Yes!!! So much of what is presented in this video defies logic—for sure. If people could think and do some research before talking about things, especially to large audiences it would be super helpful. Don’t you think?
"I am blown over by the level of stupidity from so many nice people."
I wouldn’t necessarily call it stupidity. There are deeply rooted psychological biases that can explain what happens to nice, intelligent, and compassionate people when they encounter complex or tragic events.
Survivorship Bias – Focusing only on what remains while ignoring what was destroyed.
Confirmation Bias – Accepting only the evidence that supports a preexisting belief.
Cherry-Picking – Highlighting specific anomalies while ignoring the broader pattern.
Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy – Finding patterns where none exist by drawing the target around the hits.
Post Hoc Fallacy – Assuming causation just because something happened before or alongside something else.
Argument from Ignorance – Treating a lack of explanation as proof of a conspiracy.
Flooding the Zone – Overwhelming people with selective examples, making it difficult to see the big picture.
Here are some examples of these biases we can see in the response to these fires
The IG video you show:
1. First part is about a house that burned down and the shrubbery in front of it is not. The shrubbery is healthy, well watered, and not near the house that burned down. It’s reasonable to think that the shrubbery wasn’t in a situation where it would get burned. It’s fine to speculate that this was caused by DEWs and smart meters etc. But how would that act prevent something that should’ve burned from burning? Once the fire has started, it’s a fire. It’s going to do what fire does. You can’t start a fire that will burn things yet tell it what not to burn. This is confirmation bias—interpreting an anomaly as intentional rather than understanding basic fire dynamics.
2. The trash cans are on sidewalks, next to walls, in the street, they were blown around in the winds away from the houses. We may be seeing survivorship bias in the trash cans that have been blown to safety, but we’re not seeing any of the ones that were burned that stayed near the houses because they melted to nothing. Also, the first one that you show is partially melted.
3. You say the fire jumped past shrubs to burn a concrete structure. It actually looks like it burned through the shrubs that were in between the houses. No telling if it was a concrete structure, but chances are it wasn’t, because hardly any of the houses in California are concrete since they would crack from earthquakes. They may have stucco or plaster or brick facades, but they are made out of wood and filled with flammable materials. The shrubbery in between the houses that is not burned is the shrubbery that goes down to the street that is not near the houses that burned. This is cherry-picking—selecting a misleading visual to support a theory while ignoring the reality of how fire spreads.
4. “How did these palm fronds not burn to a crisp yet the house is decimated?” The palm fronds are literally nowhere near the house that was burned. They blew off a tree and are in the street away from the fire. This is confirmation bias—assuming something unusual must be intentional rather than considering obvious alternative explanations.
Homes usually aren’t affected in these fires…because they usually can provide air support and protect the neighborhoods. With high winds making it unsafe for helicopters and planes to fly near mountains, and the fact that the worst damage occurred in the middle of the night when air support (in the dark with hurricane force winds) wasn’t available, this claim ignores the logistical reality of firefighting. This is confirmation bias—assuming air support is always available and effective, while ignoring situations where it isn’t. It’s also an argument from ignorance, suggesting that because air support wasn’t present, something unnatural must have prevented it, rather than considering practical constraints.
Santa Ana winds don’t happen in January. The claim that the Santa Ana winds only happen in September and October is factually false. There are 10 to 25 Santa Ana wind events each year, lasting 1 to 7 days - (THE AVERAGE IS 3 DAYS!), occurring mostly in fall but also in winter and even other times of the year. This is a post hoc fallacy—assuming that because wildfires occurred alongside January Santa Ana winds, something unusual must be happening, rather than recognizing established meteorological patterns. It’s also confirmation bias, dismissing decades of weather data because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
"There were never lingering cold systems before 2000." Relying on a reader’s anecdote or personal memory to claim that lingering cold systems never existed before a certain year ignores climate variability and recorded weather history. This is an argument from ignorance—assuming that because someone doesn’t remember something, it must not have happened. It’s also the Texas sharpshooter fallacy, drawing a conclusion based on selective personal recollection while ignoring historical climate data.
Hardened landscaping should have saved houses. Hardening your landscape can only do so much when houses are close together. Even if one house has fire-resistant landscaping, a neighbor’s house can still ignite due to embers and wind-driven flames. Fire behavior is chaotic and depends on multiple factors. This is a false cause fallacy—assuming that a house survived due to landscaping alone while ignoring wind direction, radiant heat, and ember showers. It’s also survivorship bias, focusing only on homes that survived while ignoring those that burned despite fire-resistant measures.
