May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

I think everyone should watch Dr. Cowans talk on the Rabies scam shots. You will never get another one. fyi- Someone who works at an animal rescue told us the pet vaccines cause cancer. She wont let her dogs have them. Not surprised, my father grew up on a farm. His dog lived 22 years without vaccines.

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank you!

I fell for all the recommendations.

Monthly poisoning.

Seresto poisonous flea collars.



The results, all my pets died of strange diseases.

In the 1960’s.

1 rabies shot. Period.

Dogs lived a lot longer.

No spay or neuter either.

No cancers

No diabetes

No heart disease

I woke up before Covid, wondering, why did they die?

Common denominator.

Big pet pharma.

I started organic dog food in the 1990’s.

I appreciate you bringing our attention to this.

The globalist have said

No pets

No cattle

No poultry

No farm animals

No wildlife

We aren’t the only CO2 they want to eradicate.

These people are insane.

The more ya know.

God Bless Peggy πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ’œ

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Thank you for this important info!

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall


I am so sorry for your loss of Miss Elsie, she was blessed to have you in her life just as you were blessed to have her in yours. Prayers for you as you, Pastor David and Teddy Bear mourn her passing.

As a side note, I was a registered veterinary technician for 14 years, from 1986-2000. Even back then they were noticing the cancer/vaxx link. Several of the cat vaxx including the ravies vaxx were known culprits. The drug comapanies blamed it on the adjuvants and changed cat vaxxes and said to give them in the leg instead of under the skin between the shoulder blades because the leg could be amputated if they still got cancer! That really started my wake up to the evils of vaxx. I no longer vaxx any of my animals, and if I had it to do over, I would never vaxx my children (I did not "finish" all the vaxx on them though) and I would unvaxx them if I could, same with my animals, large and small. My thoughts on medicine, human and animal, have changed drastically.

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Thank you for your condolences. I'm glad that more and more people are waking up to these truths about these deadly jabs!!

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

I'm so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful friend. And yes, we will see all of our beloved animals in heaven. I have no doubt about that. Whenever we suffer the loss of one of our dear furry friends, we can uplifted by the thought that we gave him or her a loving home for their entire life. The beautiful friendship between us and our non human family members, although much too brief, is a gift from God. I love knowing that they are his sweet messengers of love to us.

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Thank you dear Britt. Your compassion for these precious beings is so inspiring.

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

So sorry to hear about your sweet Elsie. It sounds like she lived a long, beautiful life with a beautiful family. To add to your insight about why we have a natural, spiritual connection with animals--Jesus Christ was born in a stable surrounded by animals. I've always thought that was such a lovely way to welcome Him into the world.

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Amen, Nicol! What a beautiful point you made.

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank you @Peggy for this article. This confirms a lot of what I follow for my pets and staying natural as possible.

Thank you for all the data you shared :)

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

Losing a loved pet is heart and gut wrenching.

I’m so sorry. 😒


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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

I'm so sorry for your loss of sweet Elsie.

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So sorry for the loss of your precious fur baby❀️

Our local Pet Smart here in Palm Desert would not clip my cat’s claws without proof of a rabbies shot. She is an indoor cat who has never been outside. She does not need a rabies shot. Thankfully we found another place to take her.

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

Thank you for exposing this!

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Sorry to hear of your loss, Peggy. May Elsie rest in peace.

Here are some great rabies resources for people:

Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy:


What about Rabies? -- Dr Sam Bailey


The Rabies Delusion Revealed -- by Brendan Murphy


December 16, 2021:

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry confirmed that they have no record describing purification of any β€œrabies virus” from a sample taken from any diseased host (i.e.bat, raccoon, skunk, fox, dog, human, etc.) by anyone on the planet, ever.


Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:

The β€œexperts” at the Ministry were asked to provide all studies/reports that they had obtained authored by anyone, anywhere containing scientific evidence of β€œHPV” (or β€œrabies virus”) existence… or even purification of the purported β€œviruses”. The response in both cases: β€œit is not actually in our possession”:


May 10, 2023:

The people at Canadian Food Inspection Agency confessed to having zero scientific proof of the existence of any alleged β€œvirus” that they claim has ever affected livestock in Canada.

Response, pgs 15/16:


Excel file of 655 unscientific β€œvirus” studies:


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Thank you so much, Christine! You have contributed so much to educating people about these phone "diseases" that have never been proven to exist. God bless you and the excellent work you are doing!

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

Oh Peggy, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved Elsie. I have w beautiful kitties and appreciate that you have given us your thoughts on vet's animal vaccines. My kitties are rescues and the newest one we took to the vet because she was so tiny. My husband found her in Walgreens parking lot. The vet did give her shots and micropchipped when we took her back for spaying. My resident kitty who is 3 has been spayed when she was younger and had shots. I draw the line after that. No more vet visits unless it's an emergency situation for both these kitties. My husband has an outdoor kitty who is very healthy. We have no idea how old he is but he's been around for about 5 years. No vet visits for shots. Thank you so much, Peggy. I have followed you since the scamdemic. I trust your opinions as they have been proven as we can see now.

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I so appreciate your kind words, which bring me comfort.

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your fur baby . Pets give us such joy as a pet parent of four cats and a dog all rescues I feel your pain . I am also a community cat feeder , foster and I also tnr the cats I trap so there aren’t more kittens out there that die because they don’t have a furever indoor home to keep them safe . I pray for a day that there won’t be any more suffering if these poor animals . I don’t believe in over vaccines and doing v unnecessary surgery especially when they are sick or elderly and I believe it’s all for money and greed not for the welfare of the animals . We have a horrible high kill shelter here in riverside county it’s just horrific and the amount of animal abuse is pretty rampant as well with using pets for bait in animal fights and just being down right evil it’s heart breaking . Thanks for all you do to spread awareness of the evil doers . Blessings .

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Donna, I'm grateful for all you do for these precious animals. I work a lot of START rescue group, and they get some animals out of Riverside and other horrible horrible "shelters" in SoCal.

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May 18Liked by Peggy Hall

Dear Peggy, I appreciate you writing about pet issues. I agree that it is getting so difficult to find a vet that will not try to force me to give my pet tons of vaccinations! Also, my dog is still intact and that works for me because she is a toy sized dog so I have my eye on her all the time. It works for us. I don't like all of the pressure from vets. Hopefully, more holistic vets will appear on the scene because they are tough to find. Peggy, you always bless me because I feel that I have a sister in you.....we stand up for truth....God is truth....we stand up for God!! Thank you VERY much for sharing the Bible verses that say animals go to Heaven!

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May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

Peggy, I am so sorry for your loss of your Elsie Kitty. Losing a pet hurts SO badly. I understand your pain. My little classic tabby cat, Cookie, died on March 3, 2024. I miss her more every day.

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I am so sorry to hear about your little Cookies, Jennifer. You are not alone in your sorrow. There is a deep emptiness along with the pain of loss. I try to focus on all the love we have shared.

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May 17Β·edited May 17Liked by Peggy Hall

I am so sorry for your loss, Peggy. Losing a beloved pet is so hard!

Back when we lived in a state that required pet licenses and rabies vaccines, I simply never complied for any of my herd of cats. The pet licensing program with the mandatory rabies vax component is actually what got me researching all vaccines about 15 years ago and deciding that none of them were good for pets or humans.

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