You need to read his book The Real Anthony Fauci. He is totally against vaccines that have not been scrutinized and safe. He is totally against Bill Gates and Fauci lies during Aids. He knows these 'jabs' are for depopulation and to create greater illnesses in people.
Peggy, thank you for this stand that you are taking and have always taken! 'Goldilocks Kennedy' is
(not so secretly) sleeping in all the beds all the time! Not only that, he 'currently' reveals he preferred 'Medical Industry Daddy's' Bed all along and was only pretending to try the others for size! Childrens Health Defence has similarly been an organ for propagating duplicitous 'science' from the duplicitous Legacy Media. CHD readers comments overwhelmingly disagree with CHD's articles. Increasingly the 'Dumb Double Dealers' are losing their 'Cloaks of Invisibility'.
Peggy, I agree with you that he sounds like a deep-stater with his vax agreement..however, he is our best bet at getting back some (some) good health moves for the nation. I predict that he will slowly, very slowly end vaccines. We KNOW the damages, we Know the outcomes, and we know that 70 vaccines in a baby, toddler is a death wish. Those that research, Know how very healthy unvaxxed babies, children, teens, adults are. Others will eventually learn about the corrupt past of shots. They will learn that both Salk and Pasteur were Eugenicists, after acclaim. All in all, I believe he is playing his part well..
I’m with Peggy on this! It was a perfect time for RFKJr to tell the truth about how much damage so-called vaccines have had on all ages of people. How many persons do you presently know who have a permanent disability or have had some type of side effect from having taken vaccines…….infertility, damage to organs, muscles, lungs, nervous system, immune system, even death? What about the Guinea pigs (people and animals) who have had vaccines tested on themselves I’m the interest of “making them safe for all”?
You raise very valid points. If people were truly fed up of all the lies, corruption and malfeasance, they would rightfully consider what you're trying to point out. In the beginning I too was a staunch and ardent supporter of Junior. And this was coming from someone who has, nor will ever vote.
I thoroughly believed he was the one person who was actually capable of saving what little was left of this Country. And then everything went pear shaped. So much for NOT being able to be bought and/or bullied. He is so craven it's sickening. The more insecure someone is, the more massive the addiction. And his drug abuse was legendary.
When he said, “The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world” you knew he was completely spineless. How quickly he forgets just how many aide workers Israel has also murdered. Adding insult to injury he also said the Palestine's don't have the right to defend themselves and was completely against a cease fire.
The man has lost what little is left of his mind. The entire world is in agreement Israel is committing genocide and instead, Bobby writes a book defending Israel. Talk about questioning every single thing about him - not to mention also having a public affair while running for POTUS? The shirtless workout video also spoke volumes.
During Covid he really had a good thing going - he educated a lot of people but sadly the fame obviously went to his head and now he's just as mentally unstable and devious as all the rest.
Without personal integrity and principles, all will be lost, including one's soul. This is what abusers of all kinds classically do - use bait and switch tactics, gaslight, excuse their own failings, and more. In essence, LIE and deceive to get their own desires met, and to 'protect' THEMSELVES, never others. Nothing trustworthy about that! Why is this so hard for people to see?
And especially because of the whole bird 'flu' gambit on top of everything he's else said, which is already being used to murder millions of defenseless animals in cold blood (followed by we humans too), I'm not about to "excuse" ANYTHING such a traitor says or does.
I question everything but I know that ultimately God/Jesus is in control.
None the less, we all know that we have been poisoned and radiated for a ling time.
We ALL need to Detox naturally and safely. MYHA (Make Yourself Healthy Again)
Time to Detox and Demagnetize on a regular basis from Graphene Oxide, ALL Heavy Metals (aluminum, mercury, barium, etc.), Nano Tech, MicroPlastics, Glyphosate, ETC.
Don't become a TransHuman. A hair test will prove that it works for you.
Do your own research on this link and learn about MasterPeace -
I totally get your point, Peggy. However I don’t think the confirmation hearings were the right venue for the truth. Why? Congress is brainwashed. You can’t tell them the truth that all their life they believed in toxic poisons being injected into our kids and they’re complicit in advocating for that. He wouldn’t get in. It’s not akin to telling them their brown suit no longer works on them because their hair turned gray. This safe and effective lie is monumentous. People’s nervous systems, their psychology cannot handle the truth, not to mention the no-virus issue as well.
