LA FIRESTORMS: Incinerated Cars Yet Shrubbery Untouched 🤔
This is very strange fire behavior, to say the least
Friends, let’s dive into what’s been on your minds. I’ve received some incredibly insightful emails and responses, and I’m so grateful to each of you.
Before we dive in here’s my plea:
Do not overwhelm yourself with the onslaught of disturbing images and relentless news reports about yet another intentional disaster of unimaginable magnitude. These images and narratives, conveniently dished out by the mainstream merry-go-round, are crafted to deepen the trauma. We’re witnessing a kind of national trauma bonding. The goal? To wear people down until they accept whatever the government proposes next.
Mark my words—they’ll say, “We never want this to happen again,” and then proceed to push an agenda: banning natural gas, enforcing climate lockdowns, and forcing everyone into electric cars—despite the well-documented risks, like electric vehicles catching fire.
This orchestrated chaos is designed to exhaust you mentally, psychologically, and emotionally. It’s heartbreaking to see so many people lose their homes, livelihoods, and even loved ones. Yet, I remain grateful for the blessings in my life and determined not to be dragged under by the evildoers who aim to wear us down.
I urge you to guard your energy, focus, and resources. Don’t let the constant barrage steal your peace of mind or distract you from your daily needs. Yes, it’s important to stay informed—that’s what I aim to do here—but not to the point where it consumes you.
Now, let’s talk about this latest “fire warfare” event in California. My intention isn’t to fan the flames of fear or despair—it’s the opposite. I want to share information that educates and empowers you. When things don’t add up, you can come here for validation: no, you’re not crazy. What you’re seeing isn’t natural or normal.
Gaslighting, hoodwinking, bamboozling—call it what you will. The powers that be want you confused and overwhelmed. But we’re here for the truth, and while seeking it, we must also protect ourselves from burnout. If we can’t function, they win. So yes, you’re right to question the anomalies: incinerated cars, untouched trash cans, unburned shrubbery, and obliterated homes—it defies logic.
I commented on this post, “Melted cars, yet shrubbery untouched? Makes perfect sense”—a touch of sarcasm there, but you see the glaring anomaly. Incinerated vehicles sit beside pristine trash bins and untouched trees. How does a fire strong enough to obliterate concrete homes leave palm fronds or shrubs unscathed? These aren't isolated cases.
ABC's report described the area as a "war zone." These apocalyptic scenes of destruction defy natural explanation.
How does a fire burn so hot that it incinerates cars but leave palm fronds and shrubbery unburned? I realize that green leaves and foliage have high water content, but certainly that old oak tree in the middle image would have burned, no?
Note the green and blue plastic trashcans that are relatively undamaged. YOu’re telling me a fire hot enough to incinerate cars would not melt these trash cans??
What photos have caught your eye? Email us
Currently my brother-in-law and his wife are under stay at home others. They live in Sherman Osks. The whole area is in lock down they are told by the government because of the fire danger. Who ever heard of a lock down for fire danger nearby?
Dear Peggy , I saw it too. Instantly recognized. Similar to Paradise, Maui and all the other places. Start an additional fire here and there to make it look natural... Made possible by DEW-tech. Thank you so much, Hans