My questions for R F Kennedy, Jr, asked respectfully.

I watched you in an interview with Tucker Carlson and you said (as close as I can remember) "When we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense His (God's) presence." If you believe that is true about destroying whales, and other creatures, would you not recognize that destroying human life causes the most damage of all in our relationship to God? Psalm 139 clearly says that God is the One who is weaving the child in the womb of his mother. Wouldn't that be the worst of all things to tear that child from His hands?

In the same interview, you said people's orthodoxies make it impossible for them to see the real truth. (I believe I am remembering your words correctly.) I would propose that the orthodoxy that makes you unable to see that killing a human life is wrong is the mantra "My body my choice," ignoring the fact that another human is involved. In an abortion, the baby is torn apart painfully and horrifically. I propose that if you desire a relationship with God, you need to fear Him more that you fear the vast majority of people that hold to that false orthodoxy. You have boldly gone against the majority of the world in your revelations about the damage caused by vaccines. May God give you the boldness to fight this evil with the same zeal. It definitely would be a David vs. Goliath fight, but David killed Goliath because God was on his side.

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Thanks for your response but you are misinformed about RFK, Jr. I have seen him in person multiple times. I have been in the struggle to expose the problem with vaccines since the mid-nineties when I connected the dots to my own chronically ill child. No. RFK, Jr. was one of the early people to be aware of the problem. He also was there in Sacramento more recently when California children lost their medical exemption. Now… California children are required to take these poisons in order to go to school. There are virtually no medical exemptions and no religious exemptions. We have the highest autism rate in the country 1 in 22 kids is affected by the most severe form. California only counts those children as autistic who are completely dependent, who will spend a life requiring care. So that is a devastating situation and RFK, Jr. is bringing this problem into the light of day when absolutely no one else is. He is a hero and he is the only one making a difference for children in our pharma corrupted state.

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Peggy - As always, you make many excellent points and yet you were able to stay completely above board with your questions. Kudos to you!

I'm not going to be so kind. It amazes and baffles me how many American adults still look at the Kennedy family through a Camelot lens and think the family is full of good people. They are not. Indeed, they are the antithesis of what people who follow The King should ascribe to or believe in. All you have to do is open your eyes and do some research. And to be clear, you won't find it on Joogle - you'll have to look to Bitchute, Telegram or Yandex (ironic, huh?) for the truth.

1. Let's start with Grandpa. He was a powerful political crime boss, but because he did numerous favors for FDR, he was untouchable. He was guilty of insider trading, which helped him amass the family fortune. No different than Capone, he was also a bootlegger during Prohibition. Joe also regularly took his mistresses with him on vacation, right in front of Rose's nose. And if that's not enough, he was the key to rigging JFK's win over Russo in 1946, paving the way for his son's entry into politics.

2. Regarding Bobby, the apple didn't fall far from the tree. It's fairly common knowledge that despite creating 8 children with Ethel, Bobby is rumored to have made time with the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Candice Bergen and his sister-in-law Jackie, just to name three. In his earlier days, Bobby served as an aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s when the Communist witch hunts were all the rage. He learned a lot from Joe, including how to smear political opponents by simply raising the specter that they were a Communist and then illegally wiretap them, as he did with Martin Luther King. He also orchestrated numerous plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, including the hiring of Mafia hitmen and bribing Castro insiders to get rid of him. Much to Bobby's chagrin, Fidel always seemed to be a step ahead.

3. Perhaps because he was cut down in his prime, JFK never had the chance to disillusion his loyal legion of acolytes. But the rich and preppy party boy from Massachusetts was no saint. His philandering was somewhat legendry, but what is little know is that he met his lifelong friend, Kirk LeMoyne "Lem" Billings, at Choate Rosemary in Connecticut in 1933. That relationship continued until the end of JFK's life. Much to Jackie's chagrin, Lem had his own room in the White House when he had "sleepovers." Lem was openly gay and since he lived another 18 years after the death of JFK, many stories of his relationship with JFK came to light. It was pretty clear that their escapades went far beyond mere bromance.

JFK was also a client of Dr. Max Jacobson. In fact, Dr. Jacobson had numerous prominent clients including Marilyn Monroe, Jackie, Truman Capote, and Mickey Mantle to name a few. Jacobson, a doctor who had invented a secret "vitamin formula" that gave people renewed energy and cured their pain, was given the code name “Dr. Feelgood” by Kennedy’s Secret Service detail.

Jacobson's formula was actually methamphetamine, and over the course of a decades-long practice, he became doctor to the stars, making unknowing drug addicts out of a long list of the famous and distinguished. Unknowing or not, it became a real problem when JFK overdosed in 1962 and was running around the halls of the Carlyle Hotel in New York City, stark naked. And yet still running the country. For what it's worth, Bobby tried to intervene and told JFK to stop taking the drugs, but John told his brother to stand down.

