Hi Peggy, interested readers, and resolute followers,

I would graciously like to point out that we all come to an understanding from our own personal experiences. That said, people who have had 1st hand experiences that witness what Peggy is showing here, are going to have a different understanding than people who are putting their experiences together as things move along.... Personally, I have found, that when I defer to the Bible, and the Truth of Jesus, all the noise becomes just that... The Book of Revelation talks to what Peggy is pointing out, these things will come to pass....Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. We all live on into eternity, the decision belongs to each one of us.... Choose Jesus, live with Him. Deny Jesus, live in destruction. He sends no one anywhere... we choose it ourselves. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Peggy keep sharing all that you learn .....

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Actually Peggy, telepathy and telekinesis are natural human abilities that we are all capable of, but were deliberately kept unaware of.

Like teleportation, spontaneous healing, walking on water/hot coals/broken glass, lifting a car off a child, doing complex mathematical equations in an instant, de-materialization, seeing a thumbnail's detail at one mile, reincarnation, stasis, swimming underwater for over 20 minutes, all of these things humans are capable of doing, but we were deliberately kept unaware.

Labeling these natural abilities as 'paranormal', witchcraft, sorcery, woo-woo, New Age, Mysticism, etc, guarantees that the masses will be fearful and stay away from them, and remain ignorant that we are ALL capable of such abilities.

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Well done Peggy!! And WAKE UP readers…

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In all seriousness, Peggy, Trump is now an A.I. (i.e., a cloned version of himself, about 20 years younger- just like Biden -- with a longer, thinner face, and a complete dependence on his handler/A.I., in this case Musk himself) . This all occurred, I believe, right after the fake assassination attempt, when they whisked him off the platform and took him to the hospital for "ear repair." I could go on at some length about this, but instead, I will just invite you or your other readers to follow the saga of Pope Francis in the hospital, presumably near death's door for the last 3 or 4 weeks, now (I believe) ready to emerge from his new cocoon as a younger, more vigorous Pope than ever. If ever there was a Pope who was ready to assume the transhumanist mantle, it is Pope Francis, with his woke and wiggly ways. I might be wrong about this one, but I don't think so. We should know pretty soon.

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I know Mark! I’ve known this for a long time. All the pretty boys in Hollywood are women. Of course all the beautiful women are men. It’s sad how we’ve all been so deceived! Most of the President’s and their wives are transgendered.

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Good call-out on "Ellen." Didn't know if your audience was ready for that truth just yet.

For more fun, look up the search phrase "Is Maye Musk a Witch?"

At one time, I was able to get some decent sauce on that query, but since Musk purchased Twitter, the Nimrod minions have learned how to do a pretty good job of scrubbing the internet. If you do go through that exercise (even on Yandex) you'll see a lot of "that page doesn't exist" or "that blog is not found" or "that server doesn't exist" responses to your clicks.

Where there is smoke, there is fire.

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I love that Peggy calls Elon, Ellen. She is definitely a biological woman! Sorry folks, but Trump is too!

It’s hard to wrap our heads around this, but maybe one day it will come to light!

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Correct on both counts. Ivana and Ivanka were born as biological men - so is Melania. Pretty sure son Eric was born female, too. And who does Don belong to :) They didn't match that DNA very well.

There are thousands in Hollywood and the music industry. Great role models for our children, huh?

These wicked satanists have been playing the transgender game for a lot longer than today's 20-somethings.

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