The truth needs to be dripped. And he can’t do that if he’s not in there.
Having said that, is he really a wolf in sheep’s clothing? I’m 50/50, time will tell. But the MAHA movement is so big I just can’t see him turning on them without a major poop storm. Trumpers are already against the Covid shot.
Instead of the NWO, and Klaus S. and the Davos mantra, “Build Back Better” that we heard incessantly from all the media talking heads and all the puppets prior to C-19 breaking, and the 2020 election, now we’re all supposed to forget everything that’s happened over the last four years???
All the indignities, all the lies, all the deaths? , all the nonsense? all the force-fed mandates and shutdowns by the local health departments? and State governments? , CDC “guidelines”?, compliant schools, and school boards? , “happy to take relief, money” Dioceses and Bishops who closed our churches? , and every other rotten apple out there? , Now we’re just blindly supposed to accept the new mantra that they’re going to push, which will be something like, “Build Back Trust! “ or some catchy thing like that because now we have a new hope because Trump has been reelected?
Really people?!?!
Now is the time for battle, now is the time for even deeper thinking, and taking back our rights as parents and taking back our churches and our country!
These men and women in high places have to have their feet held to the fire even more than ever, like someone else commented above!
For me, they have a lot of proving to do as sensible human beings, and common sense policy making, before I would be willing to follow ANY advice they have to offer!
RFKJr, has simply repackaged vaccines in a more palatable pill to swallow! Don't kid yourselves he's a fraud who wants everyone on the planet to take what they're selling..... all vaxynes are poison, de jour... wake up, wake up wake up America.... Get out your Bible, put on your reading glasses and taste and see..."Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life." He is the way, the truth, and the one comes to the Father except through the son..... The evil one may repackage his poison but it's always still evil.
Very good and brave in the midst of the "alternative establishment" media and social universe. Your points underlie why he and Tulsi Gabbard are perfect sheepherders for the new regime in town. RFK Jr. also was an investor/promoter of CRISPR and other genetic modification research and technologies at the same time that he and CHD were warning us how potentially dangerous they are. While he allegedly "earned" $20,000 per month as head of CHD. Bernie Sanders was deservedly exposed at the hearings. RFK Jr was NOT exposed for the things he should have been. I had lost a lot of my respect for both of them before this week, for many diverse reasons. Now, all my respect is gone.
On September 3rd, I wrote this in response to an excellent post you (Peggy) made regarding Kennedy:
"It amazes and baffles me how many American adults still look at the Kennedy family through a Camelot lens and think the family is full of good people. They are not. Indeed, they are the antithesis of what people who follow The King should ascribe to or believe in. All you have to do is open your eyes and do some research. And to be clear, you won't find it on Joogle - you'll have to look to Bitchute, Telegram or Yandex (ironic, huh?) for the truth."
And you hit the nail on the head again today - especially with this quote: "Kennedy had an opportunity—several, in fact—to tell the truth, present the evidence, and amplify the voices of those harmed. Instead, he chose to reassure the establishment. He chose to pacify..."
The bluster and "show" around these confirmation hearings is just Kabuki Theater. pHARMa will not allow anything contrary to their power and financial interests oppose them. Kennedy is another puppet in the machine, who gives the illusion of someone actually doing the right thing. His father and uncle were part of that same machine...and grandpa helped to create the machine.
This is just business as usual, with a little added drama so the media pundits can stay busy and spin their nonsense. Kennedy will be narrowly confirmed...and not do a thing to stop pHARMa.
Yes but I suspect he won't last long - just a matter of time he's forced to resign for a sex scandal. He's probably already eyeing Karoline Leavitt whose 27 years old and married to a man 32 years older than her.
If people would spend as much time holding their feet to the fire as they do making excuses for them, we the people might actually have a better outcome. Thank you for fighting the good fight, Peggy.
