Dec 16, 2022Liked by Peggy Hall, Olivia

Peggy, your inductive reasoning is exceptional. You highlighted all the areas where it seems they announce their false godlike, know-it-all ways. The government needs to protect our freedoms, not control us via healthcare. This could turn into Frankenstein mad-science policies and protocols like “run-death-is-near” instead of common sense C, D, and zinc. When will people wake up to inching closer to a one world order and social credit scores. Keep fighting.

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Yes, "public health" is the *secret code* for these psychopaths👿 who think they're in charge to 1) alert each other to the next movement💩 in their perverted sym-phony, and 2) indoctrinate people who cannot or choose not to think critically about what they view and hear and otherwise sense.

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This was a great video. The basic health standards for our environment - clean water, proper sewage management, clean air, etc. were the good aspects regulations of the common good of the people's healthy environment, but those good and necessary governmental regulations became politicized and used to manipulate and control the people and favor big corporations.

Everything, and I do mean everything, about the "pandemic" has been a big ugly lie. The goal has been and is so clear now a One World Death and Slavery System for All.

It is sad that Governor deSantis is taking the wrong path.

Our health choices seem increasingly limited to choosing the lesser evil.

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Thank you for this breakdown. There’s even more happenings in FL regarding the loss of individual medical freedoms. I’m a retired FL RN of 40+ years and for the past several years there is an anti-medical freedom state law that already exists, F.S. Chapter 381.00315. In a nut shell this law gives the governor and his or her appointed Surgeon General and Health Department head full authority to declare any federal or state “health emergency”, isolating those “deemed” sick and going as far as weaponizing law enforcement to enforce whatever “requirements and/or mandates” they come up with. Besides writing local and state politicians for over two years I have also posted on social media and spoken to others, joining the Florida Freedom Keepers, about this state statute to no avail on getting it deleted. All of my emails to Governor DeSantis and local state FL Senators and Reps went unanswered except for the robo response of being “too busy” but I was put on their campaign fund raising list. Along with any newly formed commission, and through their recommendations, it will only make this existing law even more powerful and deny a person’s freedom and liberty of choice in their medical decisions and care.

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