"You’re not asking for permission. You’re informing your employer, doctor, or school administrator about your rights."

That is the absolute truth! Americans really need to comprehend this!!

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It is high time for people to wake up and stand up and comprehend the laws that protect our right to not consent to anything that violates our spiritual beliefs. I wholeheartedly agree with you Peggy!

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It's way past time "We the People" take our power back. Enough with all of these clowns. NONE of them represent me! Thanks, Ms. Peggy, for your bravery, your smarts, and most of all your SNARK! You make the world a better place.

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Hi Peggy

First hand experience here. Not so easy to stand up and lose everything. I refused the clot shot and I was put on a 13 month unpaid LOA, couldn't use my PTO, took my insurance away. The county gave me and a small group of others an approved religious exemption. Natividad Medical Center offered me a job working with transitional care(homeless) an hour away bringing them their meals and cleanup as an "accommodation"(I do ultrasound). I declined as it was to far away and not what my skillset is.

Interesting before Monterey County threatened/coerced county workers only 40% had taken the clot shot on their own choice. After requiring it to work it went up to 99% compliance. I am involved with a lawsuit and the county lawyer attacked everyone on the stand trying to undermine their faiths. I find it bizarre that they can't ask these questions when you present your RE but can ask and its not illegal in a court of law. The county lawyer is presenting that ALL the litigants against the county are liars. The lawyer brought your name up as some used your help and said their RE were not valid as they received your help writing them. The case will need to start over as a technicality was discovered. As the jurors were leaving it sounded like it was about 50% for plaintiffs 50% for the county. One juror said you have to go to church to be religious and was on the side of the county.

I appreciate all your advice and agree with what you say, but in real life action it is not so obvious with the general population who ignore the law and or have their own biases. It takes a lot to stand up for your rights as businesses know most people cannot withstand the siege I and many others have experienced during this evil! Thank you for your advice and encouragement.

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