Reading this , I am so disappointed about HIM! Damn
You need to read his book The Real Anthony Fauci. He is totally against vaccines that have not been scrutinized and safe. He is totally against Bill Gates and Fauci lies during Aids. He knows these 'jabs' are for depopulation and to create greater illnesses in people.
Peggy, thank you for this stand that you are taking and have always taken! 'Goldilocks Kennedy' is
(not so secretly) sleeping in all the beds all the time! Not only that, he 'currently' reveals he preferred 'Medical Industry Daddy's' Bed all along and was only pretending to try the others for size! Childrens Health Defence has similarly been an organ for propagating duplicitous 'science' from the duplicitous Legacy Media. CHD readers comments overwhelmingly disagree with CHD's articles. Increasingly the 'Dumb Double Dealers' are losing their 'Cloaks of Invisibility'.
Peggy, I agree with you that he sounds like a deep-stater with his vax agreement..however, he is our best bet at getting back some (some) good health moves for the nation. I predict that he will slowly, very slowly end vaccines. We KNOW the damages, we Know the outcomes, and we know that 70 vaccines in a baby, toddler is a death wish. Those that research, Know how very healthy unvaxxed babies, children, teens, adults are. Others will eventually learn about the corrupt past of shots. They will learn that both Salk and Pasteur were Eugenicists, after acclaim. All in all, I believe he is playing his part well..
I’m with Peggy on this! It was a perfect time for RFKJr to tell the truth about how much damage so-called vaccines have had on all ages of people. How many persons do you presently know who have a permanent disability or have had some type of side effect from having taken vaccines…….infertility, damage to organs, muscles, lungs, nervous system, immune system, even death? What about the Guinea pigs (people and animals) who have had vaccines tested on themselves I’m the interest of “making them safe for all”?
You raise very valid points. If people were truly fed up of all the lies, corruption and malfeasance, they would rightfully consider what you're trying to point out. In the beginning I too was a staunch and ardent supporter of Junior. And this was coming from someone who has, nor will ever vote.
I thoroughly believed he was the one person who was actually capable of saving what little was left of this Country. And then everything went pear shaped. So much for NOT being able to be bought and/or bullied. He is so craven it's sickening. The more insecure someone is, the more massive the addiction. And his drug abuse was legendary.
When he said, “The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world” you knew he was completely spineless. How quickly he forgets just how many aide workers Israel has also murdered. Adding insult to injury he also said the Palestine's don't have the right to defend themselves and was completely against a cease fire.
The man has lost what little is left of his mind. The entire world is in agreement Israel is committing genocide and instead, Bobby writes a book defending Israel. Talk about questioning every single thing about him - not to mention also having a public affair while running for POTUS? The shirtless workout video also spoke volumes.
During Covid he really had a good thing going - he educated a lot of people but sadly the fame obviously went to his head and now he's just as mentally unstable and devious as all the rest.
Without personal integrity and principles, all will be lost, including one's soul. This is what abusers of all kinds classically do - use bait and switch tactics, gaslight, excuse their own failings, and more. In essence, LIE and deceive to get their own desires met, and to 'protect' THEMSELVES, never others. Nothing trustworthy about that! Why is this so hard for people to see?
And especially because of the whole bird 'flu' gambit on top of everything he's else said, which is already being used to murder millions of defenseless animals in cold blood (followed by we humans too), I'm not about to "excuse" ANYTHING such a traitor says or does.
I question everything but I know that ultimately God/Jesus is in control.
None the less, we all know that we have been poisoned and radiated for a ling time.
We ALL need to Detox naturally and safely. MYHA (Make Yourself Healthy Again)
Time to Detox and Demagnetize on a regular basis from Graphene Oxide, ALL Heavy Metals (aluminum, mercury, barium, etc.), Nano Tech, MicroPlastics, Glyphosate, ETC.
Don't become a TransHuman. A hair test will prove that it works for you.
Do your own research on this link and learn about MasterPeace -
Hair analysis or not, JUST DO IT !!
I totally get your point, Peggy. However I don’t think the confirmation hearings were the right venue for the truth. Why? Congress is brainwashed. You can’t tell them the truth that all their life they believed in toxic poisons being injected into our kids and they’re complicit in advocating for that. He wouldn’t get in. It’s not akin to telling them their brown suit no longer works on them because their hair turned gray. This safe and effective lie is monumentous. People’s nervous systems, their psychology cannot handle the truth, not to mention the no-virus issue as well.
