fantastic reporting on Do family, added links to your work to spread the word,


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Pretty clear you have uncovered more OC crooks.

Outing them is their worst nightmare.

Odd that others who clearly knew said nothing.

Most likely alot of say nothing bribes.


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What good is it going to the FBI when they’ve been proven to be a corrupt agency too?

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Wow Peggy, unbelievable. My adopted sisters brother moved from Rochester NY back in the 80’s to Orange County. I have no doubt he knows all about this stuff. He’s Vietnamese.

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GOD bless you PH - our Creator is the wind beneath your beautiful truth-telling wings ...

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So forwarding this to OC Sherriff's office, OC Prosecutor, FBI, or something won't have him, his daughter and everyone else in jail by the end of the week? And one can assume the "no" votes from Wagner & Chaffee suggests they may be involved in "innapropriate" dealings.

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I'm focusing on the FBI as these are felonies

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I wish you luck, which shouldn't be needed in a country with laws. Politics has always been slimy but now I find, (blatantly) attrocious, evil, disgusting, etc., doesn't even describe it.

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SOP for the Gov Serpents!

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Great work, Peggy; we need to keep sharing this and expose the corruption.

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I'm wondering if Vietnamese exodus from Couminsen, was/is just like Jews exodus from Egypt? In that they wanted to look back to the good old days, when they had meat to eat! Not ahead to God & his mana future!

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