The new variant? BS 24/7

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'Covid' is not the only 'virus' never to have been shown to exist (Hint: it's ALL of them)

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Thank God for the Haitian people figuring out the COVID scam and not getting sucked into COVID mania. Pretty much the entire African continent as well.


They led the path to the rest of the world's slow enlightenment.

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Peggy if they work for us... why aren't they??? It's time for the people to let them know who's really in charge... if they wrote an oath to defend the Constitution then they are all in violation of it... if they didn't swear in them everything they say is null and void... and prosecution for impersonating defenders of the Constitution should be upheld to the highest punishment publicly 😉 😜 😘

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I wonder if the potential weather Ops in Haiti and child trafficking and disaster charity fiasco led to most Haitians being red pilled already. I feel like I'm seeing it happening in real time in Maui...

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The whole virus deception has been going on for decades now. From a video made in 1970, they predicted a worldwide “coronavirus outbreak” in 50 years to start in Asia which brings us to the year 2020. If you really think that the elite can predict a NATURALLY occurring virus 50 years into the future to the exact location where and when it will start, then I just don’t know what to tell you! In the meantime, 2.5 million ANNUAL flu cases magically dropped by 99% in 2020. This is either 1). A miracle of God, 2). The elite are prophets, or 3). These people are LIARS and DECEIVERS!! I will go with door number 3. Enough of the hogwash. Unbelievable!!!

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So many of have seen this scam for what it is and we *knew* the wayward wizards would try it again and again. Some people did wake up to the fraudulent "panic" and so I think it's going to be that much harder for the selected politicians and pharma agents of death to persuade as many people as the first go-around. At least, that is my hope: That it's a big dud, just like the scammers themselves!

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Whats really eye opening is that it seems to be the “educated class” that bought into this hook line and sinker. The working class seems to have a much higher level of “common sense” than those with college degrees! Its also those who buried their noses deep into the media’s nether regions on a daily basis that were unable to believe their own eyes without “help” from Big Media Explainers who, like Rachel Maddow, sold their souls for $30 Million! I will never forgive her for poo pooing Ivermectin which saved millions of lives from whatever the cause! As far as I am concerned tens of thousands of needless deaths rest on her shoulders!!

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For those reeling from some viral Stockholm Syndrome, don't worry, Disease X may be on the way:

Disease X and the scientific absurdity underpinning an ‘all-in-one vaccine’. The real agenda may be global depopulation


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Amen, brother! This is definitely their agenda.

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First, they scare the public BOO! . The public: a high is produced from fear. Biological adrenaline kicks in. The rush is on. Give me more chemicals. Fear gets replaced by what? A bioweapon injection into the arm. That's Joe public who they are genociding.

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I agree and came to the sickening conclusion that people like wearing a face diaper. I don't wear a face mask because I'm not a pussy. And when masks are mandated I wear a mocking Lone Ranger mask. Thanks Peggy, I think you are super cute... :)

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Great article. Well done. 👍

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Peggy, this is so good that I am going to post it straight away on my blog [catholic2007,blogspot.com] 8-)

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Unlike the covid hoax, the Hong Kong flu was very real. It nearly killed me, and it killed people I knew.

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no...the POISON MADE IN A LAB AND THEN DISPERSED "nearly killed you"....poison is as old as TIME

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