Windowless cars prove melted glass. I still haven’t seen any proof of melted glass, maybe it’s out there. Windowless cars by no means have anything to do with melted glass. In fires, heat causes car windows to shatter, with the glass falling inside the car. This is confirmation bias—looking at burned-out cars with missing windows and assuming they were melted, while ignoring how glass typically reacts to fire. It’s also a post hoc fallacy, assuming melted glass must be due to directed energy weapons rather than known fire behavior.
Seeing unburned plastic trash cans means plastic was untouched... The presence of some unburned plastic trash cans doesn’t mean all plastic was untouched—many cans may have been destroyed, leaving no trace. This is survivorship bias—focusing only on the plastic cans that survived while ignoring the ones that burned completely. It’s also confirmation bias, using selective examples to support the theory while dismissing contradictory evidence.
Even if directed energy weapons (DEWs) were used to start the fires with microwaves that don’t affect plastic, that wouldn’t mean the plastic was somehow "protected" from the fire itself. Once the fire spreads, it behaves like any other fire, burning based on wind, fuel, and heat—not selectively sparing certain materials. Plastic trash cans that survived were simply in areas that didn’t reach high enough temperatures, while others burned completely. The idea that microwaves can both start fires and simultaneously prevent plastic from burning is contradictory and misunderstands how fire behaves.
Some celebrities’ homes didn’t burn—suspicious? Peggy names three celebrities whose homes survived but ignores the ones who did lose their homes. Fires don’t selectively spare or target people based on fame—they follow wind patterns, terrain, and available fuel. This is cherry-picking, selecting a few examples of homes that survived while ignoring the many that burned. Maybe they had privatized fire fighters sparing their homes. So…? It’s also confirmation bias, looking for patterns that confirm the theory while dismissing counterexamples.
Smart meters are blowing up and causing fires, and water can’t put them out because they’re electrical fires. While it’s possible that smart meters were used to start and/or contribute to the fires, once a structure fire is fully developed, it is no longer an electrical fire—it burns like any other fire, fueled by wood, insulation, and furniture. Firefighters routinely use water on house fires, even those with electrical origins, because the electrical source burns away quickly. This is an argument from ignorance, misunderstanding how electrical fires work and assuming that all subsequent burning is still "electrical" rather than just fire behaving as fire does.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators (this includes Zionists) laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Wow, Peggy, were you living in that area before you moved to Florida? It's outrageous, the way they are rubbing our noses in their psychotic non-sense!!
I just published my list of Substack’s “Top 137 Covid Contrarians and Freedom Writers.” Some Substack readers might be interested in this information, which might be a good resource for those on “our side.” FWIW, this newsletter is not on the list, only (perhaps) because I coudln't ascertain Peggy's subscriber numbers. I did note you have an organge check mark that means you have "hundreds" of paid subscribers. I perhaps should add this newsletter to my list of newsletters where the total subscribe number is not known
I’ve been to that place… of anger, despair, exhaustion, and overwhelm. My heart grieves for all they have inflicted onto humanity. Through it all, I pray.
There was a time, I was on the edge of giving up. The human suffrage, despair, and excruciating evil witnessed knocked me off my feet. What mankind is capable of, never have I seen such darkness.
As an avid researcher, and advocate for wellness; when the assault on humanity escalated in 2019, I immediately knew something very dark was unfolding. Twenty-Four Seven I researched; everything kept connecting… many things I wish I could unsee; but then not. We must know our enemy to defeat them.
As much as we all grieve that we ‘cannot do enough’ — we must stand stedfast in faith in our Father… When it’s bigger than you, it’s His, for we are His. When we grieve the depths of the evil before us, our resolve weakens. Become a ‘Warrior Child of Christ’ — and He will strengthen you.
For those who succumb to the evil before us, to the depths and darkness of the evil surrounding mankind — I say to you:
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light; for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. — Ephesians 5:8:11
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” — Ephesians 6:13
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” — 1 John 4:4
Now walk in the light of the Lord, may His Wisdom be Upon you to stand against the darkness… for the Enemies Been Defeated.
Thank you for touching on mental wellness. It is vital we grow stronger together… as we witness this unfathomable evil upon us. I am grateful to have found your platform. Let us all, everyday… pray. May the Wrath of God Be Our Strength His Wisdom Our Guide. Godspeed ✞🕊
All so hideous and once again you nailed it. To me the fire looked weird as shown from above. All these individual dots of fires vs. a "forest fire" or even a neighborhood burning. And so the smart meter or energy weapon triggering individual homes seems right.
