Sep 4Liked by Peggy Hall

I never trusted them before. Let's just keep it that way.

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Sep 4Liked by Peggy Hall

Zero trust! RFK, Jr. will work with Elon, JD, Thiel, & the rest to usher in the digital id, digital currency, & more mRNA LNP technology. All for our health & happiness! He is currently sweet talking the Trump base.

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People are so offended when they hear the truth about one of their political heroes!

I get the need for hope. But surely after decades of voting in these people and watching our quality of life deteriorate regardless of who's in power, it would be obvious that our health and well-being isn't a priority for ANY of them? That they'll say anything before elections then do what they want or are paid off to do afterwards?

The real hope lies in local communities. It's the only place where we can still effect real change. The world is made up of communities. Change communities, change the world.

Don't let them implement globalist policies in your community. Voting every four years and arguing online is easy. Getting involved in the real world takes effort. That's why we're in this mess now.

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You are so right about focusing on our local communities. So many people spend so much time fretting over the presidential (s)elections yet are completely uninvolved in their local issues.

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Ground up govt..kris anne hall

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Anyone still trusting this government, it's rotten agencies, these politicians, and or the people involved with the government controlled medical system, isn't paying attention. Wake up folks.

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Sep 4Liked by Peggy Hall

Based on our collective past experiences with the CDC & subsequent lessons learned, we can most definitely be assured that all the time, $$, and energy being expended by the CDC to rebuild public trust is NOT intended for the public's benefit.

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Glad you can see it! So many do not want to see the truth.

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On-point, Peggy. Thank you.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Peggy Hall

ANYONE - and yes, that does mean anyone - who is pushing citizens / consumers to sign-up for trusting a Three Letter Agency is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Alex Jones, the original...Joe Rogan...Del Bigtree (who came up with that silly name? I mean...was he really born with that name?)...Michael Flynn...Lin Wood...Roger Stone...Sidney Powell...My Pillow Guy. THEY ARE ALL GRIFTERS. There are many more.

RFK Jr. is the latest in a long line of corrupt politicos begging for your love, support and / or dollars. The problem with grifters is that over 90% of what they say is true, which makes it ridiculously tantalizing to get on board the train while ignoring those nagging, subtle questions in the back of your mind. Our Holy Spirit talks to us - we just have to listen. And when one of the grifters do or say something which doesn't pass that sniff test, you're being warned that something just ain't right.

And for those of you who don't agree, please don't take this as a criticism. I've been there. Because much to my chagrin, I bought all their stories hook, line and sinker back in 2018, 2019 and 2020. I believed with all my heart that those folks I mentioned were really looking out for us and the good of America.

Specifically to Peggy's point, let's talk about the CDC and FDA. Most people do not know, but the CDC is a PRIVATE entity that holds numerous vaccine patents. They are NOT a government agency, like the FDA. So, who could possibly think they are objectively looking at evidence-based data when one of their patented vaccines is questioned or promoted? But the sordid entanglement of both these entities - along with Big Pharma and university-based research (invariably funded by Big Pharma) is incestuously criminal. Many executives from numerous Big Pharma companies have held positions in the CDC and FDA. In fact, the three groups regularly exchange human capital resources like most people change underwear. It's impossible to level the objectivity of the playing field when all these relationships are so deeply integrated and entangled.

And it's exactly why these agencies and Big Pharma can never be trusted.

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What did general Flynn say or do wrong? Have you heard of his book on 5G warfare against us?

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Thank you for your question. When I make a statement like that, I want to ensure that I have evidence to share so I can back up my statement. Of course, it's up to others to make their own judgements and evaluations.

Regarding Flynn, a lot has accumulated over the last 5 years or so. There is also imagery that Peggy's venue doesn't enable us to post. Most specifically, I have several photos of Flynn wearing pedophile symbolism or with cabal symbolism in the background. Once is happenstance...two may be coincidence...but at three or more, it goes beyond obvious. I have more than three.

But I also have numerous links you can objectively review to make your own determination:

1. https://rumble.com/v1j9tnw-steve-bannon-michael-flynn-gavin-mcinnes-pro-wrestling-heroes-or-heels.html

2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vytPU7mhXtdc

3. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iN2dwj6MoknS

4. https://amg-news.com/bombshell-the-general-grifter-fck-you-pay-me-dont-shoot-the-messenger/

5. https://rumble.com/v4tz82l-michael-flynn-is-a-fraud-wake-up-people.html

I'm not invested one way or another. Truth is all that matters. I used to think Mike Flynn was a great guy and wish he still was...we actually followed each other on Twitter for several years. prior to losing my account in 2021 (I lost 90k followers and was suspended the day after Trump was kicked off in Jan 2021).

But in reviewing vids like these, it's difficult not to question Flynn's sincerity and motivation.

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Sep 4Liked by Peggy Hall

Again, another saviour is being thrown out to the people to keep them apathetic thinking that someone else will stand up for them so they don't have to do anything. Boy, it really is a time of seeing who people are at their core, RFK Jn, another disappointment. Keep up the great work Peggy. Cheering for you from New Zealand

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Sep 4Liked by Peggy Hall

The federal government is too big and too intrusive and assumes too much power, far beyond its Constitutional mandate. It cares more about the interests of big money entities than about regular people. If we learned anything from the Covid debacle, it should be to always question authorities.

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I don't think he does, I think he wants them to be trustworthy public organizations but they are absolutely corrupted by the pharmaceutical industrial complex and he absolutely knows it!

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I’m a no here. Been abused by a difficult parent, difficult pastors and ongoing abuse by our gov. I’m a great big no. I’m not goi bc to vote this year. I’m voting for self government.

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Sep 4Liked by Peggy Hall

What I would love to hear said by “them”. Specifically why it is that the trust is gone? Exactly what did they do? Let’s hear the words. Not “please blindly trust us again”. No, tell me what you did. What is the veiled apology for?

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Excellent insight, Dave.

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Awesome job Peggy ! I fell into the RFK Jr. deception along with some others like Bigtree. HAving been exposed to a few sociopaths and narcissists in my life this is a common theme. Rebuild trust, watershed, etc... are codenames for come back into my sights so I can abuse you some more. There is no trust to restore in Government. Its bad and always has been. Vaccines weren't safe in 1920 and they wont be safe or scientific in 2030 and beyond. I worry about our people who can;t see that all sides are working together to divide and conquer. Trust pulls the conservatives in, progressive debauchery gets the other group and the RFKs come along to sweep up the rest. This is all a horrible horrible theatre production. If a vote is an expression of trust to you, you will be betrayed again in November. Just my opinion, Jesus would not vote for any of the candidates ( two womanizers millionaires and a fraudulent liar of ill repute and no accomplishments) so IMO don;t feel bad about jsut saying know in November. Maybe one day our votes will actually matter but I am not holding my breath.

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I didn’t trust them before and will NEVER trust them in the future. STAY THE HECK OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!

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Sep 6Liked by Peggy Hall

Just TRUTH. She speaks facts and that's it.

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Sep 5Liked by Peggy Hall

According to our founding documents, none of these agencies should ever have existed in the first place.

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