Jul 15·edited Jul 15

I live in NJ and found out to send my three year old son to preschool he is required to receive a flu shot. Flu shots are apparently required in NJ for all preschool aged children who attend preschool. I do not want him to receive the flu shot and understand I could try the religious exemption route, but was told that due to the preschool being Catholic they could deny it. My son is excited to go and already knows his teacher so would be devastated if he could not attend. I’m at a loss! Any advice?!

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Best is to keep your three year old with you at home where he is safe from these requirements. As the parent, you are the best teacher!

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I’ve never had a flu shot and I’m 49 still alive

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Many thanks for the heads up on the form. I am in the UK so not necessarily directly relevant but very useful to understand the pressure those in the States are under.

Apart from item 1 which seems reasonable the others are a load of bollox, outright lies. Even I knew before 2020 that the 'flu vaccines made people ill so what was the point of them. My wife had one in 1989 before I met her and she said she was ill for 3 days so didn't do that again.

Item 1 might be better written as

Influenza is a serious respiratory disease. Each year in the United States, doctors kill thousands of people and causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations.

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The form is fraudulent and whoever wrote it should be sued for fraud. You CAN get the flu from the flu vaccine and that is a FACT! You can get the illness from nearly EVERY “vaccine” and Much MUCH WORSE!

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Maybe they’re protecting anll of us unvaccinated from potential lawsuits? (snark tone added for emphasis).

As one volunteer (poison pusher/gatekeeper) caregiver referral agent between families of patients, and care providers like myself, asked if I was “vaccinated” she led the question and ended it by saying, “This is to protect you from a lawsuit if you were to infect a patient.”

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Re "This is to protect you from a lawsuit if you were to infect a patient.”

What an awful thing to say, projecting fear to coerce you to be poisoned.

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Yep and to think she’s the self appointed gatekeeper for patients to either receive excellent care from educated people such as myself, be exposed to shedding from the pincushion people and discriminating against educated people for available jobs. She was shocked when I informed her there are patients and families who also request caregivers who are “nonvaccinated”

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Ah....Just say Noooooooooooooooooooo !!!

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Peggy Hall

Natural remedies for bird flu were provided by the CDC in 2015...

- green tea

- black seed oil, just add it to your diet

- bright colored veggies, fruits

A search for 'bird flu natural remedies' in Brave, freespoke, or other independent search engine will provide you the details

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Peggy Hall

I have some FACTS for the CDC regarding #6. I forget which flu season it was but it was around 2004-2005. I had just gone to work for a small law firm and got the flu shot which was the only one I can remember ever getting. My arm was swollen and red within minutes and so sore I couldn't lift it. And on top of all that I got a severe case of the flu anyway with a 103 temperature causing me to be delirious. So CDC stick that in your "fact book"

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My wife had one in 1989 before I met her. She said she was ill for 3 days and didn't do that again. I knew for many years that there was no point in the 'flu vaccine as people fell ill anyway. It's all a vile scam.

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They can ONLY do to you...what you allow them to...Grow some balls and "JUST SAY NO

Imagine that concept...WOW!!!

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Love this advice. Thank you.

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They will mandate these shots.

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Luke 21: 34 ¶ And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

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Thank youJimB,there is always a light in the dark and all is prophesized in the Bible.God bless Jim.

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Jul 13Liked by Peggy Hall

Buyer Beware. Flu + Covid combined shot

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