I was hyper-focused on the trash cans that were in perfect condition and BLUE. A podcast that just crossed my path was showing the episode of the Simpson's predictions for 2025 - yep, it showed the Hollywood Hills sign but with the Simpson's town of Springfield burning on a hill and the town looking decimated in the same way with a statue wrapped in BLUE tarp. Blue was a theme as it is being shown in the current LA fire photos. You taught me Peggy to look for recurring themes such as #'s and colors. And thank you for the reminder today to stop focusing on these horrific events and details in order to take care of myself, prepare and then go be joyful and productive! Fear Less, Live More!
Can anyone answer - if I or any of us have a smart meter, would the metal cages promoted to block the emf from harming us in our home, also possibly protect in an event like this?
According to Ismael Perez the fire was supposed to involve many more cities including downtown LA and quite a few cities, but the Galactics stopped it. One podcaster remarked that the houses with Smart Meters were toast and the houses that did not have Smart Meters were okay.
according to my brief research, trash/recycling pick-up in the palisades zip of 90272 was last scheduled for Mon. Jan. 6th, and the fire was said to have begun around 10:30 am Tues. Jan 7th.
Healthy Americans, can we please all be looking into the possibility that the fires are ignited by smart meters somehow? Or were aerial DEWs used? And if so, what kind? Are they drones? Or are pilots flying aircraft that are highly paid contractors or part of the DoD? Please let us know if anyone witnessed anything specific or if any whistleblowers have come forth to clarify exactly how these false flag fires are started. As a Truth community, not only do we need to educate ourselves so we can educate others, but we need to know for the sake of protecting humanity. Thanks and love you, Peggy!
The first day of the fires I saw on YouTube footage from a satellite showing 3 intense beams from the sky igniting 3 fires in the LA area. Didn’t bookmark the channel. Probably since removed.
that's special tactics with many causes working in the same time, to miss the biggest the DEWs and the smart meters, which MSM will never mention, but chose the most convenient for the public. At least none of those belong to the 'climate change' agenda.
Peggy: “It defies logic my friends.”
Yes!!! So much of what is presented in this video defies logic—for sure. If people could think and do some research before talking about things, especially to large audiences it would be super helpful. Don’t you think?
"I am blown over by the level of stupidity from so many nice people."
I wouldn’t necessarily call it stupidity. There are deeply rooted psychological biases that can explain what happens to nice, intelligent, and compassionate people when they encounter complex or tragic events.
Survivorship Bias – Focusing only on what remains while ignoring what was destroyed.
Confirmation Bias – Accepting only the evidence that supports a preexisting belief.
Cherry-Picking – Highlighting specific anomalies while ignoring the broader pattern.
Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy – Finding patterns where none exist by drawing the target around the hits.
Post Hoc Fallacy – Assuming causation just because something happened before or alongside something else.
Argument from Ignorance – Treating a lack of explanation as proof of a conspiracy.
Flooding the Zone – Overwhelming people with selective examples, making it difficult to see the big picture.
Here are some examples of these biases we can see in the response to these fires
The IG video you show:
1. First part is about a house that burned down and the shrubbery in front of it is not. The shrubbery is healthy, well watered, and not near the house that burned down. It’s reasonable to think that the shrubbery wasn’t in a situation where it would get burned. It’s fine to speculate that this was caused by DEWs and smart meters etc. But how would that act prevent something that should’ve burned from burning? Once the fire has started, it’s a fire. It’s going to do what fire does. You can’t start a fire that will burn things yet tell it what not to burn. This is confirmation bias—interpreting an anomaly as intentional rather than understanding basic fire dynamics.
2. The trash cans are on sidewalks, next to walls, in the street, they were blown around in the winds away from the houses. We may be seeing survivorship bias in the trash cans that have been blown to safety, but we’re not seeing any of the ones that were burned that stayed near the houses because they melted to nothing. Also, the first one that you show is partially melted.
3. You say the fire jumped past shrubs to burn a concrete structure. It actually looks like it burned through the shrubs that were in between the houses. No telling if it was a concrete structure, but chances are it wasn’t, because hardly any of the houses in California are concrete since they would crack from earthquakes. They may have stucco or plaster or brick facades, but they are made out of wood and filled with flammable materials. The shrubbery in between the houses that is not burned is the shrubbery that goes down to the street that is not near the houses that burned. This is cherry-picking—selecting a misleading visual to support a theory while ignoring the reality of how fire spreads.
4. “How did these palm fronds not burn to a crisp yet the house is decimated?” The palm fronds are literally nowhere near the house that was burned. They blew off a tree and are in the street away from the fire. This is confirmation bias—assuming something unusual must be intentional rather than considering obvious alternative explanations.
