewhere in the middle: actors, crisis actors, or someone volunteering to play their part.
I’ve been covering hogwash for years on this channel. I read between the lies, and I could be proven wrong. But I want evidence. Real, factual proof.
They said footage showed NYPD officers performing CPR before he was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital. Where’s the footage? Who provided it? Who happened to be there to capture it? It’s all so bizarre.
I’ve been here day in, day out, since 2020. We’re heading into year six in 2025, and I’ll keep exposing the bad guys and sharpening our critical thinking. I want to thank everyone who emails me stories, tips, and videos. I can’t respond to all of you personally, but that’s why I do these videos!
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Damn! I just love the way your mind works, Peggy! With all the red pills I've swallowed, I still didn't think to deploy the BS radar on this one. Maybe it's because, as a physician, I sort of felt he had it coming....
When in doubt just tune into Peggy and she will clear up the hogwash for your. We love you Peggy! You make me laugh so hard.