Yes, absolutely, decline by design - all in the name of do-goodingness.

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Peggy, also mention the deliberate letting of roads, highways, Bridges, dams, buildings to deteriorate to their planned collapse. Also mention the farmlands?!!! The agriculture business. And greater intent for carbon footprint tracking!!!!!????

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Peggy, you very clearly see what is happening in California! Good job!

But I see a bigger agenda being pursued - the goal is a breakdown/destruction of “nation-states” which is paving the way for the globalist minded who are promoting a New World Order within a One World Socialist Government.

Look at what’s happening worldwide - World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, World Bank, United Nations, world crises like the fakedemic and the call for Universal Vaccines.

The turmoil in other areas is there to convince the masses that a government...a WORLD government is needed to restore order.

Fear motivated the masses to get tested to see if they were sick and then wear useless masks and allow themselves to be injected with an experimental substance.

Fear can be conquered by truth. Truth is OUR weapon, so please continue with your good work

in educating those who will listen!

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Hegelian dialectic, PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION, like over and over and over and over.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Excellent summary of the evil Doer's . They have been spraying us with chemtrails since the 80's . To break down our immune system . Then bring in the cooties hogwash

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The diabolic attempt to divide the union into blue and red Regions also need mentioning

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I left SoCal 32 years ago. I saw the writing on the wall, with my kids already starting to be indoctrinated in the San Diego schools. My question for you or anyone else still residing there is, why? Why do you stay? Why not just leave it to the socialists, and leave before it is too late?

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It will or has spread to other states . Their plan to destroy the US & demodulation

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Unfortunately this is a worldwide...a globalist movement.. and there won’t be anyplace to run to if this is turned around..

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Excellent summary and you are right, CA certainly appears to be crashing. My dad said back in the 70s his collogues at work would refer to California as the land of fruits and nuts, meaning everyone was bonkers there. Apparently nothing has changed and everything keeps going downhill. Friends who visited there for work stayed in a hotel overlooking LA and said the entire city was covered in this yellow-brown smog. They had breathing problems to begin with so they never even set foot outside. We honeymooned in San Francisco, now I understand it's covered in needles, human poop and homeless encampments. I wouldn't set foot in the state now and that's too bad, because the forested areas were amazing. I don't understand the draw for living or working in that state any more, and most certainly don't understand any parent leaving their child in the public schools there.

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And they are still moving forward with water rationing by 2025!

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I only stay in CA because its climate is the best one in this country for my health concerns.

I haven't ever had any strain of flu in my life, and Covid is a strain of flu. I was vaccine injured aa a toddler with Asthma and began wheezing within hours of my first shot. A team of doctors in the nearest city to my home in the suburbs, Chicago, tested me and pronounced the vaccine caused my Asthma. Yes, it is possible to track down the cause of autoimmune conditions like autism, asthma, MS, and all the others.

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You are so right on Peggy. What are we going to do? The "authorities" are nothing but obstructionists. Would we really be worse off without them? What have they done for us lately? There isn't one department that does a good job. They just get the revenues from the workers and often they pay people that want to rely on government. They want people to be dependent. The idea of obeying "law" is fallacious, it's not enough to vote on the people. We need to decide where the taxes go and least have 5 categories. Imagine the human surplus that is being squandered. Humans natural inclination is to improve but government is getting in the way. We need to figure it out because they will continue until completely control and destroy everything and leave nothing but ruins. Thanks for speaking up about it.

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The US must fall so that the New World Disorder must rise

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Peggy, on the tax issue, have you heard about Freedom Law School?


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It is costing me a whopping $575 to register my new car! And, I can only claim $275 of that on my taxes. I am PISSED beyond belief. Stupidly, I ordered a vanity plate for the car, but I have yet to receive it after almost a year. Guess what? I will NOT be picking up those plates, because that would tack on another $100 to the registration fees. F them. And, FJB too! If I could move out of this God-forsaken sh*thole, I would!

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