Homes usually aren’t affected in these fires…because they usually can provide air support and protect the neighborhoods. With high winds making it unsafe for helicopters and planes to fly near mountains, and the fact that the worst damage occurred in the middle of the night when air support (in the dark with hurricane force winds) wasn’t available, this claim ignores the logistical reality of firefighting. This is confirmation bias—assuming air support is always available and effective, while ignoring situations where it isn’t. It’s also an argument from ignorance, suggesting that because air support wasn’t present, something unnatural must have prevented it, rather than considering practical constraints.
Santa Ana winds don’t happen in January. The claim that the Santa Ana winds only happen in September and October is factually false. There are 10 to 25 Santa Ana wind events each year, lasting 1 to 7 days - (THE AVERAGE IS 3 DAYS!), occurring mostly in fall but also in winter and even other times of the year. This is a post hoc fallacy—assuming that because wildfires occurred alongside January Santa Ana winds, something unusual must be happening, rather than recognizing established meteorological patterns. It’s also confirmation bias, dismissing decades of weather data because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
"There were never lingering cold systems before 2000." Relying on a reader’s anecdote or personal memory to claim that lingering cold systems never existed before a certain year ignores climate variability and recorded weather history. This is an argument from ignorance—assuming that because someone doesn’t remember something, it must not have happened. It’s also the Texas sharpshooter fallacy, drawing a conclusion based on selective personal recollection while ignoring historical climate data.
Hardened landscaping should have saved houses. Hardening your landscape can only do so much when houses are close together. Even if one house has fire-resistant landscaping, a neighbor’s house can still ignite due to embers and wind-driven flames. Fire behavior is chaotic and depends on multiple factors. This is a false cause fallacy—assuming that a house survived due to landscaping alone while ignoring wind direction, radiant heat, and ember showers. It’s also survivorship bias, focusing only on homes that survived while ignoring those that burned despite fire-resistant measures.
Windowless cars prove melted glass. I still haven’t seen any proof of melted glass, maybe it’s out there. Windowless cars by no means have anything to do with melted glass. In fires, heat causes car windows to shatter, with the glass falling inside the car. This is confirmation bias—looking at burned-out cars with missing windows and assuming they were melted, while ignoring how glass typically reacts to fire. It’s also a post hoc fallacy, assuming melted glass must be due to directed energy weapons rather than known fire behavior.
Seeing unburned plastic trash cans means plastic was untouched... The presence of some unburned plastic trash cans doesn’t mean all plastic was untouched—many cans may have been destroyed, leaving no trace. This is survivorship bias—focusing only on the plastic cans that survived while ignoring the ones that burned completely. It’s also confirmation bias, using selective examples to support the theory while dismissing contradictory evidence.
Even if directed energy weapons (DEWs) were used to start the fires with microwaves that don’t affect plastic, that wouldn’t mean the plastic was somehow "protected" from the fire itself. Once the fire spreads, it behaves like any other fire, burning based on wind, fuel, and heat—not selectively sparing certain materials. Plastic trash cans that survived were simply in areas that didn’t reach high enough temperatures, while others burned completely. The idea that microwaves can both start fires and simultaneously prevent plastic from burning is contradictory and misunderstands how fire behaves.
Some celebrities’ homes didn’t burn—suspicious? Peggy names three celebrities whose homes survived but ignores the ones who did lose their homes. Fires don’t selectively spare or target people based on fame—they follow wind patterns, terrain, and available fuel. This is cherry-picking, selecting a few examples of homes that survived while ignoring the many that burned. Maybe they had privatized fire fighters sparing their homes. So…? It’s also confirmation bias, looking for patterns that confirm the theory while dismissing counterexamples.
Smart meters are blowing up and causing fires, and water can’t put them out because they’re electrical fires. While it’s possible that smart meters were used to start and/or contribute to the fires, once a structure fire is fully developed, it is no longer an electrical fire—it burns like any other fire, fueled by wood, insulation, and furniture. Firefighters routinely use water on house fires, even those with electrical origins, because the electrical source burns away quickly. This is an argument from ignorance, misunderstanding how electrical fires work and assuming that all subsequent burning is still "electrical" rather than just fire behaving as fire does.
Can't say this often enough! PSYCHOPATHS! MEGALOMANIACS!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators (this includes Zionists) laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do!
Page 5
Absolutely easy to spot, Peggy! And has anyone seen THIS "oopsie" yet?
Wow, Peggy, were you living in that area before you moved to Florida? It's outrageous, the way they are rubbing our noses in their psychotic non-sense!!
