I live on Hawai’i Island, north Kailua Kona in Kalaoa. I traveled to Maui, Kauai and Oahu for work many times, but mostly Maui. The first time I drove to Lahaina was to see a patient otherwise I wasn’t comfortable going there when emotions and the trauma had been so raw, but being there is way different than seeing the area on TV. It was eerily sureal, like going back to the crime scene, and yet I was never there personally when the raging torch-fires came blowing in like an unnatural force. Can’t imagine the PTSD effects of the families and individuals who experienced it first hand, especially the children. These people are the kindest and most trusting and it’s horrific what’s been perpetrated upon them. Praying for healing and restoration through Christ and His body.

Thank you Sister Peggy for sharing this story again.


Cynthia S

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Thanks for posting Peggy! This story came and disappeared from the public consciousness just like that. Thanks for bringing this back and those other sites as well for those who wanna stay plugged up here.

Don’t know if you’re familiar about the terms Democide or Menticide, but that’s exactly what we’re seeing with this land grab:



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Lived here for over 2 decades. Very interesting to witness the psychological process' of residents.

Some who definitely knew it was anything except wild fires in the first several weeks, now are saying they do not know. That is a coping mechanism.

What is definitely true is that very wealthy landowners both Lahaina and north to Napili AND Upcountry residents have responded. Some have abandoned their 5 mil estates putting them up for sale. Other are staying put till they sell at that exact same price point.

Have asked a high end realtor Where these peeps are going. Now to be fair there has always been people coming and going however dramatic escalation. One person I know well just said his wife got "spooked". That is a veiled admission.

There are so many national diversions and attacks now that this one has faded.

Driving by the burn zone, the area has been sanitized. No longer is one treated to the charred remnants. If you were driving by for the first time might just think a whole bunch of construction

is happening, (nearly every dwelling)

As you mention its definitely a land grab. FEMA is paying oddles of Gubmint $$$ for rentals, $9K a month for a lux one bedroom. Eminent domain language and laws in the background.

There is more evidence...

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No Ms Peggy, Sorry to say I am not traveling ANYWHERE these dark days. It's best to stay close to home and loved ones. Thanks for everything you do for us and for freedom. God Bless you.

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I grew up in Hawaii as a kid when my father was stationed there and my youngest brother was born there . I was able to make a trip there a number of years ago with my parents before my father passed in 2020 . I always had fond memories of Hawaii and want to visit again and Maui was on the list . I am deeply saddened by the loss of life and the land just for the sake of greed . I pray for the people of Hawaii and for this country .

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IN the 1980's my brother won a 2 week trip to Hawaii and we strayed at the most luxurious sea side resort I could have ever had imagined. The enormous pool took a good 30 minutes to go from a fun water slide towards the ocean in Maui----Islands in the pool and when you finally reached to the low level child are the tile floor turned into sand and y'all just. walked out and you were in the Pacific ocean. It had an attended covered bar with seats in the water. I obviously never partaked to become a little tipy-----I reckon that was food poising causing slurred speech and lack of coordination (LoL). It is a beautiful island and the town that burned was a sleepy little kinda tourist trappy although they were nice people. Not many Native Hawaiians, mostly Japanese and Phillipinos posing as Natives (as a Native American myself, I can detect----We prefer American Indian not Native American--As a Native American yourself as you were born here but not necessarily an American Indian).

I will be sending something in addition to my subscription Miss Peggy by mail. I don''t do Zell or tech stuff when it comes to $$. I don't trust it or understand it. Paper check to your P.O.---not much but what I can afford to defray costs in your lawsuits. Please say a prayer for John in return. That's all I ask. I am battling some health issues and some $$ issue (like who isn't?). MY 97 year old Momma is fixin to pass. Pray for Mary, my Momma. She asked me if I wanted all of her pics of me as I grew up--"I don't want them thrown away."----"Momma, you fixin to meet the Lord?-----Yes I am." So matter of factual--not fear but knowing.-----"Well, don't run off just yet--When the Lord calls--then go.--Y'all will be with Daddy and Grandaddy and your Momma--tell Daddy he still owes me $50 bucks".And she just laughed.

I also volunteer to test your sponsors products and give feed back to help you. As The selfless individual I am I'll have to consider which one--random choice, quote obviously---Transparency is my middle name---Let me think which sponsor on a random basis-mmmmmmmmmm--Oh, Noble Gold! Duh! A few dozen or more of those 1 Kilo 24K bars just to test the waters. I'll even pay for shipping! This selfless act comes from the heart.

May our Lord, Jesus Christ continue to bless you with your brilliant disernment and good sense of humor. You get silly sometimes, can take a joke and it's appreciated during these trying times cause my life has been a bit rough for a few years.

God Bless Darlin'.

John Patrick Rice

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It is not the Hawaiian government. It’s the State of Hawaii, Inc.

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