I agree that I’m not at all happy with what RFK Jr. is saying in his testimony about vaccines. It does go almost completely contrary to his work at CHD of which I’ve watched a lot. The three Vaxxed movies I was able to watch from there. Also Vera Sharov’s “Never again is now”, some excellent Catherine Austin Fitts interviews and a lot else. The “Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed” book is a CHD publication.
I’m going to hold my fire on RFK Jr. and Trump as well. The AI conference with Larry Ellison was very concerning. However he’s dead on with a lot of the other stuff. In any event after the last 4 years of Satanic leadership I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
As to RFK Jr. being head of HHS, gotta be better than Alex Azar or Mayorkas. If he declares a PHEIC, however, then he will have completely sold out. I pray for the best.
Peggy, I have been following you sine 2021. Your groundbreaking insights on jabs and fires and government corruption have been outstanding. In the case of RFK Jr, my wife has supported him over DJT due to his non vaxx stance, coupled with DJTs failure to acknowledge all the cootie damage and vaxx damage following ‘op warp speed’ both of which, as bio weapons, have caused crippling and death. My first prayer in this regard is that our President comes clean about his failure or lack of knowledge/insight to see the crimes;
My second hope and prayer is that RFK JR, after thorough data review by all of our outstanding doctors and digital soldiers — changes his tune — slashes all vaccine schedules, especially children and school board-directed students! Right now, he’s talked off path of our cause — kinda like Del and Aaron, don’t ya think? I mean, we’ll all endorse any jab that’s tried and true, right? WRONG. We are getting our informed consent and freedom back! No jabs. No certificates. No digital jab records. Period. Kelly sends
Unfortunately PH, this sub has severely degenerated. I will not be resubscribing.
Staying relevant requires asking better questions. Playing the long game requires accurate assessment. Thanks for your stellar efforts during Covidiocy. The reason it was so useful is because people have no comprehension of the law. That is all by design, but it requires a plethora of simple minds...
You are right, Peggy. If he is making these statements just to get approved, and actually intends to do the right thing once he's in, that's lying and it's wrong. We want honest leaders in our govt. I hope he hears our outrage about his shocking comments in the hearing.
There is a game being played. You must play nice with pharma, to get in the position to exploit them. This is my opinion. If RFK came out and exposed pharma, without access to all the incriminating evidence, on the computers. He’d be toast, never get in. Let’s all keep our eyes on this, and see how it plays out. I’m thinking, we will be happy…..!!!
Thank you so much, Peggy, for your unwavering courage. Those who refuse to hear the words that came out of Kennedy's mouth and are recorded for posterity are COWARDS.
They are trying to bully you by threatening you with loss of credibility when all you've stated are the facts and the truth.
Many people, and I know some of them personally, who have felt the pressure of keeping their children vaccine-free will now buckle and vaccinate. That's the simple trajectory. Young pregnant mothers will vaccinate because of Kennedy's testimony UNDER OATH.
Children and babies will die because of Kennedy's testimony.
That's another aspect of his statements. He's making them while under oath to tell the truth.
People wanted Fauci strung up from a tree for lying in congressional hearings.
Now they want to invent any fanciful reason to excuse Kennedy's statements.
HYPOCRITES. And I find hypocrisy ugly. Very ugly.
If Kennedy told the truth about his views or if he's lying we are in trouble with him in office, though I must say, how much power does the HHS really have?
I am more concerned at the number of hypocritical deluded people in my midst than I am of Kennedy being confirmed.
I am concerned for how many have lost the thread and have no clear understanding the threat STARGATE poses to all of us. I think the lack of reason I witness today will result in the horrors of tomorrow as people follow Trump and Musk and Kennedy straight over the cliff to totalitarianism.
People need to read more. Read Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma. We are following the game plan written in that book from 150 years ago.
While you may have lost some subscribers, I have become one. Maybe the ones who are leaving need to go to some dark corner where the truth doesn't matter and maybe this is for the greater good of all. Afterall.
God Bless you and keep up the fearless good work. And watch your back. We need you.
I worked for years against the autism-causing children's vaxxines and I believed RFK Jr when he told us how together we could stop the poisoning of our children.
But that never happened.
What did happen is that in the years that RFK Jr has been portrayed to us as 'The Champion Of Anti-Vaxx' the autism-causting children's vaxxine protocols have TRIPLED.
As has aut!sm in America.