I just published my list of Substack’s “Top 137 Covid Contrarians and Freedom Writers.” Some Substack readers might be interested in this information, which might be a good resource for those on “our side.” FWIW, this newsletter is not on the list, only (perhaps) because I coudln't ascertain Peggy's subscriber numbers. I did note you have an organge check mark that means you have "hundreds" of paid subscribers. I perhaps should add this newsletter to my list of newsletters where the total subscribe number is not known
direct energy weapons
See page 5
I’ve been to that place… of anger, despair, exhaustion, and overwhelm. My heart grieves for all they have inflicted onto humanity. Through it all, I pray.
There was a time, I was on the edge of giving up. The human suffrage, despair, and excruciating evil witnessed knocked me off my feet. What mankind is capable of, never have I seen such darkness.
As an avid researcher, and advocate for wellness; when the assault on humanity escalated in 2019, I immediately knew something very dark was unfolding. Twenty-Four Seven I researched; everything kept connecting… many things I wish I could unsee; but then not. We must know our enemy to defeat them.
As much as we all grieve that we ‘cannot do enough’ — we must stand stedfast in faith in our Father… When it’s bigger than you, it’s His, for we are His. When we grieve the depths of the evil before us, our resolve weakens. Become a ‘Warrior Child of Christ’ — and He will strengthen you.
For those who succumb to the evil before us, to the depths and darkness of the evil surrounding mankind — I say to you:
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light; for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. — Ephesians 5:8:11
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” — Ephesians 6:13
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” — 1 John 4:4
Now walk in the light of the Lord, may His Wisdom be Upon you to stand against the darkness… for the Enemies Been Defeated.
Thank you for touching on mental wellness. It is vital we grow stronger together… as we witness this unfathomable evil upon us. I am grateful to have found your platform. Let us all, everyday… pray. May the Wrath of God Be Our Strength His Wisdom Our Guide. Godspeed ✞🕊
So grateful for your diligence and dedication.
All so hideous and once again you nailed it. To me the fire looked weird as shown from above. All these individual dots of fires vs. a "forest fire" or even a neighborhood burning. And so the smart meter or energy weapon triggering individual homes seems right.
I was hyper-focused on the trash cans that were in perfect condition and BLUE. A podcast that just crossed my path was showing the episode of the Simpson's predictions for 2025 - yep, it showed the Hollywood Hills sign but with the Simpson's town of Springfield burning on a hill and the town looking decimated in the same way with a statue wrapped in BLUE tarp. Blue was a theme as it is being shown in the current LA fire photos. You taught me Peggy to look for recurring themes such as #'s and colors. And thank you for the reminder today to stop focusing on these horrific events and details in order to take care of myself, prepare and then go be joyful and productive! Fear Less, Live More!
Can anyone answer - if I or any of us have a smart meter, would the metal cages promoted to block the emf from harming us in our home, also possibly protect in an event like this?
really the safest is to remove entirely all smart meters..
interesting the blue roofs of the Scientology buildings.
YES! Was just watching this oldie about Blue Roofs, from Aug '23:
According to Ismael Perez the fire was supposed to involve many more cities including downtown LA and quite a few cities, but the Galactics stopped it. One podcaster remarked that the houses with Smart Meters were toast and the houses that did not have Smart Meters were okay.
according to my brief research, trash/recycling pick-up in the palisades zip of 90272 was last scheduled for Mon. Jan. 6th, and the fire was said to have begun around 10:30 am Tues. Jan 7th.
Very typical of the evil “dewers”. This is what they do in countries all over the world. Destroy, then “rebuild”
thank you
Check this out and thank you Peggy for your great insight and works!
Healthy Americans, can we please all be looking into the possibility that the fires are ignited by smart meters somehow? Or were aerial DEWs used? And if so, what kind? Are they drones? Or are pilots flying aircraft that are highly paid contractors or part of the DoD? Please let us know if anyone witnessed anything specific or if any whistleblowers have come forth to clarify exactly how these false flag fires are started. As a Truth community, not only do we need to educate ourselves so we can educate others, but we need to know for the sake of protecting humanity. Thanks and love you, Peggy!
The first day of the fires I saw on YouTube footage from a satellite showing 3 intense beams from the sky igniting 3 fires in the LA area. Didn’t bookmark the channel. Probably since removed.
It's a combination of arsonist/terrorists, DEWs, and smart meters which are weapons in and of themselves.
that's special tactics with many causes working in the same time, to miss the biggest the DEWs and the smart meters, which MSM will never mention, but chose the most convenient for the public. At least none of those belong to the 'climate change' agenda.