Jun 9, 2023Liked by Olivia

Thank you for this great article. I’m sort of speechless actually as you put the parts of the equation and the sum together so well -- and most of humanity doesn’t know, or care. But if they care, the way this “wonderful future” for “health and security of/for all” is presented to the masses, it’s just another sham. Fortunately our family, and many of our friends are growing our own food, and raising our own animals.

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First of all I never trusted Elon Musk and now his brother. Eye opening article. How can they get away with this?! Not even telling the public what theyre doing to our food! This is shameful, not to mention utterly harmful.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Olivia

Thanks for this! It’s scary and so disappointing. I grow my own veggies and some fruits with 2 10’x3’ boxes. It’s amazing how many and how close you can plant veggies and fruit! I have lettuces, tomatoes, squash, beans, kale, arugula, Swiss chard, cucumbers, carrots, radish’s and a variety of herbs in that space. I buy meat from Good Ranchers and my fish from a local fish monger so I’m not shopping very much at all.

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Great work. Most people would not have a clue. I started my first garden last Oct. And have potatoes, garlic, onions and yams growing now. I encourage everyone to give it a try. Also; save seeds and store. I started doing this since 2012. Get ready and for some reason I'm saving egg cartons... get to know neighbors, especially the ones with backyard egg layers. This was a very informative article. Thank you.

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I am so fatigued by the onslaught and assault of the WEF/CDC/Soros/Musk/AI takeover I don’t want to get out of bed. Nothing can be trusted. I could NEVER grow enough food to sustain my family. All we hear is how to sidestep the enemy when what we need to do is cut off the head of the snake. The only way that’s going to happen is by direct intervention from God Almighty. Time to get on our knees and repent. Then and only then will we see the deliverance of God’s creation.

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Julie I truly understand your thoughts on this. However, we must align ourselves with like-minded folks who are and will continue to love and live with nature to provide wholesome and nutritious food.

Keep the FAITH!





H-ealth, Hope, Healing

God bless you with his Shalom peace!

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Thank you for taking the time to reply with encouragement. With all due respect, I’ve been aligning myself with like-minded people my entire adult life and look where the world is now. Agenda 2030. They have been planning this for 100 years. These demons eliminate those that oppose them, so the only answer at this point is direct intervention by our heavenly Father. He’s done it before and He can do it again, but humanity has to humble themselves and repent.

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Yes. Psalms 37:1-40 Amen. ⚖⚓⌛

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This is true.

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What use is the corrupted government if they do nothing. Interestingly, if we know the play book, they know it. I don't think it matters which side your on. These elites in all realms of society, are out to kill, maim, sterilize and destroy the people, ("useless eaters") and country we live in.

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Great article! My husband and I have a very small postage-stamp lot, but we do grow deep greens, beans, zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes. We also love shopping at our local farmers market every week. And because I'm a chef, my favorite vendors allow me to place advance orders so I am sure to have the ingredients I need for my clients' food orders.

I looked quickly at the Food Chain Reaction Game article you linked to and found two interesting things just in the opening pages. First, it is a BIG TELL that the editors sliced up the photos on the cover sheet, cutting right through THE HEART area on both people! Second, I literally laughed out loud seeing the page with the text: "This page left intentionally blank." Um, they typed [unnecessary] words on it, so it's not *actually* blank! They're so stupid in their evilness!

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Hi Peggy, your superior research skills amaze me. I truly appreciate your hard work and dedication to making our country, and the world a better place.

I enjoy your daily YouTube video commentaries and have learned so much. I share the information with likeminded friends and family members.

I’m growing my own veggies in a 4’ x 4’ x 12’ raised bed in my backyard. I purchase heirloom seeds from a Christian family in CA, St Clare’s Heirloom Seeds. They not only send you seeds with Bible verses, they have a newsletter that provides gardening tips, and a wealth of information on their website covering everything from germination to harvest and interesting topics like drought resistant seeds and seeds that do better in high heat areas.

Like another follower commented above I too buy meat and chicken from Good Ranchers in Texas. I have also recently subscribed to Melaleuca’s Black Label cattle farm, and have received a couple of orders from them.

The Melaleuca shopping club is another good way to stop funding the beast systems and buy healthy products such as shampoos, soaps, laundry detergent, cleaning agents, supplements, etc. It’s a fantastic way to rid your body and home of these toxic chemicals we are bombarded with through home a hygiene.

Not much I can do about chemtrails, but I can eliminate a lot through what products I use on a daily or weekly basis.

I make limited trips to the local grocery store, but when I go most items are “Bioengineered “. I don’t think you can buy anything containing wheat, corn or soy, in the US, that are not GMO.

I have only taken one vaccine, since the 4 or 5 that were mandatory in the 60s, to attend public school. That one was 1 too many and that was back in 2008 when I was convinced to take a a yearly flu shot. Never again, I got flu like symptoms and that was it for me.

Anyhow, I just wanted to share a couple ideas with other Healthy Americans to help defund these poisonous-toxic industries that peddle their poisons on the shelves of our retail outlets.

Another choice I made was to purchase a Berkey gravity-fed water filtration system.

This past winter I grew my own fresh veggies in a tower garden in my kitchen. There are plenty of ways to get around their gene-edited foods for now, but I recommend buying heirloom seeds while we still can.

Bless you Peggy Hall, for all your help in exposing the evil, putting forth new ideas and remaining optimistic in this AI demonic nightmare we find ourselves in.

Your Sister In Christ,

Carol Smith


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Thank you for this article ! I’ll be looking closer at where it comes from and who makes it when I shop ! Ughhh 😢

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Thank you for informing us about this latest effort to control us serfs and our food supply. Our farmers market only operates 6 months of the year, but I patronize it and the health food stores as much as possible. We in the Midwest have seen very little rain in May and June, and I wonder how much the chem trails in the sky have to do with that. My garden is way behind where it was last year at this time.

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Thank You Peggy for all this great information which would otherwise be unknown! You are amazing…thanks for spending your time and effort on this, its so vitally important. Unfortunately most people can’t grow their own food, and some have no access to local produce, but being aware and not buying these things hopefully will help. I cannot even believe that this has gone so far, mainly because it’s never reported on. Most people dont want genetically modified foods, or vaccine in their food! We must spread the word! You are so appreciated!

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Great researched article. The globalists have been talking about engineering and controlling food for decades. It's all coming together for them in Agenda 2030. Their goal is to weaponize the food, water, air, medical through vaccines, and anything else they can use to CONTROL and REDUCE the world's population. It's all part of their Luciferian agenda that people close their eyes to. People don't really want to believe that the evil doers are really that evil. You ignore them at your OWN risk!

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