Sadly I lost faith in RFK Jr years ago.
To me, he and Trump are just lying Deep State actors and pharmaceutical reps.
What Kennedy actually said, what really came out of his mouth is not an opinion.
It's a fact.
What we don't know, as Peggy stated multiple times, is whether he's lying or telling the truth about his stance and that either way is horrific and a betrayal of his followers. So it's of secondary importance. Whether he's lying or not.
While you may want to "wait and see" so as not to be too hasty in forming your opinion, some of us listen to the facts, think about them and come to logical conclusions in a timely way.
No 35 mil is inaccurate and it is not under Trump. All who offered their arms decided to do so WILLFULLY. That is the prescient fact. I have been in the Vax Quax trenches at the doctorate level for 35 years. What else ya got??
You have not been Promoted, you have inaccurately assessed. Gander into the mirror and stop pointing simple minded finga's
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
35million vaxxed are dead TS, and THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there is a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccines are safe, and to take them???
I think a lot of very important people have a lot of explaining to do because Bobby Kennedy Jr has now put their reputation and credibility into question in addition to his own.
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Joe Rogan
Tucker Carlson
Dennis Kucinich (although he knew something to have quit as campaign manager)
Joseph Mercola
Sherri Tenpenny
Christiane Northrup
You get the feeling everything was a total ruse for fame and fortune.
Yes. It has become my standard to stop and really look at anyone who has made a "name" for themselves in our current climate.
There are reasons they are in the spotlight and it's not because the camera loves them.
The stakes are very high and no one who is any sort of "rockstar" is there by chance.
My thinking is that many of the "controllers" are getting old and they will do anything to see their fantasies of world domination come true before they die.
Of course they are only people and prone to mistakes as are we all.
God has His plans and that's where I put my faith.
Thank you, Peggy... As per usual... You were absolutely correct in your analysis of the CHARLATAN RFK... God bless you for your continued excellence and integrity... The world is a better place with you in it...
Take it easy, Peggy. He is fighting an uphill battle just trying to get appointed. Do you really think anyone else even has a ghost of a chance? Your rabid posts and responses to comments (I know, rabies does not exist) are indeed making your site lose credibility, at least with me. Don't bother to make a nasty comment in response to my comment. I know exactly what the score is, and I don't need you to tell me. You are letting your ego get in the way here. Consult your better self.
Miss Marbles has lost her marbles, if she ever had any in the first place. I truly think she’s an NPC. No brain, no mind. Their job is to support the system no matter how deleterious to humans.
Oh yes, Miss Marbles, I will "rabidly" defend the innocent, which is what RFK should have done. Instead, his comments will HARM countless children, whose parents will now follow RFK's recommendations to get the 80+ jabs.
Apparently, that doesn't bother you, your "ego" or your better self.
I see that like the other defenders of this traitor, you have refused to answer my simple questions:
Do you agree with RFK that children should get the 80+ CDC recommended vaccines?
Are you okay with countless children being harmed because of his recommendations?
Do you have the courage to answer me honestly?
Narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to truth and few there be who will find it. Broad is the way to destruction and many will go there, as you are aptly demonstrating.
Miss Marbles, although I somewhat agree that harping on this will certainly tarnish credibility I do put enormous credence in Patrick Henningsen and what he had to say. Nonetheless RFK Junior certainly has a lot of explaining to do to those who staunchly supported him. He can start by addressing Patrick's assessment which is clearly inarguable:
Harping - she's already made her point obsessing on it only dilutes the message. It makes it appear as though she has an ax to grind. Read what Patrick Henningsen said - he stated the exact same point brilliantly. She made her point in addition to providing crucial information. The End.
RFK is getting our attention even though its sparking diviseness. Its a needed debate about character, dishonesty, health and the future of government in our lives. We are rising, the old oligarchy will fade faster than what we would like, the healing is what wins for both sides.. After this intense bullying and attacks its clear the committe could have done it better, time limits stopped rational thinking further polorizing. Where is the importance of the health of our people with out God at the center. Start the sessions with prayer. New voices RFK, Patell, Gabbard are paramount and not going away and thankfully its happening as it should. Bernie, Warner, Wyden, Cassidy are holding onto whats true to them, but the fight doesnt stop with them. Its with us and its still on. Methods of conflict resolution in a democracy need to be re evaluated so winning and public policy is not dictated by righteous indignation
It is war, we are weary. It is true that bloated ABC agencies are having the fat trimmed off by E Musk. It is true that the largest is the HHS... RFK has others dogs in this race. He actually ate at McDonalds... As always Accurate Assessment is necessary...
