I read their book. The Baileys are excellent. Dr Cowan, Dr Kaufman, Dr Young are also excellent doctors that reject the mainstream virus SCAM-DEMIC which was really a PCR TEST-DEMIC. Those who keep insisting there was a real virus that escaped from a bat soup fish market only to escape again from a lab in Wuhan are always at a loss for words when I ask them this question: How were the globalist evil doers able to predict an accidental release of a naturally occurring virus 50 years before it happened down to the exact place and year it would occur? Blank stares all around...

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Thanks Peggy! The NZ Bailey doctors are pure gold - I just read their new book, The Last Pandemic - powerful exposé of the whole pharma/government/media/medical cartel, and the illusory nature of viruses, and of the germ theory.

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