I understand that all families have things they are not proud of. But if most Believers knew the truth about the Kennedy tribe, they would drop their admiration like a hot rock. At least they should.

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I would love to share your comments in an upcoming video, as there is so much there for people to learn about.

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Absolutely. Please do so, Peggy. People need to know the truth.

Thank you for asking, first.

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My questions for Kennedy

Why do you censor my comments on your CHD platform?

Why do you prohibit debate on the disproven germ hypothesis?

Why do you feature fear porn (e.g., lab leak, gain of function)?

Why did you throw Roger Waters under the bus?

Was it fun supporting Hillary instead of Bernie the first time? Second time?

Did you make a deal with Hillary and the DNC?

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Peggy, as someone who has been a full-throated Kennedy supporter, I have the same questions you do. I have assumed, for the purpose of maintaining my focus, that he could not discuss his "real" positions on Vaccines and on what goes on in Gaza, for fear that he would trigger the pushback that taking such positions would entail, scuttling his opportunity to make real change once he is in office.

My evidence for the Vaccine argument is his book The Real Anthony Fauci, which makes clear that vaccines were largely introduced AFTER the diseases they purport to treat were on the wane. He has written forwards for books by Brian Hooker, and Judy Mikovitz that make clear his suspicion of the entire vaccine enterprise.

Regarding Gaza, his grandfather joe and his uncle Jack were not at all pro Israel, and there is some evidence that disputes with Israel over their work on getting an A Bomb in the early 60's put his uncle in direct opposition to the Israeli government, that could have inspired them to assist in his assassination (motive). Meyer Lansky, the mafia boss at the time, a big Israeli supporter and Jacob Rubenstein , AKA Jack Ruby, were peole who could supply the "muscle" for such an operation (means). See Laurent Guyenot's Kennedy and the Unspeakable Truth. RFK, Jr. is most certainly aware of this information, but he is not likely to want to talk openly about it. First, it smacks of "Conspiracy Theory" still an effective smear in this country. Second, it could be genuinely bad for his health.

With regard to the constitution, he has been a full-throated supporter of our constitutional liberties during this campaign, and throughout COVID.

In summary, your questions are all great, and I share them. RFK, Jr. has done more to bring health and freedom issues to the political discourse than anyone else. I feel I have no choice but to do what I can to help him rise to political power and see if my faith in him is well placed. I recognize that there is a leap of faith there. Time will tell.

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Hi Doug, many share your view. One concern I forgot to mention is RFK Jr's affairs he had while married (and one of his wives died under tragic circumstances). RFK Jrs' betrayal of his spouses may not bother some people, but it is a huge red flag for me. If you cheat and lie to your own spouse, how can you be trusted, especially with people you don't even know, i.e., the electorate? Certainly, people make mistakes but I have never heard him publicly address this or apologize or state that he was wrong and ask forgiveness and state that he repents of this despicable behavior, have you?

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I started following RFK, Jr. in 2014 when he went with a group of us to the CDC in Atlanta to protest the suppression of the MMR study that showed kids who got the MMR after 3 didn’t get autism, but those who got it before (on schedule) were like 3 x as likely if the child is an African American boy, or in a subset of vulnerable kids. Watch the movie Vaxxed I and it tells the story. I have since followed him and during the pandemic I went to a number of fund raisers where he talked and mingled. I wouldn’t say I know him personally but I have watched him in person about six times over the years. I adore him. He is 100% for the mothers of vaccine injured children. He is all heart. A great man.

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Curious if you watched my video or read the substack. You're not bothered by these questions? You're okay that his is "fiercely pro-vaccine" and wants innocent children harmed in the testing of these poisons? That seems like a disconnect for someone like you who is in favor of protecting "vulnerable kids."

He certainly wasn't "100% for the mother" of his own children, because he slept with other women while he was married. RFK Jrs' betrayal of his spouses may not bother some people, but it is a huge red flag for me. If you cheat and lie to your own spouse, how can you be trusted, especially with people you don't even know, i.e., the electorate? Certainly, people make mistakes but I have never heard him publicly address this or apologize or state that he was wrong and ask forgiveness and state that he repents of this despicable behavior, have you?

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Peggy!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I agree with you as well. I liked RFK and the awareness he brought.

However, I’ve now come to see him as what I call a “gate-keeper”: someone who says the right and does good, but there’s a negative side to them - like an Alex Jones vibe.

And I know everyone thinks Trump/RFK are the perfect combination, but it’s interesting to see how the Republican Party has switched. Trump and RFK have given it a new look: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-complex-roles-and-benefits-of

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Thank you, Franklin, for sharing this. I hope my readers will subscribe to your excellent substack!

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