RFK supporters(?) will NOT get ANY jab. They know they are all useless and poisonous to boot. His supporters do not trust government, or the medical field.
It would actually be even better if HHS was abolished, all of the DS - provided another agency wasn’t created in its’ place, of course.
I agree that I’m not at all happy with what RFK Jr. is saying in his testimony about vaccines. It does go almost completely contrary to his work at CHD of which I’ve watched a lot. The three Vaxxed movies I was able to watch from there. Also Vera Sharov’s “Never again is now”, some excellent Catherine Austin Fitts interviews and a lot else. The “Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed” book is a CHD publication.
I’m going to hold my fire on RFK Jr. and Trump as well. The AI conference with Larry Ellison was very concerning. However he’s dead on with a lot of the other stuff. In any event after the last 4 years of Satanic leadership I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
As to RFK Jr. being head of HHS, gotta be better than Alex Azar or Mayorkas. If he declares a PHEIC, however, then he will have completely sold out. I pray for the best.
Peggy, I have been following you sine 2021. Your groundbreaking insights on jabs and fires and government corruption have been outstanding. In the case of RFK Jr, my wife has supported him over DJT due to his non vaxx stance, coupled with DJTs failure to acknowledge all the cootie damage and vaxx damage following ‘op warp speed’ both of which, as bio weapons, have caused crippling and death. My first prayer in this regard is that our President comes clean about his failure or lack of knowledge/insight to see the crimes;
My second hope and prayer is that RFK JR, after thorough data review by all of our outstanding doctors and digital soldiers — changes his tune — slashes all vaccine schedules, especially children and school board-directed students! Right now, he’s talked off path of our cause — kinda like Del and Aaron, don’t ya think? I mean, we’ll all endorse any jab that’s tried and true, right? WRONG. We are getting our informed consent and freedom back! No jabs. No certificates. No digital jab records. Period. Kelly sends
Unfortunately PH, this sub has severely degenerated. I will not be resubscribing.
Staying relevant requires asking better questions. Playing the long game requires accurate assessment. Thanks for your stellar efforts during Covidiocy. The reason it was so useful is because people have no comprehension of the law. That is all by design, but it requires a plethora of simple minds...
You are right, Peggy. If he is making these statements just to get approved, and actually intends to do the right thing once he's in, that's lying and it's wrong. We want honest leaders in our govt. I hope he hears our outrage about his shocking comments in the hearing.
There is a game being played. You must play nice with pharma, to get in the position to exploit them. This is my opinion. If RFK came out and exposed pharma, without access to all the incriminating evidence, on the computers. He’d be toast, never get in. Let’s all keep our eyes on this, and see how it plays out. I’m thinking, we will be happy…..!!!
Remember, Sun Zhu “The Art of War”.
Anne, I’m with you and others in this thread… see my comments below. Kelly
I’m with ‘ya, Peggy.
Keep preaching, sistah.
Thank you so much, Peggy, for your unwavering courage. Those who refuse to hear the words that came out of Kennedy's mouth and are recorded for posterity are COWARDS.
They are trying to bully you by threatening you with loss of credibility when all you've stated are the facts and the truth.
Many people, and I know some of them personally, who have felt the pressure of keeping their children vaccine-free will now buckle and vaccinate. That's the simple trajectory. Young pregnant mothers will vaccinate because of Kennedy's testimony UNDER OATH.
Children and babies will die because of Kennedy's testimony.
That's another aspect of his statements. He's making them while under oath to tell the truth.
People wanted Fauci strung up from a tree for lying in congressional hearings.
Now they want to invent any fanciful reason to excuse Kennedy's statements.
HYPOCRITES. And I find hypocrisy ugly. Very ugly.
If Kennedy told the truth about his views or if he's lying we are in trouble with him in office, though I must say, how much power does the HHS really have?
I am more concerned at the number of hypocritical deluded people in my midst than I am of Kennedy being confirmed.
I am concerned for how many have lost the thread and have no clear understanding the threat STARGATE poses to all of us. I think the lack of reason I witness today will result in the horrors of tomorrow as people follow Trump and Musk and Kennedy straight over the cliff to totalitarianism.