The truth needs to be dripped. And he can’t do that if he’s not in there.
Having said that, is he really a wolf in sheep’s clothing? I’m 50/50, time will tell. But the MAHA movement is so big I just can’t see him turning on them without a major poop storm. Trumpers are already against the Covid shot.
Instead of the NWO, and Klaus S. and the Davos mantra, “Build Back Better” that we heard incessantly from all the media talking heads and all the puppets prior to C-19 breaking, and the 2020 election, now we’re all supposed to forget everything that’s happened over the last four years???
All the indignities, all the lies, all the deaths? , all the nonsense? all the force-fed mandates and shutdowns by the local health departments? and State governments? , CDC “guidelines”?, compliant schools, and school boards? , “happy to take relief, money” Dioceses and Bishops who closed our churches? , and every other rotten apple out there? , Now we’re just blindly supposed to accept the new mantra that they’re going to push, which will be something like, “Build Back Trust! “ or some catchy thing like that because now we have a new hope because Trump has been reelected?
Really people?!?!
Now is the time for battle, now is the time for even deeper thinking, and taking back our rights as parents and taking back our churches and our country!
These men and women in high places have to have their feet held to the fire even more than ever, like someone else commented above!
For me, they have a lot of proving to do as sensible human beings, and common sense policy making, before I would be willing to follow ANY advice they have to offer!
Oh Peggy “trust the plan”. After almost 5 full yrs since trump’s March 2020 shenanigans sleepers are still trusting the plan. Good grief!
RFKJr, has simply repackaged vaccines in a more palatable pill to swallow! Don't kid yourselves he's a fraud who wants everyone on the planet to take what they're selling..... all vaxynes are poison, de jour... wake up, wake up wake up America.... Get out your Bible, put on your reading glasses and taste and see..."Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life." He is the way, the truth, and the one comes to the Father except through the son..... The evil one may repackage his poison but it's always still evil.
Very good and brave in the midst of the "alternative establishment" media and social universe. Your points underlie why he and Tulsi Gabbard are perfect sheepherders for the new regime in town. RFK Jr. also was an investor/promoter of CRISPR and other genetic modification research and technologies at the same time that he and CHD were warning us how potentially dangerous they are. While he allegedly "earned" $20,000 per month as head of CHD. Bernie Sanders was deservedly exposed at the hearings. RFK Jr was NOT exposed for the things he should have been. I had lost a lot of my respect for both of them before this week, for many diverse reasons. Now, all my respect is gone.
On September 3rd, I wrote this in response to an excellent post you (Peggy) made regarding Kennedy:
"It amazes and baffles me how many American adults still look at the Kennedy family through a Camelot lens and think the family is full of good people. They are not. Indeed, they are the antithesis of what people who follow The King should ascribe to or believe in. All you have to do is open your eyes and do some research. And to be clear, you won't find it on Joogle - you'll have to look to Bitchute, Telegram or Yandex (ironic, huh?) for the truth."
And you hit the nail on the head again today - especially with this quote: "Kennedy had an opportunity—several, in fact—to tell the truth, present the evidence, and amplify the voices of those harmed. Instead, he chose to reassure the establishment. He chose to pacify..."
The bluster and "show" around these confirmation hearings is just Kabuki Theater. pHARMa will not allow anything contrary to their power and financial interests oppose them. Kennedy is another puppet in the machine, who gives the illusion of someone actually doing the right thing. His father and uncle were part of that same machine...and grandpa helped to create the machine.
This is just business as usual, with a little added drama so the media pundits can stay busy and spin their nonsense. Kennedy will be narrowly confirmed...and not do a thing to stop pHARMa.
Yes but I suspect he won't last long - just a matter of time he's forced to resign for a sex scandal. He's probably already eyeing Karoline Leavitt whose 27 years old and married to a man 32 years older than her.
Them apples is rotten!
If people would spend as much time holding their feet to the fire as they do making excuses for them, we the people might actually have a better outcome. Thank you for fighting the good fight, Peggy.