Jun 28Liked by Peggy Hall

I haven't had time to watch the interview yet, but do have a question. Couldn't stopping all of this start with identifying the planes that the chemicals are being sprayed from? There's got to be a way to start holding these individual pilots accountable. There's no way they don't know what they're doing. I think that if someone is using their pilot's license to commit harm on the public they should be stripped of their ability to fly a plane. There has to be a law about that, doesn't there? Do they sign something when they obtain their license agreeing that they won't use their license to harm the public?

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Those are very good points, Nicol.

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Jun 29Liked by Peggy Hall

Off topic Miss Peggy but you nailed the truth about RFK Jr. I know many have insulted you for telling the truth. Mr. ?"anti-COVID19, Inc Kennedy required visitors to his home to have been jabbed. He is a wealthy hypocrite with a fake charity.

See ya tonight on the Private Webinar!

God Bless and protect y'all and yours.


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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Peggy Hall

I do agree that Dane has brought so much attention to our poisoned skies. I have observed him to gate-keep on a very important part of this whole reality, however, that being Doppler radar which is immensely important to the chemtrail agenda. This cannot be overstated. This is immensely important to how the climate actually changes, and Dane would rather stick to the old natural global warming narrative which is from the same playbook used by the germ theory driven controlled opposition who focus on fear driven narratives that rely on germ theory which ultimately divides the truther community. We really cannot afford to be diluted through this division. If we cling to the guilt driving global warming pseudoscience, and fail to call out how exactly weather is controlled, (chemtrails, Doppler radar and HAARP) then we will never be able to advance to understanding how this agenda ends with AI induced reality via our ionized bodies and carrier waves intended to merge humans with AI. I’d suggest an interview with Raphaelle O’Neil. She is, in my opinion, the most informed regarding this subject.

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I appreciate your insights! I haven't hear of Raphaelle but will definitely consider that, thank you!

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Jun 28Liked by Peggy Hall

I didn't realize that was a previous interview but you really brought out his passion Miss Peggy. I've seen Dane interviewed many times over the years where is, generally speaking, stoic, coldish and standoffish but pure facts. With y'all is the 1st time he showed actually passion and I believe a little emotion.----I believe he feels the strength of the Lord in your own presentation and love. I don't know what his religious beliefs are, I'd assume maybe agnostic. It shows that your in Jesus Christ faith shines on thru and it effects him in a dramatic manner whether he realizes it or. not.

God Bless,


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I very much appreciate your encouraging message, John.

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I favor Andrew Johnson's take on geo-engineering, as explained in his free book: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2017/09/24/book-climate-change-and-global-warming-exposed-hidden-evidence-disguised-plans/

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Thank you, Kathy, I will check this out!

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