People need to read more. Read Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma. We are following the game plan written in that book from 150 years ago.
While you may have lost some subscribers, I have become one. Maybe the ones who are leaving need to go to some dark corner where the truth doesn't matter and maybe this is for the greater good of all. Afterall.
God Bless you and keep up the fearless good work. And watch your back. We need you.
I worked for years against the autism-causing children's vaxxines and I believed RFK Jr when he told us how together we could stop the poisoning of our children.
But that never happened.
What did happen is that in the years that RFK Jr has been portrayed to us as 'The Champion Of Anti-Vaxx' the autism-causting children's vaxxine protocols have TRIPLED.
As has aut!sm in America.
Sadly I lost faith in RFK Jr years ago.
To me, he and Trump are just lying Deep State actors and pharmaceutical reps.
the thing about Assessments is the Accuracy
without the later its a hasty opinion, we all know what they say about opinions
What Kennedy actually said, what really came out of his mouth is not an opinion.
It's a fact.
What we don't know, as Peggy stated multiple times, is whether he's lying or telling the truth about his stance and that either way is horrific and a betrayal of his followers. So it's of secondary importance. Whether he's lying or not.
While you may want to "wait and see" so as not to be too hasty in forming your opinion, some of us listen to the facts, think about them and come to logical conclusions in a timely way.
as pointed out and REITERATED, it is about accurate assessment, not being a keyboard warrior. They are currently dime a dozen, price is dropping.
That makes no sense. Unless you're projecting...
"...what they say about opinions"
Yes TS, that's why I go with DPF, Demonstrable Public Fact.
-35million vaxxed are dead and Donald Trump is still LYING to the American people and telling them the genocidal vaxxine is safe, and to take it.
Every time he brags about Warp Speed.
-In the years that RFK Jr has been promoted to us as the Champion of Anti-Vaxx, the lobotomizing children's vaxxine protocols have TRIPLED.
As has autism in America.
DPF. Demonstrable Public Facts.
And DPF is why I see Donny&Bobby as 2 lying Deep State pharmaceutical reps.
No 35 mil is inaccurate and it is not under Trump. All who offered their arms decided to do so WILLFULLY. That is the prescient fact. I have been in the Vax Quax trenches at the doctorate level for 35 years. What else ya got??
You have not been Promoted, you have inaccurately assessed. Gander into the mirror and stop pointing simple minded finga's
TS, there never was a SARS COV2 virus!
Before she died, the queen of England LOST a court case in Canada which ended mandates in Canada because this young man was charged with attending a gathering of more than ten people during lockdown. He won his case because THE CROWN COULD NOT PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THERE EVER WAS A SARS COV2 VIRUS.
35million vaxxed are dead TS, and THERE NEVER WAS A VIRUS.
So why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there is a deadly virus and that the genocidal vaccines are safe, and to take them???
Thank you, Proberta. God Bless.
walk the plank
I think a lot of very important people have a lot of explaining to do because Bobby Kennedy Jr has now put their reputation and credibility into question in addition to his own.
Dr. Judy Mikovits
Joe Rogan
Tucker Carlson
Dennis Kucinich (although he knew something to have quit as campaign manager)
Joseph Mercola
Sherri Tenpenny
Christiane Northrup
You get the feeling everything was a total ruse for fame and fortune.
One cannot put anothers reputation into question, what are you suggesting??
This is a confirmation hearing not a trial for lay people...
Yes. It has become my standard to stop and really look at anyone who has made a "name" for themselves in our current climate.
There are reasons they are in the spotlight and it's not because the camera loves them.
The stakes are very high and no one who is any sort of "rockstar" is there by chance.
My thinking is that many of the "controllers" are getting old and they will do anything to see their fantasies of world domination come true before they die.
Of course they are only people and prone to mistakes as are we all.
God has His plans and that's where I put my faith.
Yes Pirate, very recently keyboard warriors could not say enough good about RFK and his legacy. Interesting that simple minds forget so easily.
Try asking better questions yeah??
Then you default to the creator... No one suggested you put your faith any other place.
Has anyone commented on Dr. Judy's Substack? Or questioned her?
Decentralize America is calling on all warriors to assist RFK Jr’s confirmation by the Senate as HHS Secretary. https://therealdrjudy.substack.com/p/decentralize-america-is-calling-on
It’s not vaccination, it’s extermination
Great synopsis!!
Yes. That's a good synopsis. Thank you.
Thank you, Peggy... As per usual... You were absolutely correct in your analysis of the CHARLATAN RFK... God bless you for your continued excellence and integrity... The world is a better place with you in it...
Take it easy, Peggy. He is fighting an uphill battle just trying to get appointed. Do you really think anyone else even has a ghost of a chance? Your rabid posts and responses to comments (I know, rabies does not exist) are indeed making your site lose credibility, at least with me. Don't bother to make a nasty comment in response to my comment. I know exactly what the score is, and I don't need you to tell me. You are letting your ego get in the way here. Consult your better self.
Miss Marbles has lost her marbles, if she ever had any in the first place. I truly think she’s an NPC. No brain, no mind. Their job is to support the system no matter how deleterious to humans.
All you suggested is to take it easy... That was an astute comment.
Another member of the Big Pharma infiltration team aiming to tank RFK Jr's candidacy. Beware of these entities - they are swarming the internet.
😂😂😂😂 “The lunatic is on the run…”
I'm reasonably sure this is a bot.
I am reasonably sure you are part of the Big Pharma infiltration team aiming to tank RFK Jr's candidacy.
Now I'm sure. Doubts erased. Thanks.
Oh yes, Miss Marbles, I will "rabidly" defend the innocent, which is what RFK should have done. Instead, his comments will HARM countless children, whose parents will now follow RFK's recommendations to get the 80+ jabs.
Apparently, that doesn't bother you, your "ego" or your better self.
I see that like the other defenders of this traitor, you have refused to answer my simple questions:
Do you agree with RFK that children should get the 80+ CDC recommended vaccines?
Are you okay with countless children being harmed because of his recommendations?
Do you have the courage to answer me honestly?
Narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to truth and few there be who will find it. Broad is the way to destruction and many will go there, as you are aptly demonstrating.
I have unsubscribed from your substack.
Miss Marbles, although I somewhat agree that harping on this will certainly tarnish credibility I do put enormous credence in Patrick Henningsen and what he had to say. Nonetheless RFK Junior certainly has a lot of explaining to do to those who staunchly supported him. He can start by addressing Patrick's assessment which is clearly inarguable:
Harping? Since when is stating facts and telling the truth "harping"?
To “harp” means to constantly annoy, the way a bird of prey picks at its prey.
Harping - she's already made her point obsessing on it only dilutes the message. It makes it appear as though she has an ax to grind. Read what Patrick Henningsen said - he stated the exact same point brilliantly. She made her point in addition to providing crucial information. The End.
I don't know why you use the words "obsessing" and "harping". That seems over the top to me.
I read what Patrick Henningsen said. He also goes over and over the same subject with the same information presented on this stack.
I think you may have an axe to grind. Maybe you don't like women. IDK.
Sometimes it takes repeating important information so more people have a chance to hear it.
If there were a tsunami coming would you like it announced once and then no more? Anything more would be harping and obsessing?
Maybe you can't see what's happening. IDK.
Maybe we need multiple warnings to have any chance at all.
the time for explanations has yet to arrive
We are in the fog of war
You may be foggy but not everyone is.
RFK is getting our attention even though its sparking diviseness. Its a needed debate about character, dishonesty, health and the future of government in our lives. We are rising, the old oligarchy will fade faster than what we would like, the healing is what wins for both sides.. After this intense bullying and attacks its clear the committe could have done it better, time limits stopped rational thinking further polorizing. Where is the importance of the health of our people with out God at the center. Start the sessions with prayer. New voices RFK, Patell, Gabbard are paramount and not going away and thankfully its happening as it should. Bernie, Warner, Wyden, Cassidy are holding onto whats true to them, but the fight doesnt stop with them. Its with us and its still on. Methods of conflict resolution in a democracy need to be re evaluated so winning and public policy is not dictated by righteous indignation
It is war, we are weary. It is true that bloated ABC agencies are having the fat trimmed off by E Musk. It is true that the largest is the HHS... RFK has others dogs in this race. He actually ate at McDonalds... As always Accurate Assessment is necessary...
Elon Musk is firing live human beings from jobs that will be replaced with AI.
RFK supporters(?) will NOT get ANY jab. They know they are all useless and poisonous to boot. His supporters do not trust government, or the medical field.
It would actually be even better if HHS was abolished, all of the DS - provided another agency wasn’t created in its’ place, of course.